Why are American workers killing themselves?

Why are American workers killing themselves?

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Why not?

I blame Lean Management


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Because 1/3 of their paycheck goes to paying for brown people to replace them and destroy their country. Plus they can see all those taxes listed in their paystub so they get reminded of it every payday. If they complain about it publicly they get called a racist by the internet mob and lose their job.

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is because they invest rupees in fake coins sir only real genuine true csw stoashishy vishons can pump their rupees very stiff sir no bully

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They went all in Ethereum in December. They thought crypto was the key to early retirement.

>dude we flooded the job market with 3rd world pajeets and changs depressing wages, destroying western quality of life and crippling all social welfare programs to the point where the system is more likely to cave in on itself and collapse than it is to ever be repaired
>oh and even though we are the ones who totally fucking ruined the entire world for future generations are making our offspring pay for our retirement and abusing the social security and pension systems to our advantage, straining the system beyond belief
>why are these stupid kids killing themselves who is going to pay for my getaway Aruba beachhouse!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Being a NEET is pathetic.

t. Commie

Where does the other 2/3 go?

Because America is a third world country where people live under the constant pressure of being ganked by banks, other poor people more desperate themselves, police officers who are bored and want to flex, the medical and insurance industries, corporate interests, and media brainwashing. If you live in America you’re basically targeted by every social and financial entity as a mark.

The USA is just India with better plumbing but more gun violence.

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Because it is racist...

Property tax
Gas tax
Sales tax
Cheeseburgers and heroin to dull the pain.

The worst part, knowing that when it collapses, there is not a single country on planet Earth with as many individual rights to escape to.

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You can sense it, can't you?

This is the end of an empire. A pitiful decline. A raw slide into the brown sludge of mediocrity.

We used to go to the moon, command the world's oceans, now? Now we're a retirement community, broke and senile.

Its not all American workers. It's mainly White people. They were raised thinking they were gonna walk into all of this good shit when they finished college the way their parents did, but the reality is about 90% of them will live the lives of shitskins never making a lot of money. They can't accept this reality so they are either committing suicide, abusing drugs then committing suicide, or just doing illegal shit for money. It's over folks.

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Literally every other fucking developed country affords you more freedom except England, and Canada is a lateral move.

>New Zealand


Americans are so brainwashed by MUH FREEDOMS that they don’t even know how brainwashed they are. The ONLY way those countries don’t grant you more freedom is regarding gun laws, which also comes with the freedom from worry of being shot by niggers and the police.

>no right to bear arms

Big yike

I work retail and I think about ending it all the time, I reach out to construction people, no one wants to teach a young person how to work with their hands, they want mexicans that work for 8 dollars an hour at backbreaking pace or they want experience. Our blue collar economy is fucked. I don't want to be a fucking nurse or an office worker I would rather choose death.

must be the crypto crash
>take out a loan on the house
>go all in on random obscure shitcoins
>btc craps itself market implodes
>bank gonna take the house and the wife everything thats left

>the right get shot by random people for no reason

Enjoy your crushing poverty

Cool it with the hate speech, or I'll be forced to alert the authorities.

>2000 to 2016
>m-must be the crypto crash!!!

It isn't racist to not want to import third world peasants

because the reason you work is to support your family.

no good woman no family no reason to work. everyday becomes an insane farce and you begin to ask "why the fuck am i doing anything"

feminism and weak men are the reason for everything that is wrong in the west, and the source of that is lack of connection with God


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your job is to become a strong man with a connection with God

it's the only way to make things right as a man, and if you are sufficiently strong you can reject feminism and no one will give you shit about it. little by little the world will be made right again

sorry bro

I believe women's suffrage was the beginning of the end. On top of what you listed, it turned politics into a retarded battle of the sexes. A vote used to represent the will of a family, now it represents an individual and go figure, men and women have very different desires. It wouldn't be so bad but it seems like women have a deep, strong desire to fuck absolutely everything up.

The past few generations have been so fucking ignorant to ignore the lessons that the previous several thousand years of humanity had taught us. Did ancient peoples keep women in the home and out of the political arena because they were backwards and running on instinct? NO. They fucking KNEW.

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Fake news

In the last fifty to one hundred years there has never been a period of time where more western men have taken more steroids, grown more beards, amassed more guns, lifted more weights, fucked more women, and have been better educated about math, physics, religion, and fighting

You are just a pussy hiding behind cope echo chamber rhetoric and playing the victim card

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We also have the lowest sperm count.

It depends on how you define God. If you are truly connected, you need no woman, nor family. You already have everything.

giving women the right to vote was the worst thing that could have happened to western culture. i never would have thought that i would be saying that 4 years ago, but it's true. it's put the natural order out of balance, pits man against woman. destroyed romantic love, made men feminine and women masculine in the worst ways.

there has never been a functioning egalitarian empire or egalitarian long running culture. it's not in alignment with natural law

>being this much of an NPC

God said to be fruitful and multiply.

you were designed by God to have a family

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>Accelerationism is a sign of prosperity

i don't think you really get the NPC meme

I work 80 hours a week and have almost nothing. So few belongings. Broken car.

I hate California and can't afford to leave.

you think having a beard and a gun makes you a strong man (i have both btw)

that's not what i mean by a strong man. the strongest of men is a patriarch. a father. a leader. capable of violence but uses it as a last resort. being a r selected slutty dude is not an indicator of a strong man. i've fucked over 50 chicks in my life and i would rather be married with children to a trustworthy woman

this makes my yike become the big yike

you're saying that the reason anyone would ever work would be to support a family. if you can't honestly realize how absolutely fucking retarded that sounds, then you obviously are programmed to think like that and your thoughts are clearly limited (probably by design)

Yes no guns will make you safer

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>educated about math, physics, religion, and fighting
>you think having a beard and a gun makes you a strong man

Get eliminated by Muslims, Christcuck

Move to the midwest m8. I know Californians like to joke about it being "flyover territory" but you can live comfy on like 60k. No traffic too.

This I hate this shit

what is all that on the floor?

you sound mad. you sound like you're malfunctioning. i tell you what, you tell me why you work your job smarty pants?

>you're saying that the reason anyone would ever work would be to support a family.

Its true though. The only other alternative is work to simply support yourself, and feed into vacuous consumerist desires. Maybe you could dedicate your life to charity or faith or something. But not many people do that.

dude you're real dumb. sorry you had to find out this way

Because all the profits from companies which have benefitted from globalisation are either stashed away in Ireland of barely taxed

Burgers are too proud to admit their American dream is an excuse for rich entrepreneurs to screw over people.

As on Jow Forums, Jow Forumslets will find time to reee about wage cages and pajeets, but never question if the system that elevated Jeff below is just.

Tldr: everyone on Jow Forums wants to be rich and has no qualms about screwing each other over, this creates a cycle of seething bag holders and smug peak-price sellers, all disillusioned that they will make it

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Good argument, the level of intelligence I’d expect from an American or a Christian.

argument to what? you never made a case you fuckin retard.

That's not my definition of God.

What this user fails to realize is that the countries he listed (aside from Germany) are homogeneous. It's easy to give your citizens freedom and deny them weapons when you all look, think, and feel the same way.

America is nothing like this. Huge pockets of black/brown/yellow/white/jew that try and oppress each other via the government.

This is why whites typically push for local government powers and states rights and darker people push for the federal government.

Yes a George Owellen Commie surveillance state is the solution, Too bad 1984 is banned and so is Winne the Pooh in China. Pandora’s box is open anyways when it comes to Jow Forums

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correct sir every burger temporarily embarrassed millionaire sir

im not saying its not true, im just saying its not a universal truth that applies to everyone. it's clearly true for you, and you go ahead and do your thing, but i'm a curious person and i enjoy learning and trying to understand things. for me life is a race, you're given this limited time alive to understand and interpret as much as you can about your surroundings and try to contribute as much as you can before you die so that the next generation can continue where you left off. even if you're completely fail your whole life, eventually after generations some bright people will make progress in the work and we might actually reach something meaningful.
In my version of how to waste a life, things have a direction and the next generation will not start on the same point where you started.
In your version of how to waste a life, you repeat the same fucking pointless shit over and over and over and over and over and over without having even a hope of going anywhere , and the next generation starts at the exact same fucking point where you started.

>t. burger who's never left his state, let alone visited Europe


i agree with you, but you're missing one half of the equation. you enjoy learning new things and adding to the pool of human knowledge. that's good.


you need to pass it on to someone. children. and if you want children, the optimum environment is in a stable family.

you're probably a younger man and still in the mode of developing your skillset. thats good, but if i'm right you don't see how necessary it will be to have a family to pass knowledge you've acquired on to. you won't feel it till you're in your mid 30's (like me)

gain your skills user, but don't lose sight of starting a family.

So shitcoins are just based on the world economy writ large but my only concern is whether or not my boss' shit that I'm force fed is kosher

You're being sarcastic right? None of what you mentioned is manly. Those are all external images people put up as a front to mask their own inadequacy. Those are examples of men coping- failure in denial.

I've been to Amsterdam, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark, Iceland, and Belgium.

Also been to most states east of Mississippi, Nevada and Texas.

Nice argument though. Very insightful and well thought out.

zog agenda for pop. control, they want to humans pop. around 500 000 000

>implying that China made the US sell its people out
That's what you get when you embrace the free market.

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I want to. Trying to move to KY or somewhere like that ASAP. I just want a modest life with free time occasionally and weekends to spend with my GF.

>fighting isn’t manly

Ok pussy

Wow, sure you couldn't pick anywhere whiter? Such diversity

All of europe, Nevada, and Texas were for work. Also, Amsterdam, London, and parts of Germany are filled to the brim with brown people.

i would care much more about starting a family if we lived in a society where everyone cared about the well being of their community and where we all focused and worked together to achieve common goals. In today's society the opposite happens. we compete against each other, and more often than not actively do harm to others with absolutely no remorse just to get ahead. The worse part is that this doesnt happen solely between the people, but between family members as well. our governments sell our futures for a quick profit and no one seems to care about it until it's too late.
i dont have the strength to change the path we are headed, so for now i have no intention of being responsible for bringing life into this world. maybe one day i will change

Picking fights for no reason is a cope. It's childish. The #1 boxer right now? Mayweather is a child. He can fight, yes but he isn't manly at heart. He fights for the glory and money. Manly fighting would be if you have to or in the face of evil. That's why people like the Cinderella Man story. He fought to provide. The current economic and political systems are promoting children to the top. Why? Because the pyramid below is comprised mostly of children. A bunch of selfish children clawing to the top. And sometimes the realization of such drives people to kill themselves. Because it looks hopeless.

Not wanting people in your country because they are brown is by definition racist.

>he thinks puffy hand tag is fighting

Ok boomer

Ok. So?

As long as you admit you're a racist, most reasonable people will want to stay far away from you. Have a nicde day.

But, user, that's effectively just a charge of heresy. And a charge of heresy only works until a critical mass of people are charged.

Just ask the Catholic church.

Nobody gives a fuck what racists think. Go back to Jow Forums.

Theres a story I could tell but it goes beyond Jow Forums. /pol is the melting pot where all things good come to die and all things remembered are lost forever.

>Satoshi Vision
Is this really what satoshi envisioned when he made bitcoin?

The person you were originally replying to showed you the problem with that.

There's a group more than a few percent of the population willing to throw their lives away, and you want to charge them all with heresy.

If you're well educated, you already know what happens to people who do that.

1. They're deep in debt (school loans,house,car) or something along those lines. Hell it may be a loan payment on a boat.
2. Salary is constantly shrinking due to more getting sucked out for taxes/health insurance/401k deductions or pension fund. Raises/bonuses are long gone anymore.
3. If they've been married then a lot goes to child support. (Some cases half your salary after taxes,etc goes to this alone)
4. Stock market tanks, or "shit happens" that requires any savings to be used pronto.

So yeah I can understand it. You can't just claim bankruptcy;some shit you can't get rid off that easy. A lot of people don't have the balls to turn to "illegal/black market type" work and more often than not you'll get shot or wind up in a federal pen and still got all that debt to pay off.

Oh and the real biggie; loss of job or house burns

In none of those countries can I own a AR15 with a 100 bullet clipozine and call faggots niggers from my 22 ft long diesel pickup truck, and not go to jail. Might as well commit suicide rather than face such a cruel fate.

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Hearty chuckle my friend

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Well, when you can't do that in the US anymore where are you going?

Kek faggot

neoliberalism, which means worse working conditions, less or no job security, falling wages (in terms of purchasing power), all of that because >muh free markets.

>correlation is causation

>third world peasants
pretty sure you wouldn't want to do the type of work they do, for the shit pay they get

Exactly my point from earlier frendo

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>you're saying that the reason anyone would ever work would be to support a family.
The last 4,000 years back that up. You should research human geography sometime to understand the fact that encouraging family life lead to the rise every civilization. Or more importantly, you should kill yourself.

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>Accept our exploitation of brown people, after which we will dump them in your neighborhood and ruin your local school district.

You are nothing but a modern day slaver holding back automation by artificially lowing the labor cost of obsolete sectors of the economy.

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>more freedom
Such as? I think you're conflating "freedom" with "welfare."

They can try to get in like everyone else. Letting them in despite their lack of merit, because they are brown, is racist. Yes to immigrants, NO to "migrants".

The older I get the more I see through all of this insolent childish back and forth shit. You might as well be a THOT on tinder seeking validation with this style of "conversation".

Wanna know something that has changed for humanity in the last 4000 years? We aren't hanging by a string that depends on as many of us as possible having children. The human race doesn't hang in the balance of wether or not your loser ass procreates. We went from under a million to billions extremely fast in the scope of our species history, very recently. You are a charlatan and likely possess none of the qualities that you like to bitch are lacking in the world.

>there is not a single country on planet Earth with as many individual rights to escape to.

Imagine actually believing this.

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>We aren't hanging by a string that depends on as many of us as possible having children
lmao white people are. You're getting outnumbered in your own countries and not outnumbering anyone else in theirs anymore. Once you're the minority in most, you're dead. It won't be gradual it'll be a culling.