Genetic Perfection

>Genetic Perfection
>Deep Voice
>OHP's more than your total
>Not a bad vibe in his body
>No meme cuck exercises
>Could have blacked any of your white women, decides to be a gentleman and date one of his own there anyone more based

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Thought this was Jow Forums not /cuckfantasies/

Would be cool to be as strong as that dude though.

>feed humanoid livestock steroids
>act like its an accomplishment when they lift heavy objects

kek, you do realize that american niggers were bred to work in fields and perform labor, right?

At least he's honest about the roid use lol

I like Larry but he's in uncharted territory with whatever drugs he's using. Dudes strength is off the charts for that physique...Can't be healthy desu

Then why's your mom here...hue

>like Larry but he's in uncharted territory with whatever drugs he's using.
lol no. people like him have taken those dosages for years and the same drugs. test/tren/dbol/adrol

Isn't he young though? I've never seen someone lift so much weight at this age with that slim look. I don't follow any druggies though so I probably don't know what I'm talking about.

>have shrunken little balls
> blood pressure and cholestrol through the roof
>on a daily routine of various medications and steroids
>knocking years of his life by damaging his organs
>insecure trying to over dompensate

Every other time I come to Jow Forums I think its Jow Forums. What the fuck.

Yeah he is 24. A genetic freak that's been on a 3 year cycle.
Obviously all true but if you make it your job to be a powerlifter that looks like a bodybuilder you have no choice but to take roids.

>knocking years of his life by damaging his organs
>a long mediocre life is preferable to a short exceptional one

Never gonna make it

Wow what a retard.

They're always sweating from drugs, breathing heavy, can't walk without waddling, heart palpitations, painful joints, injuries, garbage diets, etc.

Bodybuilding is the unhealthiest sport next to contact/combat sports.


Maybe he wants to achieve things and die at 70 rather than waste away at 95 still in the basement

>me grok. me lift slightly bigger stone than legendary big grek. me accomplished. me now can feel good about me.

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he's on an unreal amount of drugs

a 3 year cycle of 3000mg of test per week

Fuck, so low effort.

Yeah, perfectly safe. I totally never knew anyone with arthritis, tendon damage, heart attacks etc from running that stack for years on end.

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fat manlet detected

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What are his numbers ? Too lazy to look it up.

If by Bodybuilding you mean competing in any serious show, then you are right. The amount of chemicals you have to consume to look anywhere near the top guys is insane.
But if you mean working out in a gym and staying natural, then it's pretty healthy.

I bet I could lift heavy things too if I took a stupid amount of roids

How's it exceptional? What are they even achieving other than looking like freaks? Their bodies are completely impractical just like Italian supercars

i can squat his ohp haha faggot

I'm a ripped chad at 75kg 8% bodyfat who only does home work outs for strength exercise 10 minutes a day (plus some cardio when watching TV shows some days) and don't really give a shit about being able to lift cars, so I stagnated in bodymass and am close to stagnating in strength.

Being healthy and attractive benefits you in every area of life. Roiding to leave humanity behind in order to be able to lift mountains is in 95%+ of cases autistic as fuck and becomes your life, displacing other aspects that you need to be psychologically healthy, instead of augmenting your life.

That said, sensible cycling to go from skinnyfat to the chad zone but still within ranges you were able to reach natty, but slower, and then stop roiding when you get there is not a bad thing to do and not very risky if you know what you're doing. That's a temporary sprint, not a lifestyle.

Post a picture of your body, we'll be the judge of "ripped Chad".

Other than that kind of agree, but if that's what some guy wantes to do who the fuck cares.

>What are his numbers ? Too lazy to look it up.

630lb bench, 870lb deadlift, 900lb squat. Body weight 270lbs. So yeah, he is ass strong for a man with such lean body fat, especially for a black man.

But then you have to keep your gains after the PCT. Your testes don’t always rebound completely from a cycle and you may find yourself infertile and on a cruise for life, along with potential heart and prostate damage.

The chances are near-zero low if you take the lowest risk things that are still effective, in the right combination.
>not very risky if you know what you're doing.

The risks of the combination and doses of drugs taken by most people who go for mountain lifts like OP example are many orders of magnitude higher. The scare about roids is generally overdone. Moviestars and the young rich almost all go through low risk cycles that they can wean off very safely for sprint physique changes.