>into findom
>have no money
>have no cryptos
what do?
>into findom
>have no money
>have no cryptos
what do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop being into Findom
Get a job
start small by selling your socks. Or pictures of yourself with mean words directed at whoever buys them
Kidnap a hiker and lock her in your basement. Tell her you'll let her go if she does findom for you for two months, then kill her. Bury the body deep underground.
>dad sells your rig
Take HRT and the on the other side.
You are probably a lanky soi boy twink faggot
I'm into findom too, and I'm poor as fuck. Here's what I do to make my fetish happen despite being broke and jobless. I create a "findom budget" which consists entirely of money I make from sidejobs. for instance: last month I helped a family friend with some computer stuff, I was over there for 4 hours: I installed a new SSD with windows on it, I cleaned their main harddrive of the 300+ viruses/malware it had, etc. - they gave me $200 for my time because they knew if they took it to fry's electronics they'd be ripped off and charged even more than that.
since then I've been slowly milking that $200 for all of my findom needs. I'm slow and careful about it. I've only spent about $80 so far, but the thrill and excitement of spending my own hard-earned cash is intense. If I run out of money, I stop and find a way to make more. I hear some people do this with other expensive hobbies like gambling, collectables, etc. so it's not even that abnormal.
good luck out there, user. those girls will test your willpower and try to drain your wallet faster than you can blink. findom is a shitty fetish and if at all possible, you should avoid it, but if you can't help yourself you might as well do it carefully.
Seek mental help, you have a serious illness. No joke.
Start selling organs you fucking cuck.
You’re being findom’d by life
how so? prove to me you're not just baiting and you actually have something insightful to say. I mean, you could say all fetishes are mental illnesses. what makes mine any worse than, say, a foot-fetish or a milf-fetish?
Wtf? Reported to my local police station.
Honestly OP, try to get out of findom if you can
It's a bad thing that (literally) doesn't pay off
You aren't locked in to your fetishes either you can get into other forms of domination too, a lot of people don't think this is an option but it very well is
What makes yours worse is the amount of money people throw at women. If you just like the porn or something, sure that's no worse than any other. But the people on twitter and whatnot that give their entire paychecks to women are mentally ill. And women don't need any more of an elevated lifestyle than they already have.
just make your own findominatrix and then play both sides, the findom and the finsub. this way you can get your fix and not have to actually pay a woman anything.
Not thinking sustainably user - you would have to provide food, water and some level of cleanliness to said 'hiker' otherwise they would not be fit for purpose.
As an investment this is not a smart idea either, as every two months you would have to replace the 'hiker' and each time this occurs you waste time with explaining, training, etc...
findom other cucks
>you would have to provide food, water and some level of cleanliness to said 'hiker' otherwise they would not be fit for purpose
part of the findom experience
>As an investment this is not a smart idea either, as every two months you would have to replace the 'hiker' and each time this occurs you waste time with explaining, training, etc...
good point but you would get bored of it eventually. basically you would have her for 2 months and take lots of pics and videos and what not and use that to extend your fix for the rest of the year. then you can repeat it.
Sell your leddit spaces
I have run several scam acounts with random thot pics and got amazon gift cards from idiots like you. Most girls are guys and if they are girls they are just scamming you. Get your life in order and start doing meaningful things
You are giving your money to some whore who doesn’t give a fuck about you. A foot fetish is completely harmless to both parties. You have mental issues get help.
Never understood this
I'll tell you how to get over it OP
>spend your last dollar
>be homeless
>experience homelessness
>you no longer want 'findom'