In the next two years IRL live-streaming will explode.
How can I profit from this without being a live streamer?
In the next two years IRL live-streaming will explode
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Buy Twitch
what do you mean, IRL live streaming? like first person video feeds of people just going about their daily lives? Short everything if society is ever that cucked
wouldnt be suprise if this caught on
Sponsor a broke but entertaining streamer with equipment and stipends for a percentage of the subsequent income. How fucking new are you to business?
long cx llc
Good streamers would never go for that because their audience would see it as selling out and abandon them.
How would they know? You buy equipment and you give the streamer a stipend. It's not a sponsorship in which you ask them to promote you, it's an equity stake in stream revenue. Obviously you dont target streamers who are already established and successful. You look for diamonds in the rough.
cyber beggars living off "donations"
this guy will make it
It's been profitable for years wtf you talking about. In real life real life streaming?
Your dumb as fuck.
It still has a very small audience compared to other forms of entertainment, and has huge growth potential. With the increasing coverage of 4G and 5G just round the corner also YouTube pushing live streaming I can see this becoming one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the near future.
>like first person video feeds of people just going about their daily lives?
wait is this seriously what is meant by this?
Because if it is I might unironically start doing it ironically. 24h non stop streaming of me shitposting on Jow Forums and fapping to tranny porn all day.
Buy gopro stock and the Chinese knockoffs
WTF it's real
I predict cameras will be able to project holograms and somehow this holigram will be able to film footage. This will replace drone technology and be used for IRL video streaming and replace all optical technology.
You have to actually be interesting to make it user
and/or autistic
In a lot of the livestreams you can donate to have their speaker read out a message or play media. Usually people use it to say/play super offensive shit and get a reaction out of the streamer/the people around him. It's pretty retarded humor, but I do kinda get the appeal.
Human society is ogre
As we become more alienated and isolated from others people will seek to fill that hole with “relatable” and unedited videos of other people as if they were in the room with them. Part of his explains the rise of podcasts, I also believe Ice Poseidon tier wander around aimlessly streams will explode and this will be people’s replacement for face to face interaction. Obviously it’s vastly inferior to actually having friends but many will have no choice.
Go long on streaming services for sure.
I wanted to say this is going to cause serious problems but I see it's already evident.
buy bits?
hold them and then gift them to yourself back when they're worth more?
I have no idea if bits does function as crypto or not, their logo looks like ETH
If IRL streaming explodes, social anxiety will enter a golden bullrun. Imagine walking down a street and worrying about how many people are streaming and how many viewers are looking at you at any given moment. Sounds like hell
Just wait until security cameras in major cities become dense enough and computing/networking becomes advanced enough to support real time exploration of public spaces in VR by secret police
The vast majority of streamers use wired internet to stream, and this isn’t going to change no matter how speedy cell data gets so long as the cell companies charge absurd premiums for it.