What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
capitulation imminent
Nothing. Just another day. Are you new here?
amazes me that you retards think the order book means anything
80 btc sell 'wall'. please kill urself newfag
By the way, hello, Sam Skupien.
it has been doing exactly that for the past few months now. anytime the price starts rallying upwards a sell wall appears and then the price goes down. it follow just above the price CONSTANTLY
i was thinking that it's to keep the price from going up. ive seen it bought into several times but a new one always appears
> he doxxed himself
might as well hit me up on facebook
>sell walls are bullish
Unironically bullish
>using a chink exchange with no margin trading in a bear market
yep... impromptu ama before the jannies nuke this I guess.
> jewish name
> manipulates
never change biz
BULLISH (check em)
guys plz stahp
Why did you post this image with your personal details?
Because I'm dumb.
Sam, we already know everything about you.
Oh Sam, it's not even like your name is particularly generic! :(
oh shiet
Like I said man, ama.
haha ya I know. I
Jesus christ himself could not break through a sell wall of this magnitude
how many military fags browse 4chimps?
and do you faggots buy crypto with afghan drugs?
Would you mind buying the sellwall, Sam?
ikr; if his name was Sam... Johnson or something it would be meaningless.
Oh well. I thank OP for his service, regardless ;)))
(But only in a paranoia-increasing way)
I can uze guugel.
good thread
red wall go down
nom nom nom
Hello Sam I have a personalized offer to you to buy Bitcoin SV very stiff coin sir invented by Satoshi himself buy now and become an early adopter that will moon soon.
stop bully newfaggot
they meant "hey bruh nice tats"
Sam, it might be too late now, but I'll teach you something very important for future reference. Pic related.
>mureen jarhead
No wonder you are worried you are literally brainlet.
Jk bro my grandpappy was a marine you alright white boy.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking moron?
In der Tat.
Danke, werter unbekannt.
I'm gonna steal all your bittys
Meant to reply to Sam not you.
how much did you dip?
he's saying marines are often low iq
>inb4 marine and that's why he couldn't comprehend the message
buy signal