Can they secretly control Crypto?
Can they secretly control Crypto?
Like they control Fiat?
Very islamophobic. They should apologize.
Yikes, imagine using social media in the current year. Time to debug yourself go on Jow Forums
Been off since 2012
No ragrats
Fuck her mouth yyeeeaaahhh sexy fucking Muslim bitch
is she single
lmao the absolute state of muslims. she has to wear a trashbag over herself at all times yet has free reign to be a dumb cunt on twitter? muslims lost already twitter beat them.
would bang hard
Can someone please ANSWER THE QUESTION
That's Islamaphobic and sexist. Whoever fired her needs to have their life ruined
How do you keep in touch with acquaintances or reconnect with old friends? (Srs)
>and kill some jews
just nonchalantly
fucking kek
10/10 would kill jews with
idk but I'd go Mohammed on her curry hole
(Sorry autocorrect)
who ? Muslims ? They are busy fucking their sisters and killing each other.
You know who
wtf I love muslims now
They can't, but ((((they)))) do.
Oooof, das rite
phone or email
>Can they secretly control Crypto?
They can outlaw it so sure
Never use an image that's more interesting than your post.
I mean use it to control countries the same way they use central banks.
shut the fuck up
kys retard. Go hunt for some chromosomes in a nearby forest.
no dummy, that's the point
>mfw i'm actually more bummed out over someone getting fired over a fucking joke on the internet than pleased over something bad happening to a muslim
She must be good at sucking dick
what if i told you they already do and this is just a game to see how much suffering anons can take before robbing all of us clean?
That doesn't even make sense stupid.
How do they do it?
So they'll destroy it via regulation. Not let anything in the way of Fiat.
kikes will kike
You have no answer troll.
>So they'll destroy it via regulation. Not let anything in the way of Fiat.
Of course. How else are they going to make sure you pay your tax goyim.
Tax evasion is a very serious offence
you're retarded if you think the big whales aren't almost all Jewish (or shabbos goyim like the winklevii)
I mean control in the sane way they control fiat & countries with central banks.
I hope she does kill some jews tho
inshallah based sister
Why so cryptic
The same way they control silver and gold prices. No idea how.
Why you say Inshallah harami
What makes you think they control gold/silver?
I wonder what would libtarded NPC on kikebook say about that pic
on one hand you have the poor 6 gorillion tribe on the other hand you have a stronk independent muslim wymyn, I think libtards brains couldn't handle that and some wires would start melting.
They would probably find a way to blame evil racis white males for the conflict on both sides