Useless piece of shit

Broken on every single website and can't even block youtube ads anymore. Nice "browser" you got there.
Muh javascript
Admit it, you got scammed by Eich who saw an opportunity to scam millions using his reputation fucking fat piece of shit faggot

Attached: brave-browser-logo.png (583x548, 41K)

Still working here.

Yeah, it’s piece of shit. Firefox is more private and stable browser when you configure little bit.

i dont know why people conflate their shitty skin on chromium to their even more worthless funding token.

paying to get people to look at ads has never worked, and if you're going to instead pay for content directly, nobody would ever use their funding token to do it in a world where bitcoin or ethereum already exist. but that was never the point of BAT anyway, BAT's entire purpose was to raise a few million for their team, and they would maybe in good faith try to shoe-horn it into their system somehow, with no guarantees on how effective or how long it would stay there, when the users reject it.

No it doesn't, try watching a youtube videoq


Works for me... how low is your IQ exactly?

Fuck off faggot, it doesn't work. People are having the same issues if you look at the forums.

Yes, you all got scammed. I sold the top of the Coinbase pump.

No issues here either. You brainlets need to just stop, who are you trying to fud? The handful of pajeets still browsing this looking for airdrops? I don't even hold the token, but the browser is great. Built in TOR in the private tabs - yes please.

Lol, literally watching goblin slayer right now on YouTube. Maybe you're just a fuckwad.

Mobile or desktop?
Mobile works fine.

99.9% of people just do not give a fuck about the ads... they ignore them and skip them. 99.9999% of people do not care abput spying. they have fundamentally accepted spying as a fact of life.
> brave has ZERO chance of success
you dumbfucka buying this shit probably also think REQ, EOS and bazinga are good holds

how are you this big a fucking idiot faggot? why haven't you learned the lesson that's been beaten into your stupid ass face for years now?

No one spends their crypto. BAT is trying to do something much bigger you fucking tard.

Even if this isn't fud. Brave is still in beta, this is the beginning of web 3.0 a whole new model of the internet, impatient children won't make it.

Works just fine for me

Works amazing for me desktop and mobike
Your weak attempt of fud its a clear buy signal
Somwone want to buy cheapo before the mooning

What's wrong with Chrome bros? seems to work fine.

works well now, but remember I tried it a year ago and it sucked ass

already answered that
>paying to get people to look at ads has never worked
BAT's one and only true purpose was to take money from ICO buyers, everything else doesn't need their token, or it just plain doesn't work

Naval Ravikant uses Brave and is an equity investor in Brave. I trust him more than I trust some retard who can’t figure out how to use the browser then complains on biz about his own stupidity. -Posted from Brave mobile

you remind me of the people that said 3d television was going to be the future

shut up, you lying faggot

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-12-14 at 6.50.22 AM.png (1428x790, 898K)

you remind me of the people who missed out investing in Amazon and Google because they couldn't comprehend new technology, in this case it's zero knowledge proofs in digital advertising. it's ok buddy we won't laugh at your disability

Been using for 2 weeks on desk top and 1 week on mobile. Everything has worked better than the mainstream browsers everyone uses. You dun fucked something up.

I use the mobile version because mobile Firefox is hot garbage and there is literally no other option. And it works great.

Go back to Google chrome faggot

The mobile version works well.


>muh browsa is da next gewgle

ok fren enjoy bagholding your vaporcoins

Go back to chrome faggot

Multiple fud threads hourly about BAT and SV in the past couple days.

> implying this isn't reverse psychology

We're about to see a massive shift in the crypto landscape and a key part of that is bitcoin dying. Once it finally crashes down to the 1k range that will be the catalyst for congress to step in and start regulating citing investor protection. The smart money out there realizes this and also understands that its not about the best tech, its about who's friends with the regulators. That's currently the Coinbase mafia in which Brave is an integral part of . Then on the actual currency side you have CSW, who whether you like it or not, has been working with governments for years (according to him) so he's built a rapport with them.

Crypto anarchists are about to get royally fucked too. I really lol at the guys who also think that the IRS isn't going to come after them once Binance and all the foreign exchanges start integrating compliance procedures so they can still get the bennies from US citizens.

Either way good luck...