Should I feel empathy for successful people that were already born into wealth to begin with? I mean, I'm sure they had a lot of relative struggles in their lives like when the kids in their private schools bullied them, or their parents were never around and they were basically raised by the help. Are they the same as you and I or should they just count their blessings and shut up?
Should I Feel Empathy For Rich Fucks?
Could easily make the same argument for most people. If you were born in the west and aren't living in a shit hole you should count your blessings and shut up.
This guy is CIA. He happens to have a bit of a cold inhuman aura about him, so they spread stories like this to soften his image.
Honestly, who doesn't have a dead mom, dad, brother, sister, etc. You aren't special. It's fucking life. Suck it up and be a man you little bitch.
This. Ironically, freedom and democracy made people soft and lazy.
So is this why he started taking dick up the ass?
I've discovered that while sure, you can have empathy for anyone - empathy in itself is of questionable value. I mean, as a typical 'piscean', I've spent most of my life thinking about other people and their situations - but what has any of that actually achieved, other than feeding my sense of being 'knowing'? I mean, you can sympathise with anyone. The point is - Anderson Cooper's family was super fucking rich, what good could have been done with that money if spent more appropriately rather than on their luxurious lifestyle? What about the animals he's eaten or the people working away in miserable jobs as part of a social hierarchy that ultimately serves people like him? Don't they deserve empathy too?
The question is flawed. You can have empathy for anyone. Even a serial killer has reasons for doing what they do. How much time should you really spend relating to and\or empathising with some multi-millionaire media figure? Probably less than a second or two.
baste and concise pilled
Glass slipper theory. Nations and Empires are born of men who grew up in hard times. Who had to work and fight for their peice. Eventually the better life they give their children leads to soft men who will be displaced by men who had to fight to survive.
The US is descending the staircase in glass slippers. The men who built this nation were wooden clogs.
Simba was born into royalty and if you ain’t feel bad for that lil lion nigga no one can help ur soul
He's a giant homosexual. Literally.
Dis nigga gets it yo
Yes, but he doesn't act like a complete faggot which is a relief in todays age.
You should feel empathy for everyone user
yeah pretty much this. shit just happens, if your family is tight it's always gonna hurt. shoulder your burdens and deal, life is not a pity contest.
Empathy is good to know thyself. We should see ourselves in everything since everything emanates from within. There but for the grace of God go I. The path is narrow etc.
No, anderson cooper wants you dead, your family dead, you to live a long hard life of slavery without ever finding a woman to settle down with or have children with, and for you to watch your country burn as you can do nothing because he simply has more money than you ever will.
And he thinks its funny.
If America ever gets around to hanging people for treason, this guy is on the list.
This is more like a cross biz pol post for the op, but I'll respond.
I was watching TV and some anchor was basically lecturing the viewers. I'm thinking like this person is probably making 200k a year. Fuck off. Every since that I stopped watching all tv news.
Anderson Cooper needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps, hit the bricks, and start making something of himself. It all starts with a firm handshake.
It's like Emma Watson lecturing all males at the UN, "heforshe". Meanwhile she's got 80 million dollars at least, educated at the most elite schools in the world, and her campaign is now banked by one of the most powerful banks on Earth.
But YOU are the bad guy, male wagie!
sure because otherwise you end up believing and acting out the belief that the only worthy people are people who's lives are the hardest as defined by you which has not only the problem of being unknowable except by arbitrary -and by definition wrong- ideological frameworks, but that it leads to thoughts like
>why should i help my brother learn to drive, he is privileged enough to have access to a vehicle which many don't. fuck him
>why should i facilitate my child learning higher educational concepts, to get a high paying job, when other children don't have any opportunity to do anything but manual labor. i should help them
>why should my neighbor not suffer my noise pollution, these privileged fucks who live as nice a neighborhood as this
>i want to help those who are rEaLlY sUfFeRing like"african children". i will do this by throwing them chickenfeed that facilitates the continuation of their fucked up state
don't be a faggot like that. Besides, for you it's muh money. for others it's muh thin, muh easy mode female life, muh white. everyone envies something. that shouldn't manifest as contempt in any mature system
the truth is OP money aint all that grand believe it or not now go find jesus and start by looking in the trash
and a fist up the ass
People are people. Every has issues or problems. Everyone dies. Money is an illusion.
Anderson Cooper is a faggot so I don’t feel any empathy for him.
there is not 1 reason to give a shit how rich/famous people feel
the factor you forget is consciousness.
people in shitholes like india might be worse off materialistically, but most of them are basically insectoid biological automatons devoid of any true feelings - their conditions hence don't matter.
empathy is literally correlated with social status. the more alpha you are, the less likely you are to have a lot of empathy. it is therefore the moral cornerstone of the submissive, the slaves, the losers - those whose only option is to cooperate (and as a prerequisite to that empathize), because domination is out of the question
because you're a faggot, anderson