Working for a female boss

Other anons who work directly for a female, how do you cope? I am a VP level employee and report to the company Founder & CEO who is female. She literally flops from showering me in praise and treating me like her best friend and confidant to shitting all over me for things I didn't even have anything to do with. I can only guess it's hormonal related.

Last week I dealt with a constant barrage of salt over a deal that went bad because of an irreconcilable issue which pre-dated me. I was tasked with "resolving" the problem and as soon as I looked at what was going on I knew we were fucked and didn't have any actual outs. When I explained this to her she just got mad at me and acted like I was personally offending her. So I went ahead and tried to play hard ball and of course the other company's legal team comes back to BTFO us with EXACTLY what I said. Now I'm getting shit on again even though it's her fucking fault we're here to begin with.

Just three weeks ago she took a bunch of time out to let me know how helpful I've been and said if I was ever thinking of leaving to let her know so she can do what she can to make me stay.

I constantly feel like I'm on the verge of either being handed a huge "you're amazing" bonus or being fired. The stress rollercoaster is killing me. What do?

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Shit on her head to show dominance.

God literally just went through this just like you

>being intimidated by woman in power
>thinking gender matters

its a workplace, focus on your job dummy

It's not about doing my job or not, or being "intimidated". I do my job, I'm not intimidated. Dealing with a seemingly bi-polar personality, which all women exhibit in a work place, is annoying. It's especially so when it's your boss. GTFO if you have nothing intelligent to add. You're probably some fucking roastie who is causing her male colleagues stress every time she's bleeding between the legs.

The only response is to respond by confidently leading her towards the next deal.

yeah and fuck drumpf you sexist shitlord

>why do women act like women the post

When will you faggots fucking learn? Jesus fucking Christ....

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This is good advice but desu it's not about the deal, that was just an example. I know I'll move past that and never have to think about it again. It's just an impulsive behavioral thing that will take some other form in the future.

>working under women

Its a huge mistake, they never take responsibility for their shit descisions. At least a man would take some of the blame and accept he is in the wrong as well... but women? lol they have inferiority complex so they think blaming everything on middle management is a good strategy.

Just quit, you will end up losing your mind and quiting eventually anyway.

Also, if you start fucking her you could be a beneficiery of her idiocy as she will think you can do no wrong as well.

Eat her ass and dick slam her vagina.

Post your tits

My boss is a female and is based as fuck. Shes actually quite rational and intelligent believe it or not. She also always approves my holidays during the week and always let's me come in for weekend overtime whenever I want despite the overtime ban. Plus she just let's me manage myself.


Quit user
This is like seeing the dip in December and saying "what coin should I buy?"

>treating me like her best friend and confidant
>and said if I was ever thinking of leaving to let her know

its a trap, she's fishing for secrets.

Just be straightforward with her and tell her how stressed you've been. No point in not being honest, human element is always important to bring in.

legit thinking quit might be my only option

Now that you say this, she did the same thing with a colleague and when he was thinking of quitting her told her in advance and she basically fucked him over and pushed him out the door.

Maybe it's a trap

I will never have a boss better than my last female boss. Absolute baller, knew her shit, communicates in clear terms, understanding and encouraging, etc

Deep down, all women fantasize about you to raping them if you're successful or good looking enough. They WANT it...

Attached: Degrasse Tyson Rape Victims.jpg (636x382, 55K)

>her told her in advance and she basically fucked him over and pushed him out the door.

There we go then. Tell her what she wants to hear and nothing else.

Fuck her. Unironically.

Women employers see their employees like little roaches, because they'll never be as successful as her working under her.

compile reports and make assessments of the situations she puts you in and the likely outcomes (if you don't already)
do the same for your recommended strategies
keep a detailed log and backup of all information and make sure everything is properly timestamped and then compile it all as evidence of your expertise and accuracy in predicting outcomes.

basically make a giant corporate level "fuck you, I was right" file.

after compiling enough of this to make a case, arrange a meeting with someone above the both of you and make your case for a promotion or for her demotion/incompetence

demonstrate your value and if the company doesn't do anything, maybe start looking elsewhere, and using the information in your report to demonstrate value and expertise while searching for new positions

What coin is this? I’d like to buy 100k

Is she hot?

Quietly, on the side, see if you can find another job without her realizing before it's too late. Then just quit and start at the new place.

Unironically half my bosses have been assholes, the other half good leaders. Keep searching.

I legitimately feel bad for zoomers growing up right now. Vaginas must seem like selling cocaine to them.

>t. STD infested roastie

This happened to me too. I eventually lost my temper one day and things were smoother afterwards.

Imo, stand your ground and say "no." Women absolutely despise submissive men. If you're scared of being fired turn it into a "no, because this thing you told me before *insert bullshit demonstrating it was her GENIUS idea to not go forward with pointless shit*"

Or if you're about to get SHIT on, take extreme ownership and btfo your roastie boss "oh yeah, I should've recognized the gravity of The Issue and did x, y, and z in hopes of resolving it. Couldn't make it happen because yada yada yada I attempted a, b, and c to no avail" you get the idea, can't shit on you without looking like a redundant whore now.