/Chain Link Mining General/Someone else mining Chain Link here?

I have been getting 5K Links per week on average. Using an old ethereum ASIC. Post tips and advice here.

Attached: descarga.png (225x224, 8K)

The profitability is up

Kek. Mining Chainlink is so 2013. You'll never make profits unless you use Ubuntu.

>Right click
>save link

Who else here /manualminer/
I get around 1k a day, it's easy and its cheap

I stopped mining after the Sibos pump, price locked the top. Kek I was using a gtx1050

I'm developing arthritis from this but it's worth it the links

how do I mine Chainlink?

It takes a lot of storage. You need to download the whole ethereum and bitcoin blockchains to make it work at a good rate.

buy a gamegear and everytime you end shinobi you mine a couple of links

hey fellows anons, how to mine link?

you don't. they are premined tokens. this isa token, not a coin

PM'd, don't share it

anyone else physically mine link with the smart contract pickaxe?

I live in germany. we have a lot of chainlink here in cologne. almost on every corner you can find mines. just look out for rainbow stickers on buildings.

I have carpal tunnel but my gains will pay for the surgery
Only need to do it once though, but buy a really big computer first, at least 60cm wide to hold it all

pic related

Attached: oracle_mining.jpg (1463x2048, 690K)

is it possible to stake without shares?

unironically living in cologne as well.
can confirm

yes, you don't need shares...if you bought shares, you just recieve dividends without staking, basically you own % of the gains linkpool makes.
that's what a share is....I prefer to stake My links on a server of mine and just let it mine linkies

As long as you stake your claim properly and register it with the County clerk you don't have to worry about shares, you can work your claim by yourself without having to share with anyone. Course it does get a mite lonesome sometimes and you'll have more trouble with claim-jumpers when you're by yourself. I wouldn't recommend it.

too brainlet to run it on my own. Think ill stick with the bureaucrat, hopefully they dont screw me over and steal all my mined link.

pretty sure with time there will be easy to use pre-configured node configs...just a matter of time.
BTW I heard linkpool isn't taking your linkies, they will use smart contracts to handle the staking. so it's all decentralized and trustless....so they can't run away with your linkies

How the Fuck are you still in profitable range?

I had to stop last November because the amount mined didn't make up for the electricity bill . I would rather buy Link directly

you need to have an oracle if you want to mine any link

Right because only the pilot operator pay the penalty for baddies. So myself should not be affected?

That's nonsense. Having to download the entire Ethereum network is bullshit tho. But it makes sense

no, actually there is a new service called Eaas; Ethereum as a service

ok yeah I forgot installing an ethereum will make it easier

homo thread

I stop mining when it reached 1 dollar ath and locked them in my ledger, lmaoooo at you cucks still mining at these prices...

i've been mining link on an old laptop, its slow but highly profitable when link inevitability pumps again

Wow hilarious joke mining LINK you are so funny OP almost as funny as the people who will reply saying I am the troll not the other way round

This has been done before and it’s not original

show us your rig!
Bet it look super cool!
WOW OP I never thought this board was so informative!