Who here fell for these scams?

Who here fell for these scams?

Attached: scams.png (808x744, 83K)

chainlink is the biggest scam of them all

And how is QTUM a scam? Who made this list? Zcash is on Coinbase, it can't be a scam now.

Imagine paying $100 for a single QTUM and now being able to sell it to someone for $1.60. Holy kek.

Attached: fud.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

VET did a 100:1 swap on mainnet

so that chart is wildly incorrect

>tfw bought a few hundred dollars worth of ICON at $7
>when it dipped to $2 I bought a few hundred dollars more

I thought I sold at the bottom when I capitulated at .60 cents. Christ I can't believe it sunk even further. ICON has got to be my biggest justing in crypto along with the bcash crash late 2017. Though I was also justed with Tron and FUN quite a bit as well.

at least you didn't ride it all the way down to 0.18 cents

never owned any of these shitcoins

I fell for Bytecoin. Glad I only put in a small initial and let it ride rather than averaging down.

Did you at least bought some chainlink?


ICON fucked me and a lot of people.

I’m sure we all did at some point. Good thing I never held any of these, but still stupid enough to be holding crypto.

tfw only bought antshares out of all of these. Bought at $5, sold at $80 to buy LINK in the ICO

>Cardano over 97% loss
>still in the top 10 on CMC

It's not fair. When is this fucking shitcoin going to disappear? When will shitcoins like Cardano, Litecoin, ETH Classic and other fucking turds finally be pushed out of the top 20 or so and be forgotten completely.

Yeah but I wish I sold it way earlier now. At least I did get out right before Bitcoin crashed and justed alts further.

Chainlink was the reason I sold the ICON and the other alts I had. Sold and went all in on Link during the dip after that conference on Nov 1st.

i hate myself for not selling my NEM at the top.

You got greedy user.

Holy fuck, I haven't checked crypto prices in months. I sold all 1k of my NEO at $140 when everyone was so certain it was going to $500, now it's at $5? Kek.

with bitcoin cash, siacoin, vechain, etc. being still as highly priced as theey are now we still havent seen the bottom

stop defending these scamcoins

I sold 500 bitcoin diamond for $275 each last yr kek

That should have been my sign that it was time to cash out

Reddit did.

reddit is shorting you literal halfapes

Never bought any of these shitcoins either. I do own Link.

Never bought any of those shitcoins besides neo and sold it after the china ico ban.

You forgot to post aion. Is it at -100% yet?

Attached: aion nigger team.png (1096x690, 476K)

Lisk of probably the brightest of the bunch. They royally screwed up missing milestones during the mad hype, but they've corrected and more importantly put in prevention from happening again.

I look forward to see where Lisk goes to be honest

Time to realize the market is heading back to pre 2017 prices, btc@900$ @2-3$. And the worst thing it will take decades for them to reach the top levels of 2017, if ever

They be shortin' shit...they all bought nano at 30$ cause "the new bitcoin" hype.....
I dare you to go there and say anything bad about nano....

even bitconnect dropped less than that LMAO

Sold. At $2. Bought at 2.20. Cut losses my friend

remember reading up some absolute retard raving about how vechain was it, and he was pretty much all in
he made a killing, since he caught it from pretty much the start at the bottom, but didnt sell at the peak cause in his mind it was only the beginning
its been months now, feels good to know that he prob held all the way to the bottom

NANO is a great project. No miners, no inflation.
Sorry you can't see it.

i bought at about $9 in january. still holding. FUCK ME.

Take into account the 100:1 swap.

ATH $9.41
Now $0.33


Very impressive

Attached: vechaindump.jpg (250x191, 15K)

what's the graph?

Anyone who doesn't believe in nano has never seen it work. It's fucking amazing