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The chosen currency

halving next year, it works for what it does, will always be around and will follow BTC when it goes up and down. Basically its for gains.

dont be emotionally attached to investments LTC will make money, hell a lot of things will in bull market.

Less surveillance than Bitcoin, better for money laundering

It’s not moving with BTC though. It’s been outperforming almost all other coins for the past few days. Why the fuck is that the case?

unironically has the best fundamentals.

Some massive whale laundering money. It usually happens before the whole market pumps. Let year they used to launder money with Monero but it became too risky since authorities are monitoring xmr closely. They use Bitcoin gold or Doge sometimes. Basically they launder the money before pumping altcoins.

I believe the main reason is that BCH (LTC’s main competitor) got severely weakened by the fork. People are losing faith in BCH (both forks) and want to invest in a coin that works with BTC, not against it.


It's one of the least organic, most heavily manipulated coins out there. LTC is a dead coin, Charlie Lee basically did in December what Griffith from Berserk did.

Any Litecoin hodlers left have the Brand, and will be consumed eventually.

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Love it or hate it, Litecoin is going to make you a lot of money if you buy in now.