God I cant fucking wait until the bull run starts and i get to go back to hopping from hype shitcoin to hype shitcoin and making 10 shill threads on Jow Forums for each coin. shit felt like a videogame
God I cant fucking wait until the bull run starts and i get to go back to hopping from hype shitcoin to hype shitcoin...
We made it bro. See you on the yacht.
Follow the shill posts and get out before you get burned
LOL you put it exactly right, that shit was so fun
wasting your life faggot.
you too.
Gotta wait few years chilling in my basement, I have this buddy on my side so I will definitely not gonna be bored while waiting.
You would make way more money if you scoped out really undervalued micro cap, dumped all your money into it, and waited for the 100-300x moon. I made a lot of money last year chasing shitcoin pumps but I would made about 10x more if I had just been patient and gone with my first option..
Psst don't let the normies find out about MOONcoin
that shit was amazing. Seems like so long has passed when it was only 12-18 months ago
How about you shut the fuck up?
i got into crypto for the first time in dec 2017
got some req and it started mooning instantly , sold at 90 cents good times
and then i bought zcl at the top and held through the fork for btcp
turned into a pink wojack instantly
History never repeats. I tell myself before I go to sleep.
Got in in feb 2018. I don't even know what a fucking upwards trend feels like let alone a bull run
I feel you faggot, got in April myself.
we don't really deserve gains for being such a latecomer, but the world isn't fair so I reckon crypto has one more bullrun to end all bullruns in it coming up
I started following the market around May 2017 but didn't have much money to invest. I saw literally shitcoins going from 1 cent to 1 dollar, people calling crypto a money cheat code, pretty insane. It was so easy to go from rag to riches in less than one year as long as you would sell before January
I hope we dont reach our ATH and double top. I'd an hero.
i normally ignore these walls of text but holy fuck that was a good read
4ch split, /pol traffic spilled into /biz before. Next bull run, where the normies gonna come from here?
>the world isn't fair
>my turn to get rich is STILL around the corner.
Oh sweetie.