We can all still make it

We create BTC price, it's in our fucking hands, do this and we can all be filthy rich.

1. Hold BTC
2. Buy $5 of BTC every month
3. Every day tell 1 person that BTC will reach $1.000.000, if you don't have anyone to say just pretend to have a phone call in public and say "bitcoin will be one million in a few years do not sell".
4. Every day post on social media about BTC going to 1 million, any social media

That's it! Tah-Dah!

There are easily 10 k people here, we have huge impact, spread the word and buy slowly, in a few years we can all make it frens.

Unironically this is all it takes...

Attached: Bitcoin.svg.png (2000x2000, 107K)

Hey guys, bitcoin is going to be worth 1 million dollars!


will do, thanks.

Just think about it, what made btc touch 20k other then hype, let's join forces and make it.
Please just think about our influence, think about how fast our word will spread

Lol its funny watching the desperation. Kys op its never going up again.

>2. Buy $5 of BTC every month
Do $100.00

You are too fucking stupid. In fact, I'm pretty confident that the market won't reverse until useless fuckers like you sell everything.

>let's join forces and make it.
No faggot. Most of us are team bobo now. Personally my ideal entry point is 500 but I'll be happy with 700

>3. Every day tell 1 person that BTC will reach $1.000.000, if you don't have anyone to say just pretend to have a phone call in public and say "bitcoin will be one million in a few years do not sell".
that's literally ponzi

>'Moonboy': "One day BTC will reach $10,000!"
>Jow Forums: "KYS faggot it's going back to less than $100 where its true value is!"
>Normies: "Fuck OFF! Bitcoin is a tulip ponzi and will be $0!"

Don't you realize that now is your chance to NOT look like a brainlet in the next 5 years?

Attached: snis0koqq7r11.jpg (680x568, 25K)

It would be easier to do with some other coin

Not really, pushing some coin from 1 to 10 is the exact same thing as pushing btc from 3k to 30k.

Assholes instead of telling me to kms and suck dick think about what I said for 1 moment.

thanks for removing all doubt about bitcoin being a ponzi scheme

nice just sold 100k

Ponzi or no ponzi support BTC and we all win!

I am starting to follow my own instructions tomorrow, I suggest you do the same! Lambo 2021


im doing my share of spreading the word of our lord and savior satoshi nakamoto, make no mistake, he will rise.

unironically based and redpilled

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Brainlet. You are at least 1 step behind the market.

The cat isn't dead, it's pouncing and crouching. It'll land and go real low to scratch out the gox coin recipients as close to what they paid for them as possible then spring up for the long term accumulating wallets to unload into the infinite liquidity of regulated funds.

This would be easier (and only 1 step).

Sell (or convert) all your poojeet tier alts straight into Bitcoin.

There I fixed it.

5 Stages of grief

>Bargaining (You're here)

>10k people on Jow Forums
>10000 people on Jow Forums

Is your portfolio only BTC? You genuinely seem like an idiot

I can almost smell the curry, shoo shoo pajeet.

I am literally a genius.
My simple yet effective strategy is 100% win for all of us. Luckily high % of anons are very intelligent and they will follow my instructions starting tomorrow, I wish all of you were able to see how simple and easy we can become rich

Then a bear whale opens a 100x short.

Past year I literally directly sold 50 k $ of btc to my friends and family, imagine the indirect influence mouth to mouth and multiply by 10000

We can make it frens

Let's do this shit frens, be patient, be persistent, we win at the end, no doubt

98% of bitcoin is concentrated to 2% of wallets. You can't influence that.

Bitcoin is Gold. Everyone should have a few BTC, and now it's cheap.

Have every sirs in village press buy buton on nokia at same time?

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