Hey /biz boys, We are currently running a campaign to convince you faggots to help fund the trump wall with some of your crypto.
It would be an excellent opportunity to get the wall built and dump some of your shit coins.
Please /biz boys, dig deep.
Fuck mexicans!
$6.5million in 3 days.
The wall needs all the help it can get.
Help build the wall
What happened to Mexico paying for it?
Get fucked
absolute faggots /biz is.
cares only for crypto and incelibacy.
do you realise that the vast majority of illegal immigrants didnt arrive from border crossings
Trump supporters are so fucking stupid that they just ignore shit like this and are happy about it. It's truly pathetic. He said it so many times at his rally circle jerks yet no trump supporter will admit he fucking lied from the get go.
how to stop teleportation?
a group of illegals recently rushed your southern borders.
By the way faggot how many of the peoples entering from the border get recorded vs how many dont get reported idiot, ide say only 10-20% of people who cross get recorded. the rest sneak in and no one knows the better.
fuck off m8 unpatriotic globalist.
as in literally crossing the us/mexico border on land that is what "border crossings" refers too... as opposed to visa overstays for example.
this tbqh famalam
Piss off you chink scammer
border crossing apprehensions have been in decline since 2000. in trumps first year they declined 43% from the last year.
so either this is reflective of the total number and it is in fact going down and is not nearly as significant as other means by which illegals arrive. or somehow its rising or stable while border security has gotten progressively worse for 17 years, especially during trumps first year.
which is it?
border security is obviously down, the hard handed tactics are being hounded now and have been for a few years, the removal of troops from the border until trump and the openness of the american population wanting open borders and pro immigration.
the borders of nearly every western nation are in decline.
its blatantly obvious there is an immigration problem, are you denying that fact.
or are you looking for the blanket solution?
what i mean by that is, the meta for illegal entry is to vast for the wall to affect.
But in honesty, you need to start somewhere mate. The rhetoric this debate brings could ultimately lead to other anti immigration tactics.
its the movement towards border protection as a whole that needs to happen but everyone is up in arms over where to start to cure this problem.
This will 100% end up being a scam.
How the FUCK can people be this stupid to actually donate money to "build a wall" with a goal of 1 billion when the wall will cost around $20-$30b? I know the average voter is fucking retarded, but this takes the price.. jesus fucking christ. Both republicans and democrats can go fuck themselves.
it doesn’t draft the funds from you until it gets fully funded right? i imagine most people pledging donations are just doing it expecting it won’t teach 1b
this! ^^^
its about starting the conversation again.
and this is more a show of support to start the anti immigration rhetoric again, possibly to finally agree on where to start to tackle this problem.
>there is an immigration problem, are you denying that fact.
where have i denied that?
>this healthcare solution is bad
>you think there isn't a healthcare problem???
>you need to start somewhere mate
not a complete money sink that will never pass. what about proposing something that's actually productive and stands a chance at passing. of course that was never the intention with trump, it was always just grandstanding.
The absolute state
no one believes anymore.
who even cares about trump you fuck head.
im talking about border security here.
no need to bring up a strawman >this healthcare solution is bad
>you think there isn't a healthcare problem???
^nice strawman
bro this is about border security and i even wrote its about the rhetoric and showing support for anti immigration.
So... are you anti or pro?
I dont even know with your weird ass sentiments.
This is Jow Forums, not Mexico.
the fact that you believed at any point says enough tbqh
i didnt mean to strawman i was just demonstrating it was a dumb assumption to think i may have thought immigration wasnt a problem because i think trumps solution is bad.
>its about the rhetoric and showing support
jesus that is dumb. so dont propose logical well thought out solutions to a problem, just grandstand and hope someone comes along later and takes care of it real... good luck.
funny how you leave no room for nuance. i am not "anti-immigration" really but there should be a strict merit based system in place and obviously the sheer quantity needs to be dialed back.