$3,499 on bitmex

$3,499 on bitmex
$3,545.61 everywhere else

how is this shit even legal ?

Attached: oops.png (467x268, 295K)

because they are contracts, not coins

Because you are looking at price of XBT you mong.

>he dont even know what tether is.

its not legal except in 3rd world shitholes and socialist gulags like Canada and Venezuela

Check other USD pairings, not tether, you fucking mong. Look at coinbase, bitstamp and kraken.

>bitmex 3505
>coinbase 3505
>bitstamp 3505
>kraken 3505

Huuuuurrrr I wonder if the bitmex price index takes these three other exchanges into account.

Because everyone and their mother wants to go short, you mong.

This creates a stronger downward (sell) pressure on the mark price, meaning it's constantly lower than the index. This is why funding has been hugely negative recently.

>Trusting a Mexican scam exchange


>Using a nigger tier digital casino

hahaha idiot how do you not know this?

so mr genius buy a bunch on bitmex and sell it on another exchange

I lost all my money on there this year, I almost always got liquidated when it hit their mark price, but never by the official btc price. Fucking bs.

The BitMEX platform's derivatives are especially harmful to unregulated markets as these futures are settled in asset (BTC) instead of fiat.

When a contract settles or is sold on a BTC settled futures platform, the winner gets BTC (both short and long winners get BTC). The spot (fiat) market controls the settlement price and cannot be bought up with BTC. It can ONLY be sold down with BTC.

In a normal market there would be competing long traders offsetting the short traders. These long traders would be attempting to manipulate the spot up and therefore profit from their futures contract longs. This cannot happen in a BTC settled futures market without massive outside cash reserves. There is no way for a long trader to make fiat in order to buy the spot market up, they can only make BTC. The manipulation process ONLY works to the downside on BitMEX BTC settled futures. Since BitMEX is far and away the most volume, there is no competition for the short manipulators.

The manipulation cycle works like this:

They shorted futures, then dumped their BTC on the spot market causing their short futures positions to be profitable
They then close some futures and are paid in BTC from the people who took the 'long' side of the contract.
They open more short futures contracts and then dump the BTC they just earned on the spot market Finex, Stamp, Coinbase causing the new short futures contracts to be profitable.
If the volume was dominated on spot exchanges or on fiat settled futures exchanges then long/short competition would be offset as there would be the long side trying to manipulate the price up on the spot exchanges by the same process described here. BitMEX owning the most volume and settling futures in BTC, results in a structural advantage to shorts. This results further in manipulation of the BTC price to the downside.



bitmex is rigged against you. they bet against their users and they can see and hunt every stop order on the books.

if you want to make money, buy cheap altcoins in accumulation stage (not top 100 coins).

So by shorting on BitMEX you get more btc, which you can then use to sell it on spot markets in order to have new shorts be profitable again?

>trades futures contracts
>charts spot price

do you also go to the casino and play games you don't know the rules for?

You must be new or LARPing. Have you ever heard of tether?

amount of summer newfag niggers on this board is damn too high

Attached: fuking.jpg (588x454, 45K)

Are you talking to me or OP?

Are you retarded? Bitmex's price is partly determined by bitstamp prices, and BTC on bitstamp has been consistently trading $100-150 cheaper than on bitfinex, you retard.

Attached: Groypers Apu.png (400x400, 72K)