Has anyone else cut their sleep down to 4 hours a day?

Has anyone else cut their sleep down to 4 hours a day?

You can't compete in the business world when everyone else has the advantage of working with days 25% longer than yours

Attached: Donald_Trump_August_19,_2015_(cropped).jpg (1500x2000, 227K)

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Not healthy look it up bud

Good goy, yes sacrifice your sleep time and shorten your life expectancy by half to make more money for Mr. Goldenshekelbergstein

Bay goy! How dare you make your health a priority over my business! What happened to work ethic. Fucking ungrateful goyim, what's next, demanding LUNCH BREAKS? Pathetic fucking goyim I hate them so much

ever since i discovered the 100x button on bitmex i have slept 0 hours a day


Donald Trump sleeps 3 hours a day and he's the healthiest president in US history. Sleep is wasted time and once you're used to living on less you won't miss it.

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ya when i first started my business now my time is actually worth money so theres no point into mindlessly feeling like shit all day when i can just spend 4 more hours sleeping and feel a million times better

also if you're awake for longer each day you have more time to spend on yourself than you otherwise would have. Even if less sleep does kill your productivity (it doesn't, this is just a meme) that just means you're cucking Mr. Shekelstein by giving him 8 poorer quality hours so you can have 12 hours a day to trade shitcoins and play video games

>Donald Trump sleeps 3 hours a day and he's the healthiest president in US history

imagine being this much of a maga fag

>actually believing that tall tale

12hrs a day here ama

Your brain is not as productive if you get below 7hrs each day

Not even, but it's undeniable that Donald Trump is a business success. Thatcher slept for 4 hours a day too and lived to be 87.

Bait thread on point

Although I usually get 6-7 hours I do try and make a habit of waking up between 4 and 5. I’m self employed and I used to wake up late and work all night and hated waking up early but the trick is to make the first hour or two of waking up enjoyable. just fucking around online and having breakfast and taking it easy or meditate if your gay. Then by 6 or 7 you can get to work and still be hours ahead or normies.

I know people that sleep 4 hours per night naturally but it's super rare. Like a genetic abnormality. If you're a regular person and sleep that much you will be btfo in no time

enjoy the Alzheimers

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>wants to sleep less to save time
>posts on Jow Forums
really jogs the noggin

>he's the healthiest president in US history

Holy shit lmao

Lincoln wrestled and boxed during his presidency, this cunt can barely walk up a flight of fucking stairs hahahaha

I don't know about you but I'd rather spend an hour shitposting than wasting it being unconscious

>he doesn't fast to get autophagy

>Dementia is healthy

I keep my brain active enough that I don't have to worry about it

unless you have the "Margaret Thatcher" gene or some variant, you're wasting your time. It's impossible to condition yourself to need less sleep

I was dating a girl who attends Harvard. She sleeps for 4 hours a night year round, yet remained sharp as a tack. Some people are just blessed.

You can't just cut your sleep down. There a specific gene mutation those types of people have and as a result their body requires less sleep. My director is like that, dude sleeps 4 hours a night and still looks like he's in his late 20s despite being 41. Meanwhile I'm fucked if I don't sleep at least six and a half hours.

It's a cruel world.

i was doing this week since its finals week and i would get up fine

however just a test i fell asleep without an alarm after my hardest exam and when I woke up 15 hours had gone by

the take away is that you need sleep and although you may be fine in the immediate, its your body doing a great job of putting a blanket over whats really happening and helping you to do your best

I have this gene. That's why I masturbate frequently. I hate being awake this often.

I would die of a heart attack