did i do good biz?
Have you not been paying attention at all?
to what?
all on black is a quick 2x every time
Going all in is never a good decision. Also, you could have bought $800 cheaper...
YES user! YES you did great!
NEXT step is turn off your PC for two years then come back and withdraw millions of dollars
not much point. what's the best that can happen, it quarduples in value? psh, piffling plebprofits. buy the 'old classic' altcoins like LTC, VTC, PPC, VRC, even BCN. once the memecoins die off these pillars of our society will rise from the flames in which so many of them are so close to perishing. Buy them while it's still possible, store them until it's impossible to resist cashing out.
to the price? it was 3200 three days ago. So why did you buy now?
Buy high sell low.
Lol you could have bought $4000 cheaper just a few years ago
No, it’s going to $1000.
Why didn't you buy dogecoin, moron?
Can you please not post this picture? As a survivor it really hurts to see this posted on Jow Forums every few days.
It becomes a global currency, at which point it's worth a million plus a coin.
Your stupid logic is the same shit penny-stock shills push. The underlying fallacy here is that the lower-priced stock is somehow a better prospective choice because it feels more likely that a stock or coin can go up a few cents than a large stock can go up otherwise.
To pic related
>Only bet on the winners
Thanks for all the free money
may i suggest you go to reddit or one of the other every single websites on the internet that routinely purges all remotely offensive content instead?
>As a survivor
remember that it's only hot because you continue to suffer.
Satoshis Vishnu
Abstract. A purely poo-to-poo vishnu of electronic cow would allow online pooments to be sanjay directly from one pooty to another without pooing through a financial institution. Digital signatures poovide part of the street, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third poo is still required to prevent double-pooping. We poopose a solution to the double-pooping problem using a poo-to-poo network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based poo-of-work, forming a record poo that cannot be changed without repooing the poo-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as poo of the street of events witnessed, but poo that it came from the largest poo of CPU pooer. As long as a majority of CPU pooer is controlled by nodes that are not coopoorating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpoo attackers. The network itself requires minimal streets. Poos are broadcast on a best effort basis, and shits can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest poo-of-work chain as poo of what happened while they were gone.
I this what four channel has become?
Monero is the next coin to skyrocket to top 5.