Has Jow Forums ever been evicted before? What happens? Do they forcibly remove me and take all my stuff?

Has Jow Forums ever been evicted before? What happens? Do they forcibly remove me and take all my stuff?

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You had a choice really.
You could either leave or we'll make you leave

yes also enjoy getting blacklisted


what did you do?
i had a quarrel with a landlord once and moved out same day and demanding my prorated rent back and my security deposit returned on the spot.
have a friend with a vehicle or put your shit in your own car and get out clean.

No wer all rich

it was really hard to get a new apartment and there was a place I really wanted that were hardasses about what my exact monthly income was then said they would get back to me and never called. I now live in an extended stay place after throwing away half of my stuff

if you're in the US you'll get a note on your front door telling you that you've got 30 days to get out.

if you still haven't left after 30 days, yes you will be forcibly removed by the sheriff and your stuff put on the curb.

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I don’t have enough for rent this month


I think 30 days is if you have a house with a mortgage that you stop paying; when I stopped paying rent on an apartment one time, my eviction notice gave me like 3 days to vacate. I think the eviction period also depends on state law.
But yeah they’ll put a piece of paper on your door that tells you how soon you have to leave

If you don't pay rent one month you won't get evicted immediately. Depending on where you live there is a certain amount of time you have to miss the rent until your landlord can even start the eviction process. Then he has to start it, which usually takes 30 days at least. You need to look at the laws in your locality and find out the process. But if you stop paying rent one time, you aren't going to get evicted for likely months.

Once the eviction does happen, yes, the police will literally forcefully remove you and dump all your shit on the curb.

Even after it goes to court it still takes about 90 days before they can do a lock out which consists of changing the locks and putting your shit outside. No one will rent to you after without a massive security deposit and it’s embarrassing af to love back in with your rents. Got evicted 4 years ago.

I mean I was late 3 days on rent once (just forgot, I had the money) and i got a note on my door saying to pay or they'd bring the sheriff immediately. don't tell op that, i don't think it's true.
and op get some kneepads (open craigslist and look for day labor gigs for quick cash) and pay your fucking rent. you can get 100 a day easy.

don't listen to these retards
the law favors renters significantly

first step is to talk to your landlord and explain your situation. they know the law favors you greatly and will generally do whatever they can to accommodate you while you get another jab, fix your financial situation etc.
just talk to them and be honest

listen to this post ignore the other idiots

I'm a landlord. Don't let it go so far as court. You will be blacklisted and an eviction does not mean a landlord can't sue you when you get back on your feet. Now is the time to be candid and upfront. If your landlord cuts you a bit of slack, great. If not, leave immediately on your own.

Your landlord will give you a notice in accordance with whatever the laws are where you live. In some places that may be as short as 24-48 hours. You’ll have to be out by a certain day. If you aren’t, cops show up and force you to leave. They usually won’t take your stuff without your consent, but they’ll stand there and watch you get it out. Anything you leave behind becomes the landlords. They usually just throw it away.

In Rhode Island, the landlord has to pay to put your stuff in storage if you don't leave on your own. It drives my dad and grandad bonkers when they have to evict someone.

This. State law governs how much of a notice you get as a renter. A friend of a friend just got evicted by a scammy landlord who lied about leaving the notice. He just came home and there were cops there telling him he needed to leave. Thankfully, the cop gave him an extra day to get his shit together.

It can be a real pain in the ass to find a new place to stay. They may want extra months’ (plural!) rent as part of the deposit and will be a lot stricter on income and credit requirements. You may need to stay with friends and family for a while.

I once rented from a Jewy landlord in CA (he was actually Italian). Dude was an attorney who’d had his license suspended multiple times for
Illegal shit. He built a multi-state real estate empire by buying up occupied rental properties at auction when the housing bubble burst in 2008, then driving immediately to their homes to give the tenants, who were often not behind on rent, an eviction notice to vacate the property within the state minimum of 72 hours.

They were just trying to scare you. Such a lie was probably illegal too

Oh well. I usually get my way with them. I went down and posed an argument with that Can I Speak to the Manager voice and they waived my late fee.
I do this shit all the time and get upgraded service and free shit. It's wonderful.

this, talk to your landlord, explain your situation and your plan for remedy. Your landlord does not want the hassle of going through eviction especially if you're not an asshole and you keep the place clean.

I used to work in Property Management. I've evicted multiple people. In my state we post a notice on your door after we get a court order for the eviction. Then at some point (we don't tell you when) we show up with the sheriff's office and a junk hauler. Sheriff will forcibly remove you (if you make them) and the junk hauler takes all your stuff and puts it on the curb. After 48 hours we can legally throw it away.

Look up the eviction laws in your area. Generally in my state we can start the filing process if you miss a payment, but it takes another 30-60 days for everything to go through court. In addition, they are only getting judgement for the amount they are filing for. So if they only file for one month you'll only have to pay one month to stop the eviction.

Land of the fucking free lel
I'm in Europe and there are no cyclical taxes on my own property like you have, and renters have a good three months fucking around in court before they gotta go.

Imagine having that much land as the US but willingly eating shit and drinking piss from "landlords" literally for a place to put your head down at night. Dumb fucking cattle


>having to pay 400k for surgery
>zero social security
>having 5 jobs to pay rent
user blease, even our refugees are better off than you minions

>being a welfare niqqer

Muricans think it's more important that Mr. Nosenberg gets his third yacht than to have medical care available to you always no matter what or who you are.

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