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he should reapply as a female and see what happens

You have to be a Jewish transgender pansexual cia agent to work at jewgle


It's so strange that we live in a world where no one even thinks this wouldn't work.

I was interviewing at a medical school a year ago and had an old Indian lady. She was being a total bitch and was basically telling me I wouldn't get in and ended up showing the grading rubric that they use to create a composite score on applicants. They subtract points for being white, points for being a male, and points for coming from an affluent area. So I guess remember this next time you see a young doctor. I was completely shocked that they had it layed out so plainly.

At least she's honest.

This never happened.

Yeah, that would be grounds for suing. Oh wait, was this in the United states of israel?

Of course it can happen. Under the guise of affirmative action you'd be surprised what schools are able to get away with.

>actually believes this
never happened

I got away with making you a little sister muttlet user

post of the day, kek

Harvard has made public many of the "factors" they take into account for example. You may notice race, gender, and a bunch of income data are all considered.

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fake, cucked, blue cockblocked, and tranny-gay

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You ruined it by having her show you the form. Try harder next time.

>kek we incels must stick together power post lelelel, shadilay!!

haha fucking clever. good work user

The fuck is wrong with you? Females have tons of advantages that aren't afforded to males. At my undergraduate institution, they literally gave out an extra scholarship to female chemical engineers that wasn't available to males. Lack of female representation has been seen as a "problem" in tons of careers.

Meant for

Medical school affirmative action is common knowledge.

What does Mark Zuckerberg have to do with this?

He didn't need the course due to being knowledgeable enough. Google didn't want to waste a slot for some ass-pumpkin who wanted to sit through it to later emulate the program for money.

Semi related - my mother works for the government in Canada where she is responsible for interviewing people often and they have a very strict grading criteria during interviews. Candidates are awarded points based on background, answers to questions, etc, and whoever has the highest score is chosen.

It is explicitly outlined that being a women, gay, non-white, disabled, etc. All give a large, predefined addition to your score. It is clearly outlined and mandated by the hiring practices by the fucking government to blatantly descriminate in the name of equality

It's young Steve Jobs you dingus

this is retarded what are the advantages

No Ian... it's just that you are white. Can't have too much of those at google.

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>probably was not a SJW leftist
>probably did not approve of project "dragonfly"

nice digits Stacie

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Did you read?
>extra scholarship to female engineers that wasn't available to males


Would you hire a racist killer?

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yeah but it's a meme user

You just had to pretend you were gay and jewish.

well racists need killing, so yeah

You mean killing niggers, right?