MakerDAO Dai Stablecoin partners with chainlink. Live on Wanchain mainnet

MakerDAO Dai Stablecoin partners with chainlink. Live on Wanchain mainnet.

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Good news for Chainlink, bad news for Chainlink token holders/buyers.

Just like Kaleido, it's becoming apparent the LINK token isn't needed to utilize the tech.
Mainnet isn't even live yet Chainlink is being utilized. Prove me wrong. No seriously. Prove me wrong. How are all these "partners" using Chainlink when mainnet isn't live?

That's only if smart contracts need to use the utility of LINK though. Like Market Protocol for you really think LINK will be locked up for whatever API call they need to complete a derivative contract every time they need it? I don't see it. LINK is only needed to back a contract where two entities don't trust each other. The more I think about it, the token will be side stepped except for very limited use cases. Someone refute this.

it's becoming apparent the LINK token isn't needed to utilize the tech. We are getting XRP'd without the insane valuation. Commense the downvotes. I just don't see LINK getting locked up by any of these entities because mainnet isn't even live yet Chainlink is being utilized. I'm growing wary of the token. Prove me wrong. No seriously. Prove me wrong. How are all these "partners" using Chainlink when mainnet isn't live?

They finally fixed the problem.

Why doesn't everyone on this board hold LINK? You have to be a fucking idiot to not realize how important the oracle issue is.

Attached: 62D4EA64-303B-45FB-B60D-E03F2BAE3849.png (1242x2208, 364K)

Literally copying and pasting comments from Reddit threads?

You need to go back.

Two reasons.

1 - They're likely just testing LINK's oracles right now.

2 - The price of ChainLink is purposefully being surpressed. If ChainLink is truly as big as Jow Forums believes it to do...then all the rich mega whales know about it, and they will not let the price to move up until they're ready.

Microsoft partnered with mcdonalds, and chainlink partnered with mcdonalds. THIS MEANS MICROSOFT AND CHAINLINK ARE PARTNERS


They literally say they're using MULTIPLE NODES:

Maker is such a great project. Really gets my decentralised boner happening. Hopefully they can muscle out all the charlatan banker stablecoins that are just trying to rent seek and not add value.

Maker used to use multiple centralized nodes.

Which is still enough of an issue that they decided to switch to ChainLink.

That's from an old article explaining how they used to work.

>Claiming unproven facts instead of refuting this serious link fud

Absolute state

you know what this means right? everybody in the street can be an atm now. it will happen eventually. 1000 eoy

>hurrr you don't need tokens to run oracles
No shit, brainlet.
Oracles have existed for years, you can make them yourself.
Even in the case of Chainlink tokens, it's been known for over a year that you can run nodes with zero link for certain applications.

It's the decentralized, peer-to-peer oracles that require tokens for immediate and guaranteed compensation and payment.

And if you're not sure why decentralized, peer-to-peer oracles are important, here's ETH's Joseph Poon to explain it:

And here's ETH's Gavin Wood (the guy who came up with Solidity) extolling the virtues of decentralized oracles:

The fact that all these projects are using Chainlink oracles speaks volumes about their quality, and will have a massive marketing effect for the decentralized oracle network.

You're arguing with chatroom users who use avatar pictures and just lazily copy paste comments for attention from other chatroom users. Just bear that in mind before you go exerting any real effort.

Sometimes you just have to tell the rabble they're rabble.

>Absolute state

Absolute state

Absolutely epic.

I was in Maker Dao telegram group. And literally this came up.

>they know about 0xBitcoin

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I believe that tokens are necessary much like the native tokens on other platforms. Except with Chainlink, they are used as collateral value. I believe even when the network matures LINK will always be necessary for collateral value. Collateral value is something that will never cease to be used and has been since the beginning the barter system.

Only takeaway is this is bullish for MKR.

>upcoming coinbase listing
>backed by real VCs, not shitty crypto funds

Only designated streets, pajeet.