Am I getting cucked?

My girlfriend no longer send me nude nor does she let me touch her.Even a hug makes her feel uncomfortable.
She says, it's not related to you user.I just don't feel comfortable in public bleh bleh

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Are you having sex or at least some intimacy in bed?

Get rid of her

Shell be breaking up with you soon. Unless you catch her with Jamal first.

Nope.We don't live together, we are still in college.
Anyways, she always says no to it.
Even while booking rooms for a wildlife sanctuary trip, she asked me to book two room.Because she wants space.
Albeit, things happened to her as a child.So, I do understand her at some points,.
But this is getting too much.

I paid back loans that her father had, from my gains.I fucking did so many things.
If this turns out to be true, then every girl is a fucking hoe.

user you are not necessarily getting cucked though i wouldn't rule it out, it's best to remain positive. if she is cheating on you then you should just cut and run anyway she's not worth your time.

you can rectify this situation but it takes significant effort. you must match her or even go a bit further than her in the personal space department. i know it sucks but you have to act uninterested in being physically active with her without being a dick about it. then, make sure she sees that you have important shit to do and possibly hanging out with other people who are around girls and she will get jealous if she still likes you. you aren't doing anything wrong by chilling with your friends and she will get the idea that you are more valuable than she once thought and will think twice about discarding you.

tldr hit the gym, go out have fun, improve your life and she will get more attracted to you. if she's cheating it was doomed anyway and she's a whore not worth your time and you've improved your chances and finding a non-whore in the future.

you, as a man, have the upper hand because your value in the sexual marketplace will only increase and can be worked on, while hers was given to her at birth (youth), only becomes really valuable in her early 20s, and fades quickly as the number 30 approaches. overall, do not worry too much about this, you have a significant advantage and can actually do something about it, while she cannot.

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yes you're relationship is in the shitter and she's fucking someone else. Now take this fucking shit somewhere else.

> reported and saged

yes user, cut it off clean and fast

Sit her ass down and make her talk. Tell her she is not allowed to leave until you resolve what's causing her change in attitude. If she refuses or gives you the reach around, you better start making plans that dont include her if you catch my drift.

Have you tried talking to her about it?

Yeah that's too much, bail.

>I paid back loans that her father had

Not even loans that she had; loans her father had.

You are BEYOND betabux, dude. Seek help.

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just saw this. OP, you do not understand women. more or less, they do not care what you do for them in the past, especially if it's money. money is invisible to them unless they want it right now for something they just need to buy. women want to be entertained RIGHT NOW and will not consider "did user buy me a diamond necklace last month? maybe i should hug him now?" that will literally never happen.

you need to be consistent with your attraction and make her feel like she wants you and make her feel like you are valuable to her. giving her shit does the opposite of that more or less. it's a nice gesture and i'm not saying don't do shit for girls but you have to understand the mentality they are in, which is seeking constant instantaneous emotional comfort. they don't give a fuck about the past. if they feel like you are not giving them the tingles and the feeling of attraction right now it doesn't matter if you did that 2 years ago or even 2 weeks ago.


shes fucking tyrone OP
also nice blog post you faggot keep this shit to r9k or fit

Dump her, she's not into you.

She will break up with you soon enough. Was in the same boat with my last gf. She would say it wasnt my fault, the problem was in her, she wasnt in a good place right now, the typical excuses a worthless whore would make. You deserve better than that shit my man

You are welcome. Now it is time to disappear from her life.

you are an idiot

Talk with her user.
Tell her what you feel.
Not in a whining way, but in a firm manly way. No yemling, no histeria or cry. Just plain fact.
"Derpina, you and me lived some pretty awesome experiances in life. And I personally want it to continue. But I feel that you are not as close to me as before. Please, tell me what append. A simple `it's not you, nothing to wories about` wont cut it. I need the truth to build a future with you. And if you don't want to give me the truth, to build a future with me, then maybe we shall talk about our relation."

tldr OP you are in a very easy to rectify situation. my gf pulled similar shit for a few days last week and when i picked up on it i immediately deployed the tactics i outlined here and by the end of the week she was coming on to me. honestly, even if you fail here, you iwll learn. and like i said in my first post you basically can't lose as a man in the sexual marketplace if you put in any amount of effort.

i think this post is related to Jow Forums because dating is a free market and many of the concepts here apply to business and finance too. also, having a hot girlfriend makes other successful men think highly of you which makes it easier to gain respect. because it's hard to keep a hot girl interested.


literally the worst advice i have ever heard

not just that. You need to have work ethic or a career or money. You don't need to spend it on them but you need to have it to show them that you can be a father. Sitting on your ass or lying in bed all day is super unattractive. You need to show initiative, go to school, hang out with friends, do community service, go to the gym. Show her you care about your future in an active consistent way. And of course, you have to entertain her consistently.

You have to cut her loose. Dump her op. I know the type. She had stuff happened and is allways looking for feel good guys around for sympathy. Once the phase is over, she is onto next because she cant emotionally bond with anything, Only way is to treat her like shit. So you dump her before she dumps you and now she is in the "needy" poosition. She will come crawiling back. But if she does, remember to treat her like a toy. She will love you forever.

But I dont think you are the kind of guy that will be abel to do this. You sounds too good and needy to be abel to treat people as objects.

Yeah , constant drain of time and money .. in reward you can put penis in her

Really rational replies, realised many things.

I will talk to her today, maybe it will be the final talk.
Thanks anons.Appreciate it.

this guy knows what's up

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she's done with you. let her break up with you if you don't care to see her again. if you break up with her she might come crawling back.

and dont forget to read 'The Rational Male' by Rollo Thomassi, this is really really really important, so you can finally man up

Obv trap, but in the off-case it’s not: Dump her RIGHT NOW, as soon as you read this, pick up your phone and dump her. This relationship is over, she’s fucking somebody else and is just using you for the money. That loan you paid off, just write it off as a loss and move in. If you dump her at least you’ll still have some dignity left. Every day you postpone it, you lose money and dignity. Like the sound of compound NEGATIVE interest? Didn’t think so. Get out, OP.

you should respect her decision and support her

>all these newfags falling for the daily roastie thread

Imagine being this much of a cuck. I'm not exactly a pussy slayer but god damn threads like these make me feel good.

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>We're done
When she replies give her a 7 word reply
remove her from all your retarded social media apps. create a tinder account. be fucking a thot on ypur living room floor when ex gf comes over to get her shit off your front doorstep.

>send her a 2 word breakup text


you're her beta provider. she's physically repulsed by you. cut off all contact with her and move on. learn from this relationship.

don't forget to dump her nudes

Somewhere along the line you did or said something that she associated with the person who inflicted her childhood trauma. Even if whatever it was was completely mundane and totally not weird or abusive in any way. She's trying to let it pass, but it wont, and it will destroy your relationship. Been there, done that.

>t. Boomer

If you don't look like this, chances of being Cucked are of of 100%.

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Why would you even do that? Debts don't transfer to next of kin, so tell her dad to get bent. Get a back bone user, Christ.

Start eating right and working out, then dump her

>Albeit, things happened to her as a child
None of you retards read this part

> Business and Finance

She is fucking someone else. She will dump you soon and you will feel the pain. Hopefully you learn from this.

what the fuck. dude you are a huge faggot.
when she breaks up with you, you need to learn how women operate. you right now have no idea and clearly are being taken advantage of, but you just can't see it.

when you're ready to learn, report back.

What the fuck. This is bait, right? If she doesn't want any kind of physical intamacy with you then your relationship is almost 100% not going to last. Hate to break to you fren, but she probably doesn't love you.. She's most likely just using you (perhaps unconsciously).


Sad but true.

Main sign that something is wrong isn't that she acts distant. Problem is that she used to hug you, send nudes etc... Some girls are shy, if she changed her behavior, there's something behind this. And it's probably somebody named Jamal.

Best bet is to try and fuck one of her friends OP cuz she has sure has shit jumped ship on you.

I don't see why it's incompatible with your advice.

And your advise it to do what, mister Chad?


Just talk to her. She's displaying signs that she's either over you, or she may have been assaulted or harassed by someone. Talk to her.

Go to her dorm and break up with her and just tell her your not feeling a connection and your want to see other people. Naturally she is going to act surprised, tear up and act like she doesn't know what's going on and this is because women can't admit when they're wrong and don't have the esteem to handle rejection. Just cut ties and act like she never phased you.

Honestly, she's a piece of shit.

One of the worst kind of GF. Just a little better than the crazy girls like psychopaths or borderline personality disorder.

She's a piece of shit.

For you comfort, just know that all women are women and act in the same way, but some are better than other.
There is a scale that varies from absolutes trash whores worthless women to actually quite good ones.

In short, all are hypergamous, all are alpha fuck/ beta buck, but some are able to respect you and find you attractive. You girlfriend doesn't.

My advice, just cut all contact from her, phone, email, facebook, and trash all pictures from her. Absolutely everything.

At first it will be very hard but you'll heal faster.

Do nofap and try to fuck other women. Even low quality ones. It'll help to forget her.

She's getting bored with you. She may not be fucking someone else, but it's possible. The best play if you like her a lot, would be to act distant yourself. Focus on you, your stuff, and your friends, and don't bring her along for a while. Either she'll feel fomo and be slopping on your nuts again within weeks, or she will move on with someone else. Either outcome is desirable.

Only reasonable answer.

If, after all you've supposedly done, she's not willing/able to explain her change in attiude etc drop her.

If she really loves you, she'll explain and you'll find a compromise like at least fucking twice a month or some shit like that.

Your money shouldn't be the only thing good enough for her.

Dump her via text you fucking beta piece of shit and then go no contact. She's fucking someone else and is physically repulsed by you.

If you understood what she'd do for a man who fucked her well and was physically attracted to, all of the grotesque slavish things shed do happily, you'd kill yourself instantly. That's how women are.

most likely she is taking it in the ass by some total stud. Just dump her and let some other guy have her.

Then it was his faggot ass error to start a rlship to begin with.

>never stick your dick in craycray


woman are crazy

I broke up with my ex after she cheated on me with a girl (I was pretty sick of the relationship desu)
I kept seeing her cuz I enjoy sharing time with her, in a friendly, non romantic way

she got mad at me cuz I wouldn't kiss/fuck her


call me a faggot if you want I do whatevr the fuck I want

she told me "I though you were a libertarian, what's wrong with it?"
I freely choose to not be with her, and I think the rejection kills her, not tht I want to do her any harm, but things are the way they are

why am I saying this? no idea

You're a cuck if you don't break it off right now.

I just got over a breakup that was similar, when you enter a relationship with someone else you allow yourself to be vulnerable. And it can be emasculating to feel this way when your partner doesn't care.

Have some respect for yourself and draw a line OP

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>I broke up with my ex after she cheated on me with a girl (I was pretty sick of the relationship desu)
I kept seeing her cuz I enjoy sharing time with her, in a friendly, non romantic way

she got mad at me cuz I wouldn't kiss/fuck her

WTF First she fucked a girl and you didnt ask ehr for a treesome????? And then she dumps you becasue you ddint fuck her enough????? honestly, cant blame her for getting rid of you massive faggot.

looks she already got rid of him LMAO

One of the basic truisms you have got to learn is that women give no respect to past performance. There is no loyalty. What you are providing right now, or might provide in the future, is all they care about, and the second that you've bought them something shiny or bailed them out of some terrible situation it counts for zero percent after that moment. It might be good for some excitement for the next day or two while she's still in the throes of excitement, like a Christmas gift, but that's only her way of trying to do what it takes to keep similar things happening in the future. The sooner she gets back to treating you with apathy, the quicker she, intentionally or not, can get you to give her another fix.

Women are ALWAYS, universally, a bad deal and a bad bet. They aren't loyal and they don't have a sense of honor; they're children in an adult body and all they have is a gaping chasm of want and need. Maybe a single percent of women fall outside that mold, so don't think you're dealing with an exception, you almost certainly aren't. Instead, recognize them for what they are, even love them for what they are - but don't be deceived. They don't mean to deceive you anyway, it's just in their nature. Just do a daily or weekly check to make sure that whatever your needs or expectations are in keeping company with some woman are fair and equal to what you're giving up. If they aren't, push your agenda even if it means kicking her to the curb. And never, never marry except when you're ready to have kids and preserve your reproductive rights as the legal father, and even then, get a prenup. Marriage has turned into a universally bad idea for men. There is quite literally zero benefit to you, and significant legal detriment, just don't do it.

Just start ignoring her and stop hanging out with her problem solved. And if she gets desperate to see you again and thinks you don't care about her much you'll get more affection when she's scared of losing you. Pro tip with girls, always make them at least a tiny bit afraid of losing you. And you have to keep seducing them even if youve been together for a long time. You can't get lazy and think "ah she's already my girl this is locked down long term." You have to keep impressing and seducing her to keep her interested. Sorry to tell you that user but someone had to.

She is sleeping with somebody else. Dump that thot and find somebody who cares about you.

You cuck idiot douchebag, you'd let a girl literally cheat on you just because duh, I might get a threesome out of it and become a bigger cuck?

If she wants a threesome, she should approach her boyfriend and they can do it together. If she's a lying, cheating whore, who cares if the person she's fucking behind your back also has a vagina?

I broke up with her user...

Spotted the redditor

good job

>Doesn't live with, fuck, or even hug """gf"""
>Pays off her FATHER'S loans
>Blames women for his idiocy
Breh I hope you just kys and let her take the rest because you shouldn't reproduce.

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I'll try to make a short analysis of the "GF" of OP.

I think his girlfriend is a low libido, low self esteem women.

Those are the worst type of women you can find.

A low libido, high self esteem is a women who will likely not cheat on her man. She could break up, but won't likely cheat.

A high libido, low self esteem women is what we call a slut. She is married or have a boyfriend, but could cheat with a higher value male while still fucking her husband/boyfriend. Those make great hotwifes in an open relationship (for those who are into this).

Now a low libido, low self esteem women is probably the lowest kind of trash you can find. She could have fucked with the BF/husband at the begining, but since she has a low libido, she won't fuck him anymore. What's more, if she find a higher quality male, she will fuck him because his sexual market value will wake up her libido. But when she come back to the BF/husband, she won't fuck him because he doesn't attain the threshold of sexual arousal necessary for her to fuck. Since she is low self esteem, she won't break up with her BF/ husband, since she think she won't find better. Those low libido, low self esteem women are the worst.

OP GF might be one of those.