Shrimp farming

What shrimp do you guys farm and is it a meme or actually worth my time? Is it legal? Thanks

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Dumped my shrimp farm for queen ants. $1 each it's nuts that I can collect dollars in my backyard.

I ended up eating all my shrimp before they could get to market.....

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How do I find queen ants? Can they be farmed?

Leave food around the house and ants start coming in, follow ants to the queen, also leave trash in your backyard to attract ants. Lift the dirt a bit, get rid of your grass to make it easier to find the colony. Its win win man.

lol no, it's about worm farming and horseshoe crab blood now


I had three tanks and managed to raise some bright crystal red hybrids, but then Thanksgiving came along and the family came over...

Currently down $800 on my principle.

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So one queen is one dollar, is it really worth the labor of diging up an ant colony for 1 dollar? How much can I make in 1 day doing this shit?

I run a 8000 L operation. Brings in $24000/month.

mantis shrimp

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How do I start ascended shrimp master

You use queens to make more queens way easier than getting shrimp to spawn

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shrimp farming
>I'm interested. Where do I start?
>Who do I sell to?
>Where do I set it up?
Also I live in Kentucky so fresh shrimp will probably sell for a fortune

I want to farm horseshoe crabs. How to make sexy time for crabs?

I have two 100 gallon aquariums in my room currently. I sold my eth miners since it wasn't profitable anymore. I currently farm Blue Tiger shrimp which I sell for $10-20 each. If you can mass produce them, there are wealthy clients in China who eat them regularly as an aphrodisiac.

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>not harvesting activated almonds

Holy shit.

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When I farm the shrimp how do I find people to sell them to ebay?

any local asian market will buy blue tiger shrimp

Thanks user

I was seriously looking into this, until I found out about the breeding part. You have to pull and cut the females' eyes.

and so?

What the fuck

At least you eat well for free. I wish I had a shrimp farm. Or a bee farm.

Eyestalk ablation is the removal of one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) eyestalks from a crustacean. It is routinely practiced on female shrimps (or prawns) in almost every marine shrimp maturation or reproduction facility in the world

But why?