Listed on Bittrex International and Upbit

>Listed on Bittrex International and Upbit
>But not Binance
Its something I guess. Dump your bags now while there is still volume from the listing. It will be sub 100K volume by next week.

Attached: An image name is mandatory.jpg (303x166, 6K)

yes please dump your bags, now's the perfect time, just do it, this is your last chance, sell everything and go on with your life


While I feel you are being sarcastic the sentiment isn't wrong. This is basically your last chance to get out with any kind of liquidity as they won't be listing anywhere else for another year or two at least.

Volume will die very quickly over the next few days as it always does.

listen to this guy goys you know its true, THIS IS YOUR LAST FUCKING CHANCE
next week it'll be literally 0 cents, with 0 vol
you dont want to baghold this for an eternity right?

yeah, otherwise it might even take you HALF A DAY to sell a 100k stack. i wouldn't risk it, market sell or nothing

did you also sell my fellow jnt bagholder?
I just marketsold 200k jnt a few minutes ago
feeling much better and relaxed
did you also?
I feel like a new man

Selling 100K a few days ago would literally have dropped the price by half even selling in small chunks trying to get the bots to buy at near market.

This is actually your last chance to get out clean with whatever stack you have at at the current market value without having to worry about it tanking.

On a scale of 1-10.
1 being a rotting raped camels corpse
10 being a arab billionaire
What is the likelihood of me ever getting my fuckin bouncy castle?

Attached: 1532324241053.png (363x296, 136K)

only pathetic fucking weaklings sell. hold till 0

I mean if you ask them they will probably send you a bouncy castle free of charge. They are all for doing everything but put out products in a timely manner.


Yes pleased dump your bags. Accumulating this shitcoin is getting harder and harder. Likewhise with the FUD

just think about it. which story would you like to tell your future children? that you sold at a 80% loss like a fucking loser, or that you held till 0$ 0volume like a real fucking man? i, for one, am a real man who is not afraid to lose everything

>Self-justification on the next level

>Bag holders delusion

based and redpilled

bagholders UNITE, either JNT will make me fucking rich or I'll have flushed 8k down the drain #yolo

>Self-justification due to selling his JNT allocation with a loss
>Cognitive dissonance is starting

what delusion you stupid mongrel. what is delusional about it going to zero?

>Cognitive dissonance
>From the guy claiming it will moon
>Despite all evidence to the contrary
Yeah that is something amazing logic. Don't sell if you are at a loss even if you might not be able to sell in a few weeks. Because if you don't sell you haven't lost anything right?


pathetic low test betamale afraid for his lunchmoney. get a load of this manchild cuck

Got anymore buzzwords or did you blow your load on that post?

>Self-justification due to selling his JNT allocation with a loss
>Cognitive dissonance is starting
>Forecast events in the future by an unstable individual

i have much more, but i am afraid you are not deserving of them. maybe try a bit harder at projecting your betamale terror onto others, and if you are successful i will give you a few more


>Deflection and pseudo-psychology

Yeah we have some bagholders.

Thanks for making the same thread every day. It's very nice of you that you genuinely look out for us!

go on, try harder my son. you are on the right path

>Self-justification due to selling his JNT allocation with a loss
>Cognitive dissonance is starting
>Forecast events in the future by an unstable individual
>Creating his own reality and believe system

Attached: Yep.jpg (680x499, 46K)

>blown the fuck out
>in final desperation resorting to overused 9gag memes


Shrek is my favorite movie too, sir.

The level of fud in every JNT post is simply unbelievable.

>Self-justification due to selling his JNT allocation with a loss
>Cognitive dissonance is starting
>Forecast events in the future by an unstable individual
>Creating his own reality and believe system

Don't worry I will mail you some rope for free when you finally see the light. Unless that light is the muzzle flash in which case wise choice.

The level of delusion in every JNT post is simply unbelievable