Hi Jow Forums! I'm at time traveler and I have some good news: BTC is going to reach $150k just like Tom Lee said it...

Hi Jow Forums! I'm at time traveler and I have some good news: BTC is going to reach $150k just like Tom Lee said it would! As proof, I have some bitcoin testimonials from the future!

"I bought 1 BTC at $3300 and now its worth $150k, thanks Tom Lee!"

-Doug Prishpreed

Attached: 395ce471e6b1e28bc6ac8e9fe8a53f42.jpg (236x236, 11K)

"I bought BTC at $6k and held through the crash to see it shoot up to $150k....wow unbelievable! Thanks rich people for buying all that btc to help us poor people!"

-William Wumble

Attached: download (2).jpg (277x182, 7K)

"And to think that weeks after BAKKT launched, my BTC I bought at $10k during the 2017 bullrun recovered because of all the BAKKT buyers...who eventually got it to $150k!"

-Rick Heinegeber

Attached: 4D3CF59900000578-0-image-a-1_1529002742947.jpg (634x476, 27K)

"I bought 1 BTC token using my life savings at the low cost of $30,000 after the ETF was approved and the bullrun started...if I told you it would be worth $100k, would you believe me?"

-Jojo Minelli

Attached: 3FE3FB0C00000578-4469588-Val_said_she_received_burns_to_85_per_cent_of_her_body_and_spent-m-34_14938 (634x366, 25K)



Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 7K)

"I bought BTC at $100k for 1 BTC and made a great profit when the rich investors pumped to $150k. Wow. Digital coins are the future!"

-Mac Zuckerturd

Attached: Mac.jpg (1200x1803, 155K)

"My friends got me into btc when it hit $75k after another ETF got approve by the SEC. Can you say....double gain!! I was SOOOO green wojack when my 1 BTC bought for $75k went to $150k!!"

-Jenny Grittle

Attached: images (1).jpg (334x151, 7K)

"A long time holder and miner....I had 10 bitcoins I mined years ago and I forgot. Found USB drive, me me millionaire!! $150k per token!! Tom Lee is great and I really liked him in Men in Black!"

-Bill Phlemn

Attached: 93722-001.jpg (634x349, 19K)

"After finding a site called "Jow Forums" in late 2018, I bought a 'digital coin' called Bitcorm for about $3000....guess what, its now worth $150k! Wow! I love the ruling rich elite who decided to pump this internet coin!"

-Michael Fhartz!

Attached: images (2).jpg (222x227, 7K)

"My grandson told me to buy btc at end of year in 2017 for $15k. He told me to HODL through the following bear market, and I did HODL....now my $15k is $150k!"

-Dun Dorr

Attached: 2018-07-11_0124.jpg (520x350, 28K)

corky pls

"I boughts.....bitcoin for $40k. That were my lifetime disability savings. Next thing i knew, a 5th ETF got approved and BTC pumped to $150k!!!"

-Charlie Lee

Attached: MV5BZTEwMGRjMjQtMzRkZS00ZTE5LWJjMzItMWNkNDdkN2E5ZmIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjc5Mjg2MTk@._V1_.jpg (1024x576, 36K)

based thread

Fuck off Tim

Hello earthlings from the 21st Century. I am the great-grandson of Tom Lee, and I have come from the future to apologize to everyone who made these testimonials.

Jojo Mineli.... I want to thank you for the barbecue sauce.

Bob Perano... I had hoped that we would have been able to take that cruise to Mars.

And Jenny Grittle... you've been there for me always. I hope your daughter feels better.

But the truth is... no one would been able to handle the rogue wave that hit crypto in January 2019. As a result, all of you are now broke.

Thank you.

Attached: GreatGrandson.jpg (480x270, 19K)

and redpilled!

OK that one was funny

"The Cryptocurrency known as "Bitcoin Internet Tokens" will be worth $150k in Bitcoin Internet Tokens."

-Steve Jobs

Attached: steve_jobs.jpg (1080x1440, 430K)

Hey it's not me I swear.

Fuck off Tim

I really liked Tom Lee in No Country For Old Men

How do I get this look?

where is the pajeet poster