How do I rewire my brain to become a millionaire guys? Share your routines to change your thinking and behaviour for the better.
There's this thing called "learning" where you obtain information from other sources and from practicing. You should try it.
Just meditate.
Fap 3 times per day. Minimum
Just browse Jow Forums and masturbate all day, it should work out fine.
save money and then invest it
also be born rich
meditate on a heroic dose of lsd
The best advice I can give you is that you should make your life changes slowly. If you try to change/fix everything all at once you will fail and become discouraged.
Also, work on fully accepting yourself, even with your flaws and bad habits. You can't improve yourself effectively if you don't love yourself.
I eat my own cum.
Intermittent fasting unironically improves neuroplasticity
Dihexa if you can get your hands on some
Lions Mane Mushroom
Worked for me last year.
What a list. Pretty good, I'd add sub Reishi for the Lion's mane, 7,8-DHF if you have a lot of dosing discipline, SELANK rather than SEMAX if you are a high strung person.
Ashwagandha is a potent BDNF secretagogue and is generally great I've found. Not for those with hyperthyroid conditions.
Fish oil is a good simple one.
But these only go so far and really should be cycled. At the end of the day meditation and exercise are the best and most sustainable options for elevating BDNF.
TL;DR: there are shortcuts that will only work for so long. You will have to pay or work hard for these benefits in some way, any way you choose.
Truest post in thread.
You know what the better quesiton is imho?
How can I be less dependent on stuff?
Lsd and cardio but its proven that success is 80% luck
Why Reishi for lions mane? I'm a big fan of lions mane, however, my favorite is cordyceps. Cordyceps seems to provide me a clean and focused energy to get through the day and its something I recommend to anyone.
This + heroic LSD/shroom dose & meditation.
Also 5-MEO DMT
Meditate (everything starts with this). Learn mnemonics, speed reading & mental math to become a mentat. Practice a system of inner mind control like self hypnosis, the Silva technique or NLP. Understand the connection between breathe & your mind state. Balance all the above with physical exercise & doing stuff in nature. And put your skills into practice, set goals and achieve them. Learn to influence human nature - master yourself, then one other person, then a small group, then go big. Learn from those that came before you, read Seneca, Sun Tzu, 48 Laws of Power, usual motivational stuff. If you really struggle with not being a normie slave, use LSD on occasion to experience ego-death & reset your brain to a more plastic state.
Luck is mostly about being ready to seize opportunities. Yeah, shit can happen - but you can at least try to maximise your opportunities.