What is the usual career path of a twitch streamer?
What is the usual career path of a twitch streamer?
i swear this is not fair
my goodness i wanna bury my face in between
Finally, a woman I can look in the eyes
Free money -> depression, wine, cats -> suicide
should i invest in cool wine aunts?
That's an oxymoron. These aunts are not cool. They are miserable harpies whose spiraling depression and alcoholism destroys everything around them.
no, cool wine pajeets are where it's located.
Short them with margin at your local crematory
How did we get to a point where "ironic ahaego" was a thing?
its pretty funny desu. unironic ahegao is cringe.
Spergs throwing money at whores doing it might be a factor
Am I the only one who actually ahaegos? like my tongue just presses into my teeth so it doesn't leave my mouth or anything but still.
That makes you a faggot
liz katz
> Spend their youth being pretty
> Men just line up to give them things and be nice.
> Hit the wall
> Suddenly men aren't paying attention anymore
> Never bothered to learn any skills
> Things go downhill from there.
>What is the usual career path of a twitch streamer?
knowing amazon and knowing that they have a monopoly on computer game streaming, they will eventually turn the tap off for off-platform donations, which will mean all of the streamers need to pay more to the owners or go elsewhere.
the game streamers will stay and probably grow, the titty streamers will leave for platforms they can keep making the big money, probably for doing more than just sitting still.
for the girls themselves theyll probably take a similar path to young strippers or other poor celebrities, theyll need to keep doing more demeaning and embarrassing things for money as they age, being replaced with younger models all the time
>tfw you'll never get a girl like that
>tfw turbomanlet
>tfw microdick
>tfw poorfag
>tfw ugly
god gave me the worst stat roll
>Suddenly men aren't paying attention anymore
Won't happen as long as they keep their weight down. Streamers with any degree of notoriety especially have an essentially endless well of orbiters to draw on until she turns up a wealthy guy that will tolerate her not touching him in a worst case scenario. It's no wonder girls love attention, once they accrue enough of it they're essentially set for life.
No, having an obsession with sucking dicks makes me a faggot, faggot.
either poverty, depression, suicide
poverty, following, not enough to survive, depression death
poverty, following, enough to survive, mainstream, hope, new game is released, poverty, depression, suicide.
Or they could be like that one porn star who lived with her parents until she was 22, just made porn on camera and now she lives in a mansion with sports cars because she invested all her money.
She didn't even show her face on camera, she just fingered and dildo'ed herself.
Thank you sir
sluts trying to make silly faces are still sluts
Imagine being able to fap your way to financial freedom. How ironic that women complain about gender bias.
Like pic related
Premium snaps by 25
Prostitution by 30
Full on anal paid slut by 32
Girls do know theyre making like a sexual face tho right?
must be nice just being pretty and play dress ups for a living
>Eyes going together
>Not going up
That's why you gotta win anyway. Git gud and show the noobs skill stats dont matter when you are gud.
If they are hot or at least fuckable. The ugly ones are doomed.
Twitch is definitely on the second half of its life cycle. The good years were between 2010-2015. Now it is nothing more than a normie-infested cesspool that's no different than all these early 2000s livestreaming websites. Gaming is on a decline as well. When microtransactions and quick money grabs matter more than the actual gameplay, you know it's about to go to shit.
Here's how I see this playing out:
>Twitch's user base stops growing at some point in the not-so-distant future
>All the small streamers run out of money and suddenly realize that they've wasted their most productive years of their life on something that they can't even put on their CV (many end up committing suicide)
>Twitch starts losing active users and normies soon realize that it isn't cool to throw money at some e-clowns anymore
>Medium-sized streamers quit streaming, but at least they made some money along the way (fewer suicides).
>Twitch shuts down. The real autists with the largest followings are still highly popular and switch over to some decentralized streaming app where users can directly donate in LINK. No more (((Twitch))) taking away part of the donos.
So, if you're asking what's the play here, you should obviously buy more LINK.
girls don't "fap", they schlick
>women over 30 being fuckable
I remember being 18.
this will only happen if the economy crashes, otherwise people will just game even more to escape their horrible lives
>twitch stops growing
ethots just got permabanned by tumblr and have flooded the web with (of course only white) titties and pussy, a ton have moved over to twitch since its harder to make money on reddit and snapchat sucks now. Twitch is going to become a giant peepshow website with some gamers on the side. the only thing you got right was most gaming streams dying out because nobody wants to watch dan play skyrim for the millionth time
Life of a twitch streamer
>whore out online
>hit the wall
>no one watches anymore
>becomes druggie
>dies miserable
I guess that's one paradox, yes. For some reason normies prefer dressed thots over the naked ones on chaturbate. Never understood that part of twitch culture.
If they fuck up Anno 1800 with any kind of required online content I swear I'm going to quit gaming forever.
Or if they have some kind of in-game shop for real money where you can buy convenience (games that do that always intentionally fuck up the balance so that more people buy convenience).
These IRL money shops in modern games piss me off something fierce, you know 10 years ago they had this thing called cheat codes to make the games easier but these days they expect you to pay real money to make the games easier. For singleplayer games that you've already bought. It's pretty fucked up.
>Gaming is on a decline as well.
Mostly because microsoft shit the bed so sony got cocky and started putting women in burkas of sunlight.
It's true, women really do ruin everything they get their grubby little paws on
Yeah I wasn't saying to imagine your a girl...
>Thinks consoles matter
My PC costs more than my car, but aside from total war, my games were made for consoles and ported to the PC.
You play shitty games
>My PC costs more than my car
you bought an overpriced prebuilt piece of shit didn't you?
>Life of a twitch streamer
>whore out online
>hit the wall
>no one watches anymore
>marrys rich beta provider viewer
>lives mediocre life
hugely underrated
i would crawl over a mile of broken glass to suck the dick of the last man that fucked her
That's kind of extreme, don't you think?
Bruh you can just pull a few hundred bucks together to bang a girl about that good looking.
The more popular ones normally started out through dropping out of university and pick up some game to continuously play and then either burn out or turn to variety after a number of years. They usually can make thousands a day through people donating to get their attention and subs.
The smaller streamers live off a dedicated community that keeps them afloat through donations and the ones that can't pull that off will not make enough to make streaming viable as a career.
Not sure how things will turn out for streamers in the long run though. I am curious to see if most of the current big streamers are sill going in 5-10 years time.
actually go by her other name, Risi Simms. just found that out and holy shit
Yep, her career path went from taking creampies to cock teasing beta orbiters for a living. The (((chosen people))) can pull that off.
>a girl like that
She has above average looks, but is nothing special. Stop putting sluts on a pedestal. Look at her desperate need for validation and use of filters and ruined ear lobes from piercings. Trashy.
Male - has to be one or more of the following:
>extremely talented in game - top 0.01% (Faker, Shroud, etc.)
>consistently entertaining (Destiny, Tyler1, Lirik, forsen, doc)
>have a weird condition or background (that redneck dude, that muscular guy)
>incredibly handsome (I think the Jake guy from Japan is an example)
>connected to bigger streamers (Greekgodx)
Female - has to be one or more of the following:
>have a pretty face and/or voice (lilypichu)
>have enough breasts to form a cleavage (twitch thots)
>be somewhat entertaining (kaceytron in her prime era)
>be somewhat talented in game - top 5% (hafu)
>have a weird condition or background (anita)
Note that a female with around 500 viewers can make as much money as a male with 3000 viewers. There are females with viewership around 300 that get thousands of dollars in donations a month from lonely and horny virgins with too much money in their hands.
Thots will emulate everything men pay attention to more than thots themselves.