Daily reminder that bitcoin is basically tulip mania 2.0 and you are going to all of your money

daily reminder that bitcoin is basically tulip mania 2.0 and you are going to all of your money

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So is BBC. I still invested in both

I would respect this if it was actually a daily reminder.

None of these are ever posted daily.
Actually I still wouldnt nvm.

lel poor ppl

>you are going to all of your money
I sure am!


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Fuckin roasties

how long has this poltard been posting this same thread for? like 16 months?

jesus fucking christ dude

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>you are going to all of your money
I am going to what, exactly?


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Guys what are you supposed to do if you have a daughter?

rape her

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OP's pic is the result of a systematic attempt to make it "cool" to breed with niggers (by using celebrities and entertainment as the tip of the spear), while also promoting the feminization of white men

The end goal is simple: to have a dumbed down population of mixed-race mud people that the Jews can more easily control

Attached: Why-are-the-Kardashians-famous-race-mixing.jpg (414x414, 42K)

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ugh just get your designated asian roasty and shutup

It's always the absolute ugliest white girls who get with black guys. Everytime I see a white female/black male couple in public, the woman weighs at LEAST 200lbs.

The white woman goes for black guys because no white man wants her, the same way that incel neets go for Asian women because no white woman wants them

Everything is genetics with you brainlets

But if you actually knew anything about it you'd know mixed race people are genetically superior anyway.

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Loool. No

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imagine being her father
next level justing

Found the kike.