Can we get a serious discussion on what this shit might be worth? It's an ERC20 token but blockchain agnostic...

Can we get a serious discussion on what this shit might be worth? It's an ERC20 token but blockchain agnostic. Could it in theory surpass ETH even if ETH remains a top crypto, due to the value in connecting to other chains?

Attached: 309621-LINK.png (300x300, 13K)

Link is shit

No one knows

It will surpass ETH, not right away but it definitely will.

It'll be listed on KyberNetwork soon and when it is, people will create a reserve for LINK, and companies such as Kaleido (plus all their competitors that are yet to be announced) will create user friendly integration for smart contracts using Chainlink without ever having to set up an ERC20 wallet and will be market buying LINK on demand from the reserves.

The user won't even know they're using Chainlink, but the platform will be market buying it behind the scenes.

This will all take some time
>years not months

This is mass adoption
This is the singularity
This should be screencapped so you never forget it.


If I pick up 500 of this shit will i be making it or too late?

>going to easily be worth $100-1000 per token but 26 cents is maybe too late!!

if dubs you're a fucking faggot

> understands it to the point that he knows it's blockchain agnostic
> unironically calls it an ERC20 token
I can't tell if this is bait or if you only make stupid posts about link after turboskimming any info you could find on it in 10 minutes.

Imagine the largest financial institutions in the world settling multi billion dollar derivatives smart contracts, and using over 100 oracles to provide their payment triggers in order to ensure accurate data, and requiring a $100k collateral stake to absolutely guarantee accurate data provision, and all the node operators crawling over each other to own more and more LINK so that they can secure the lucrative, high value contracts.
Now imagine that isn't just happening in global derivative contracts through SWIFT but is also happening all across the legal industry through Accord and all over the EVM through ZeppelinOS and all through enterprise onboarding through Kaleido etc etc.
Now imagine Chainlink has a multi-year head start FMA, absolute entrenchment as the industry standard oracle provider across this entire range of industries, the capacity for complex off-chain computation in secure Trusted Execution Environments through Town Crier with Ari Juels, one of the leading minds of smart contracts, contributing on an ongoing basis to its development.
Imagine that LINK tokens, as mechanisms for articulating and moving value within this ecosystem, are the mandated form of value representation and exchange that must be posted as collateral, that must be staked in nodes to secure high value contracts, and that must be issued as payment to node operators for performing this work.
Now imagine that the world currently values this emergent ecosystem at less than $100 million and consider what kind of upside potential that might have.

Attached: SergiefZangarov.png (2880x1800, 1.32M)

Attached: 1545138684719.jpg (1200x800, 448K)


hang yourself

ETH will become middleware for LINK.

LINK will easily be $1000+ by 2021

Explain how links market cap will ever surpass 350 billion or better yet 1 trillion will the entire supply in circulation. It can't happen.

>It can't happen

user, you have to change your point of reference. You think it can happen because of what you have seen and experienced. If Chainlink lies at the center of the 4th industrial revolution and gets massive adoption, $1T is very probably.

Remember that Apple was close to $1T and you cant even stake Apple stocks. Staking is fundamental, it takes tokens out of circulation and creates extreme scarcity.

Dont let your dream be dreams. Think outside of the box.

>market cap meme
>assuming something which requires non circulation will be 100% circulated
Just stop. At WORST no one with current access to LINK will stake in a node (except we already know most people plan on doing so) and there are the same 350MM in circulation. Supply and demand drive price, not market cap. Especially on a currency. This isn’t a fucking stock. There’s a limited supply and it’s an asset which can directly be exchanged for services or used to create services. If those services have enough value, a multi trillion market cap is not at all impossible. I think $1,000 could happen within 5 years assuming LINK actually becomes a blockchain standard. $100-300 should definitely happen in that event. Start thinking with your brain.

What about the other 650MM

Re roll

in 5 years blockchain is no fucking way going to be widely adopted.

Most big tech, banks and companies will and are producing private blockchains, which will have to migrate to public blockchains when they truly realise the limits (intranet vs internet).

Maybe 10 years, maybe 15 years.
5 years link could hit 50-100 USD, MAYBE.

350MM of that is exclusively set aside for node usage to incentivize companies

Another 350MM is the dev/team pool which unless the project essentially fails and staking itself has no value will likely not all be sold into the market, and frankly I would imagine almost none of it will sell in a marketplace — likely it would be sold direct to a company in large amounts which would not effect the price on exchanges and would keep them out of circulation.

That 700MM will with great probability never be available to the general public and therefore have no bearing on price, or market cap even though that’s meaningless to begin with.

I don’t have to imagine. This is REALITY.

Fuck you

My gamble:

If we go into a new hype wave most of its value will based on hype like everything else.
>Total crypto marketcap = $ 1 trillion top?
>Ethereum = $135 billion top?

Chainlink gets 5% of Ethereums hype as core foundational middleware it needs.

1 LINK at 5% of eth = $18

Attached: youjustwin.png (1160x614, 339K)

this is like expecting the best outcome. Link would need to be the minecraft of crypto for that to happen