Why is it that everything coming out of a woman's mouth is always far from the truth?

Why is it that everything coming out of a woman's mouth is always far from the truth?

They are literaly physically incapable of telling the truth.

Like listening to a parrot or a heroin fiend speak, they repeat the words but there's never any content behind them

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based and redpilled

She means well, she's just an npc

Because you are a beta incel. You dont deserve the truth, you arent alpha, theres no fear of being caught lieing

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up.
This is what roasties really want.
I say we give it to them.

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Lobotomies were long considered particularly useful for treating women, as they often suffer from gross defects of character.

Please be a high budget porno and not a boring film

>Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex?

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this post and webm made me hard

however, women really dont have any particular qualities external than what you give to them. they are objects literally to be filled by you

if you enjoy your life and love women, they will be wonderful, if you have mental problems and repressed agrgression probably due to your mom ignoring you when you were young, you will think women want to be raped

not saying that they dont want to be raped though, but its nottheir fault

exceptionally based and redpilled thread

Dry and sauceless

As based as it gets

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The problem is basically fathers. Fathers want a family and they start seeing their daughters as their cute little children and just like people see pets as part of the family, fathers see their daughters as a part of them, as human.

Then fathers fly of the handle when someone goes and sexes his daughter up. Fathers are generally older than the age of men who want to fuck his daughter. So fathers pull strings to protect their daughters. Daughters want to vote, fathers pull strings to let them.

Fathers and family men are the ultimate cucks of society.

I know man my dad ignored me too shit sucs

Get a better girl.

I should have specified fathers who have daughters specifically. Ones who have only sons are fine.

Jow Forums - Business and Finance

r8 my other thread bros

Thinking about when the last blowjob the woman gave was as you're talking to them face to face irl is redpilled and woke.

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Women want to be dominated. Men aren't very good at dominating, because of hunter instincts. Making the bitch submit? No problem. It's a subroutine to make animals, bitches, other men, the bottom of the ocean, monetary systems, child soldiers, emus, lamps, space, superpowers, gravity, the human condition, childlessness after you lose function of every part of your body except your chin, and anything else in the universe submit.

Okay, she's submitted. The prey has been claimed and secured. So we take it back to the cave. No? She wants to be fucked? Here? On the rocks? That's a bit sudden. I'm not in the mood for this shit. Even if I was, it'd be really gay to fuck a bitch after I run naked through the forest with all my boys. We just got done hunting, man. One thing at a time. I need to pal up, eat some berries, throw rocks at the bear, and sharpen my spear. Besides, who gives a fuck about dominating your prey?

The dynamic is further complicated by womens' inability to converse with actual words. They use autistic double speak for everything. The meme that no means yes has, and always will be, relevant.

If women could voice their actual wishes with words, they'd find that a man's hunter instincts are comparable to machine code. If you feed it instructions in a language that the computer understands, it'll do whatever you tell it to. If it can't do something, you code it in, and tell it to run the new code. A man is only truly happy when he feels he has a purpose and a place. There's no man living or dead who's ever accused a bitch who reads and programs in the machine code that powers his basic bitch brain that he's together with a manipulative and selfish bitch, because a manipulative, selfish bitch wouldn't have the brainpower necessary to code his DOMINATE program, and keep it maintained and upgraded for X years.

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I fear that what you say is actually true. Because nothing is more disgusting to me than being forced to resort to violence for sexual gratification. It is the most niggerish behaviour I can imagine, and I'd sooner commit to lifelong celibacy than actually say "Yeah, sure, I'll just accept that".
If that's the truth, women are utterly disgusting to me.

Transcend sex. Knowledge is the ultimate release. ARE WE NOT GODS?!

It is indeed, but one can't spend all waking hours in the pursuit of knowledge alone. Or at least, it's easy to get burnt out and exhausted on it. Leisure activities like sex with attractive feminine women who actually want it is quite a lot of fun. I just sometimes wonder if what OP said is correct, and that part of their sexuality is a facade rather than real, and the real is simply that they are prey to be taken, they know it, and they need it in order to be properly fulfilled. I've had way too many women with a rape kink or propensity for violence that start to trickle the truth out when they get comfortable with me to completely dismiss the idea out of hand.

Oh i didnt know this was a debate. Sounds about incel though

women are only successful outside of mothership and housewife life when they successfully emulate men
this is inherently a lie, and thus propagates more and more falseness
any woman who isn't willing to become a wife and mother is operating outside the norm and should be avoided

*hits pipe*

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>Fathers and family men are the ultimate cucks of society.

Pay attention to people's actions, not words. Especially a woman's. They're present minded, their promises only apply to how they feel in the moment.

Why are human females so worthless? All other species the females find food, do the hunting, take care of kids, help protect herd, etc.

If feminism is a way of getting raped, they're doing a terrible job of it, those roasties turn me the hell off. Give me a thot, big tiddy goth gf, or depressed autistic internet gf any day.

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It's projection. If you re-contextualise their actions as coming from a man, there's little doubt that man would be absolutely looking to get his ass kicked. Men don't see it because we just don't see women the same as men, we are less subject to the cultural indoctrination that attempts to make us see them that way, and have a simple reaction of incredulity or disgust when confronted with it. But they have been culturally indoctrinated to see themselves that way, and if there's one thing women are it's subject to social pressure, and so consciously or unconsciously they behave in a way that they believe will get them what they want.

No idea why they are so worthless, probably gonna need to hit a couple more pipes to figure that one out

But I don't look at faggots and want to beat them up. I think they deserve to be if they're gonna whine about it, but I fail to see your point. I think you just want to punch feminists user. Nothing wrong with that, though.

This isn't "faggotry". This is "FIGHT ME, I'LL FUCKING TAKE YOU CUNT, YOU'RE GOING DOWN, LET'S SETTLE THIS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW". They are spoiling for a fight. The reason they don't get it largely is men simply don't want to give it to them, and are disgusted by the idea of doing so. What do you have to gain by actually violently oppressing women? Are we fucking sandnigger subhuman swine? They may want us to be, but we're largely not. That's simply not what we want from women.

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>Why are human females so worthless? All other species the females find food, do the hunting, take care of kids, help protect herd, etc
They used to do that shit, but now it is all done for them. Washing machines, dish washers, vacuum cleaners, grocery stores, cars, guns, police, modern civilization. the only thing they can do now is just have the next generation of humans in order to keep this shit going so it doesn't implode. It's either that or become like a man and get a job.

In the past, you would trade your pure daughter for material wealth so there was a benefit for a family to have them in order to gain social connections and valuable resources.

Imagine having a braphog farm with your 13 concubines and just breeding them and making sure their butts grow up to be big, thick and plowable. Then once a month trading away your latest brappig to reach age for the highest price in the brapbitch market to wealthy young noblemen then using the profits to buy more concubines to breed with, this creating more braphoes and more wealth.

Lads, why did we ever change away from a system like this?

>taking care of kids

this is what they should still be doing and perhaps the one thing that would bring purpose and happiness to their lives, but they've been told that's good enough for the modern woman.

This may be the most autistic thing I have ever read in my life

Sounds like a hentai

The oppression of chilling at home and raising your own children is unbearable. Being a corporate slave is much more empowering, just look at all the happy drones in their cuck cubes.

Woah woah woah, say what you want about Sandniggers but they keep their women in check better than any race.

Past? Very much still exists akhi.
Allah provides the life you seek.
It IS the only thing that brings purpose to their lives. It's literally what they're physically built for.

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Women are faggots.


That's entirely the point. I don't want to have to keep women in check for fuck's sake. Just like I don't want a business partnership with a fucking heroin addict that enjoys raping kids on the side. I want relations with stable sensible well adjusted people pursuing their own goals for our mutual benefit. And if I can't get that, then fuck them, I don't want anything to do with them at all.

that's pretty brutish, user. and while i don't doubt for these statistics to be correct (if they are correct), it begs the question of "twice more likely... relative to what?" relative to shitty, non-adventurous intercourse with some generic "beta provider?" i find it perfectly reasonable to assume that you could reconstruct the same scene in a protective rather than aggressive (even if both end up with her being relatively powerless) way and still appeal to those elements increasing the likelihood of inducing an orgasm. but then you must also tread lightly here, since some would also argue for her cucking you to be exciting and adventurous, in turn also increasing the likelihood of an orgasm, then being a reason for cuckoldery according to your reasoning. and surely you don't want to be cucked only because it excites her, user. or do you?

*dabs outta here*

Why do you waste so much of your time thinking about how those braindead subhumans work? They're idiotic children. That's all there is to it. Stop giving them your time and energy.

Sup bro


>rape makes it twice as likely to get impregnated
>but it's relative to her beta provider intercourse
>exciting intercourse with her protective alpha mate would also be twice as likely
>excitement (or being powerless) makes it more likely to get impregnated
>cucking her mate is exciting
>she cucks her beta provider with some alpha guy
>the alpha guy is more likely to impregnate her
so she doesn't end up impregnated because it's rape... but because maybe it's a side-effect of this cuck bit. because it makes sense for the woman to want this child. or other things. idk. just thinking.

You fucking poor beta. If you want that kind of companionship get a dog. If you want mental stimulus join an academic frat community. Don't expect a woman to provide anything other than her meat wallet. The sooner you realize this, the happier you will be in life.

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What kind of idiot do u have to be to tattoo the letter B on ur arm?!

Every passing year I get closer to believing this is simply the truth. And if not wanting to waste your fucking energy on literally nothing more than a human fleshlight is "beta" then my contempt extends to the entirety of humanity as well, because of what it says about people who engage in this idiotic pursuit as much as those who are so idiotically pursued.