Why is this shit still so obscure?

Why is this shit still so obscure?
Even absolute shit like HPB is more known and talked about.
How is it that A coin that was heavily shilled for the longest time, and shilled the most even at peak mania, is so fucking obscure in crypto.

Are crypto investors literally this dumb? This project is so obvious but even people who are supposedly ahead of the curve with the tech and investing, are too fucking stupid to see this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


people unironically don't get what it does and the CEO is ugly and uncharismatic unlike justin sun and his chinkery

Yeah but isnt this space meant to be dominated by geeks and nerds who can work it out?

Because decentralized oracles just aren't that important.

Bitch, Oracles are the most important thing.
Decentralized oracles are even more important.

REGARDLESS of your opinion on that, Oracles are not fucking talked about much at all. It is like fringe knowledge in blockchain.

It's fucking weird, and I don't understand this. I've been in this space for 5 years, and the oracle problem was something i figured out on my own without any terminology. It made me give up on crypto realising it could never work due to this "problem".

Then i found out about link.

Anyway, key point is even oracles are not talked about when its like, the most important fucking thing.

It's pretty esoteric

Go to reddit. People don't have a fucking clue what they're doing. They bought VeChain because of "announcements and roadmaps", they bought XRB and IOTA because they felt like they're missed the blockchain boat so needed something "post-blockchain", they "hate" EOS and BCash because the people around them hate it.
In other words the vast majority of crypto speculators are fucking stupid. They will fomo into Chainlink after it 10x and then they will talk about oracles to their idiot friends, but they still won't understand what the fuck is actually happening.

seems like this is pretty accurate. people don't even know what smart contracts are

to be fair I takes a fairly high IQ to understand LINK & morty

They see it, whales manipulating the price, in process of buying up panic sellers stacks. So little volume it is easy to keep the price down.

my two cents is its just simply too complicated for people to understand. You first have to understand blockchain tech. That alone takes out so many people. Then you have to understand smart contracts. Another tech thats hard for normies to understand. On top of all that you have to understand oracles. We are lucky because we have enough time to read about them and enough larpers that spoonfed a lot of us as to why its so big. Just like sergey said, they are changing how every digital agreement is handled. A big picture like that is hard for people to understand, youre talking about backend infastructure of a company now.

because it's a scam/vaporware

Theres literally is no reason to NOT supress the price before mainnet. Again if you know how link works, we dont need any of these normies to buy anything. This is a business to business token, the companies themselves will be buying link due to them using the network. Im not a larper of insider but to think huge players arent accumulating til the network itself makes the token worth a price not worth accumulating then i dont know what to tell ya...things arent as simple as you want them to be theres people who are always ten steps ahead of you

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The exact same sentiment was had with ETH well up to $10, sit back, relax and keep buying what you can conformably afford.

Chainlink don't shill, which is amazing for us as it's keeping it under the radar, but when it's ready, and the market is ready, the people will shill it themselves.



Yeah my observations of Reddit show that they pretty much think cryptocurrency = payments. They think some “cryptocoin” will replace fiat. Hence all discussions of “adoption” are about currency. When will this memecoin become adopted currency. If you search for “adoption” on the crypto subreddits, the top threads are pictures of shop windows with “bitcoin accepted here!” Stickers.

They do no understand that smart contracts are the true promise of cryptocurrency. They will understand after they have actually been adopted. At the moment, smart contracts and oracles in particular are moving from stealth phase to awareness phase. We are just ridiculously early.

Pic related and I have more.

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I'm an early Ethereum investors and the entire cycle was exactly this.
At first it was blockchain nerds and smartcontracts enthusiasts who were excited to see the future of dapps. Then it quickly turned to moonbois and "the future of smart money" type crowd. It settled there for awhile before it fucking blew up and a whole new crowd was ushered in, Ones that didn't understand the technology at all, had no idea what a smart contract even was, and bought because they liked the logo and name and saw it on TV and shoveled their money blindly into it thinking it was the next bitcoin.

I remember I was at a bar during the height of bitcoins bull market, talking to some guy and the topic of cryptos came up. He asked me if I knew what Ethereum is and out of curiosity I told him I didn't, and to explain it to me. He said something along the lines of, "Bitcoins blockchain is getting bigger with every transactions, the network is slowing down and getting more congested. Its why you invest into Ethereum because Bitcoin is running into problems!"

fucking idiots.

The reason that Redditors understand IoT (as well as cryptocurrency) is because IoT is one of these socially acceptable “geek” interests - I can’t think of a more BASEDBOi interest than internet of things and iota. Does this make sense? Not sure if I’m explaining myself very well.

So they’ve clocked onto
>payment meme (hence xrb/nano insane moon, and to a lesser extent xrp and xlm)
>IoT (hence iota)
>relatedly, DAG crypto, oranything like the Tangle.

Even though DAG etc would appear to indicate a deeper level of understanding, actually normie/Redditor interest in these is just another way to socially signal that you’re ahead of the curve, a cool tech nerd - not an autistic tech nerd but like approachable.

Hypothesis: Decentralised oracles are only if interest to autist nerd such as ourselves. Not “OMG such a nerd” types who unironically wear t-shirts that say “geek” and whatnot.

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lol at the bagholder cope in this thread

They will get it at some point.

Remember that the mainstream media started shilling bitcoin and cryptocurrency to people en masse last year. Did they cover smart contracts at all? No, of course not.

Once smart contracts are actually being adopted (in say 5 years) there will be MSM news reports on them, then we will see the smart contracts bubble. I don’t think there will be speculative mania pre-adoption desu. The only scenario I see a mania bubble forming around oracles without MSM is if running a LINK node becomes really profitable.

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This. I'm an oldfag and the sad thing is that most normies are honestly just that far behind. They really believe in world currency bullshit. They don't want real value projects that can go 100x regardless, they want a winning lottery ticket to set them for life. They don't want to find the next thing, they want to buy Bitcoin before 10k again, buying forks and other never adopted garbage. We are just that far ahead. It's the same even with this crash, we all knew daddy Bitcoin was a fucking piece of shit and that the bubble chart was real. People just underestimated the normies, thinking legit projects would take the place of the alt currency scams as the market crashed. Relatively speaking LINK actually did hold it's worth better than others. We just have to wait for normies to catch on.

Like I said already, they understand IoT, niche use cases for tokens such as supply chain, or whateverthefuck TRON is supposed to do... they understand these because they’re socially acceptable faux-nerd interests to have, to signal to yourself and others that you aren’t an NPC. You are a techie!!

In reality, only loser autists and oldfags who truly believe in decentralisation actually grasp the importance of shit like the God protocol.

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Mate, we haven’t seen a smart contract bubble yet. What you’re describing was still the “currency” meme because normies didn’t see Ethereum as anything to do with smart contracts. Pic related.

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One cringy ass boi here

>he actually feel for the meme

How the fuck are normies so dumb.
how the fuck can you baghold shit like ICX and nano or Vechain through a 98% loss and not have learned a thing in the entire process about underlying technology?
Literally a few fucking autists will benefit again despite exponential more people participating. Link is unique in that its lost in the top 50 rather than eth enjoying a top 5 spot its entire life.

Fucking oracle problem was bothering me for months last year, I didnt even know what an oracle was, I just thought that smart contracts were a meme if they couldn't get outside data into them in a decentralised way.
Then i found link. Shit is obvious to anyone with a brain.

I do SEO for a living.
This chart shit is spot on. Thank you. I just bought more.

>How the fuck are normies so dumb.
I don't know man. I really think that many or most of them that speculate on crypto don't even understand blockchain at all.

It's so obvious that I constantly think I MUST be missing something, but watching Sergey do his thing and pretty much every video conference/talk he has ever done has led me to trust him. I think he's legit. He's been working with smart contracts for a long time now. And I hate that I sound like a pretentious fucking faggot when I talk about others not getting it, but how else can you say it?


>5 years
I'm prepared to wait, we are extremely early. You really think it takes this long?

Same here. There must be something im missing?

Like i have this big nagging feeling with link sometimes that i am missing something and im just incredibly retarded or something itherwise everyone would be talking about it. But then everyone would make it. I guess there is a reason not everyone gets in on these things early.

It's known as the Diffusion of Innovations:

Attached: Diffusion_of_ideas.svg.png (1280x960, 68K)

>Chainlink don't shill,

You must not come here often

Or maybe sergey is just a good salesman and he knows his market

>and the CEO is ugly and uncharismatic

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The team doesn't shill, they are pretty specifically anti shill
Don't really know what you mean by this, knows his market as in high value clients? From what little I can glean that seems to make sense to me. Or "knows his market" as in, gullible bag holders like the anons here?

do you remember the study regarding intelligence discussed a while back that had to do with people needing to be withing a certain intelligence range to relate and communicate effectively?

no working product, a philosophy major, no promise has been kept.

Oh darn

Is a portfolio consisting of eth and link god tier?

Its barely been over a year dumb nigger

Normies will never move past the mentality that worth and value equates to the pennies they spend at the shop. They learn that young and it never leaves. That's why it's so easy to get normies into debt. Let them keep pouring fiat onto crypto that they'll never see returns on.

In terms of the buzzwords like "Internet of Things" they are said to become relevant trend in the 2020s

But of course these are just predictions. It may not even take off and just fades into obscurity.

Where in/what would you invest in regards to the future of Internet in the 90s?

Chainlink in that sense with their (secure and encrypted data oracles) could be considered investing in something like the https protocol. I mean of course it is a fundamental part of the internet experience of today for most sites, but for the most part "investors" could only fathom things like the dot com bubble.

Also, one of the reasons why things like HTTPS probably did not immediately take off: it actually slows down the network. Older operating systems like Windows 95 etc. the internet experience was already slow as shit. The hardware was bad and the OS was bad. Of course these are not directly comparable.

Blockchain has these same kind of problems, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum in terms of the transfer times etc.

Consider this video: it took this long to connect to Internet in the 90s

The first sign that we are getting closer to "mainstream adoption" period is the easiness to use for normies and everyone and the fastness.

I mean we must enter a stage where normies can pick up their phone, open it, and buy crypto and the transfer must take less than 10 seconds in overall waiting times, bank transfers etc. you get the point.
Just like the normies can now pick up their iphone and start browsing the internet, this take few seconds at most. Not like video related scenario

shill from 4channel means everybody!!!

Very good thread

the project has been fudded for almost a year now. brainlets do not give a shit that the department of homeland security and the bill and melinda gates foundation are studying chainlink and the oracle problem. nor should they.

why the fuck is it so fucking stretched? Absolutely irritating just make it a cube as usual u stupid fuckin

>Are crypto investors literally this dumb?
No, it's just you

Imagine this was the perfect exit scam. SEC could never touch them. Gorilla style marketing on a small number of neets, never directly. Breadcrumbs forged but vague enough to never be enough as evidence in court.


Honestly in the market try to get up to 96 eth but this port is god tier for sure.

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>no holo

Shut up moron