believe it or not someone actually bought it and fixed it up
So what, land is expensive, that shack is just a tear down anyways, dumb zoomer
>There are people here who don't think REIT is over valued
And sold it for twice the price.
The property has value. Not house.
Why is op being stupid again?
only $350,000 for that land!? wow what a steal
That’s a good deal
actually looks like an awesome location, easy access to the motorway
It’s a flyover dipshit who thinks land is worthless and his entire real estate value is on a pile of depreciating 2x4s and drywall because he lives in the middle of nowhere
Literally stealing at those prices desu
It’s not a bubble housing will go up forever because people need a place to live
It's a fixer upper.
No it's an office building
>blocks your path
>it's a coastfag who owns land which could cease to be land at any moment
could it be the location that is valuable and not the building itself?
Humans have lived along coasts since the beginning of civilization. Inland sucks no matter how you cut it. This is coming from an east coaster. Fuck California fags
Cue SEETHING flyoverfags
Humans have lives along rivers idiot. The move to the ocean largely has to do with trading being easier between nations
Buy this with a 1.5 year salary? Yeah, I'm in.
Just off the coast of a lot of places we often find a lot of underwater ruins
>buy shitty shack
>demolish it
>Build a nice house or a 2 story building with a couple apartments
>sell for 1 mil
You guys are retards if you think this is over priced and don't see the huge potential.
>15 minutes away from apple and google
>only $350k
A fucking steal.
$400,000 now, fresh paint job
Added fence and 2 trees.
Jow Forums btfo
>amerimutt posting when all non-shit western countries are having this issue
Get on my level, noob
Go back to plebbit faggot
That's an expensive cuck shed
That's hilarious. They did literally nothing to it, and it's up 300+ thousand dollars.
Must be part of some money laundering scheme.
I've suspected that for a while about the housing market. You can't launder money through banks anymore, but dump 12 million on a realtor's desk and it's a-okay.
SF real estate is pumped on purpose. Majority of voters make it impossible to build upwards because of muh view (to inflate their own RE value).
It's not indicative of any real trends and the simple solution if you hate it is not to live there or in a similarly inflated market. Plenty of places have tons of land and real estate supply.