Is reddit r/investing unironically right about bitcoin and crypto being dead?

read the comments. are they right about crypto being a scam thats now over?

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>listening to reddit
ha ha ha ha ha. if you want to give up send me your coins

Nah. These faggots also took out loans to donate to Bernie's presidential campaign.

Don't tell me you unironically trust biz anons over r/investing?

Lmao. Sad

It's funny.. I remember telling all my friends to sell at $6k, then later desperately trying to buy at $8k (couldn't because my driver's license didn't match my current address), then being really mad when it got $18k

And now? Oof. Glad

There's actually pretty good insight on Jow Forums, if you can cut through the clouds of FUD and BS.
Remember that people on Jow Forums were telling people to buy ETH in 2015 when the price was below $1, and people on Jow Forums were spreading the word about Bitcoin as early as 2012 when it was below $100. Lots of people got rich by following advice from this board.

We are on the cusp of a 4th industrial revolution, where investing in the right tech early will give you lots of money.

and they all left
its just pajeets now Rakesh

I am under the impression crypto always moons and crashed. This time is no different ,

I see you too own IOTA.
Smart man.

What are you collecting for this? I got AGI (ai marketplace), SONM (fog compute), IOTA and some weird chinese shit like AI DOC

Capitulation. Good. This is what we need.

Right now I am in Link, Monero, Masari, Ethereum, Bitcoin, and TRON. If I had to pick coins more related to AI/smartcontracts I would choose SingularityNet and Dero.

Oh noooooo

ditch link it's a meme coin I'd go for iota right now you could almost trade your llink stack for iota 1-1

Send me ur coins and capitulate already if you are really wondering if fucking reddit knows anything about bitcoin

>mfw u prolly hold ripple bcash and tron

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Ummm it was posted about on /b/ all the time below $1 and we all ignored the freaks talking about their scam. Ill be on my deathbed with this regret

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Right here

well they're right in that it's a ponzi.
In total, cryptos have leeched several billions for mining, and the only visible use case is paying for drugs.

Same, always.

Weird, IOTA popped in my mind from his post as well.

You can correct it now with LINK

Also, it is used as an actual currency in Venezuela alongside other cryptos. Sure, Venezuela is a shithole, but at least it works there somehow

>owning iota
>literally a sql database due to the coordinator

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>we all ignored the freaks

Not all of us did.

Yeah dude the company that created the New York stock exchange is releasing what will basically be the equivalent of if for crypto next year it’s totally dead

I was on /b/ all the time in 2009-2011 and can't recall ever hearing about it. I have dreams where I bought back then and hid an old wallet, but I always wake up. The first time I remember bitcoin entering my consciousness was when a Jow Forums pass cost about 1 bitcoin. m00t quit right as the price exploded. The first time I remember seeing threads about it was in the 2013 bubble when it was a hot topic on Jow Forums. I almost bought but I'm glad I didn't. After it crashed I figured it was dead. I started seeing a bunch of crypto threads last year but didn't get in, correctly realizing it was another bubble. I got fired in January and decided to learn all I could about crypto. Been on Jow Forums ever since.