is giving up on women the true path to financial success? is going gay the ultimate way to realize gains and minimize losses?
Is giving up on women the true path to financial success...
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Better yet is to go solo.
>being such a closet fag that you use business to rationalize sucking cock
Bro just come out and say it. You're gay.
Do or don't, ai and robots will be here in ~5-10 years
>give up on women in 20's to focus on career and money
>now 30 and want women but no experience with how to relationships
worked worse than expected
once you give up on women, you will unironically have more success with them
>be in a body-to-body massage parlour
>didn't cum
>later, go to a whore
>didn't cum due to lifetime of porn and surreptitious substances derived dick abuse
>hear loud scream in the room next to ours. No hint of danger in it, just excitement.
>it's another whore getting properly manhandles by a MAN
Been on a whore binge all week this week and sex just isn't for me. Boring men with malfunctioning, small dicks shouldn't reproduce.
Don't have to work for a year or two now due to cashed out-crypto gains, but can't retire. Will work till making it financially. After making it, I'm thinking of joining a western-style monastery, where I could somehow study IT in peace till the day I die.
No. If it seems that way just become Stacy.
Luckily, by accident found out that perhaps my listlessness and 'depression' may just be just some fungus-parasite called candidia.
Any user has experience with fighting this?
Yeah actually I did a parasite cleanse and it helped me feel cleaner and more energetic. But it sounds like it's not the main cause of your problems OP, your dick's broke and you got it bad. Nofap is a thing but only effective if you consider it a control of your WILL, not your hands.
are you me? from whore binging to living on crypto gains. I want a gf the most now
NoFap and noPorn will happen. Will check that cleanse thing out, thank you.
Yes, except the going gay part...
Yes user. Start looking into a ketogenic lifestyle, preferably zero carbs. Consume 20 to 0 grams of carbs per day. Since you made it financially, start eating grass fed meat and offal. This includes steaks, liver and other organs, wild caught fish, free range chicken and turkey. You do not have to eat any vegetables if you consume a good amount of offal. Drink only water/tea/coffee. Avoid artificial sweeteners at all costs. You can have dairy, just do not over consume it. Avoid nuts, avocados etc, or limit them. You don't even have to exercise and you'll be in the beat shape of your life. Do not worry about calorie counting, this life style will set you straight. This way of eating will starve out that candida and obliterate it, amongst other forms of yeast and inflammatory conditions.
no, having complete relational independence is the way
being dependent is the dumbest shit (most relationships with women)
being codependent is still dumb (some gay relationships)
Will definitely try this. Thank you.
Also meditation has helped me immensely. It's not just for clearing your mind but you can focus on your chakras and relieve/recondition tensions in the body. Don't think of it like woo woo shit, think more like you're doing subtle physical therapy. Find meditations for the sacral/root chakra, your prostate is ravaged. Lingham breathing will make you feel like a god if you stick with it. Good luck sen pai.
no this is why you get a chinese gf
>ai and robots will be here in ~5-10 years
in your dreams
we dont even have main stream virtual reality gaming shit yet, we are still waiting after 10 years for that
in 50 years maybe
Awesome. Also look up how to properly cook a steak. If you bribe your meat for a few hours before cooking it, it will be soft and succulent. user, you will love this diet, its delicious to us because it was the way we were meant to eat.
Brine your meat*
Will start tomorrow. Thanks
>Penis breathing
Will give it a try, thanks!