Have you done your part user?

have you done your part user?

Attached: 66A13B75-D206-485B-B6B4-5F2FE861DE30.jpg (640x879, 319K)

I reported it because it's literally a leftist exploiting you Jow Forumstards for money

how do they know the guy is actually going to hand over the funds after he gets it?

anyways, anyone donating to this is flushing their money down the toilet. Govt waste and corruption is going to ensure that none of it goes towards its intended purpose

doesnt matter. the message this campaign sent caused pic related

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-21 at 01.43.18.png (1246x624, 168K)


Donated $160 this evening

Fuck niggers, spics, kikes, fags, fedoras and jannies

>Giving your money to some random faggot who says they will pay for the wall

This is conservative NPCs in a nutshell right here.

have i donated my money so this big fat jew can build his big fat useless jewish wall? no i haven't fucking cuck

>didn’t read the info
>shills for spics


Israel’s wall is pretty effective, Chaim

>brown man bad

Attached: 927.png (634x362, 112K)

I'm not a burger, but if I was (and had a lot of money to blow) I'd consider donating.

Cuz 1 billion will build that big ass wall. Try 5x that amount.

Already at 10% of their goal in like two days. Pretty neat but they don't need my help.


>Reddit spacing
>Sad! Posting

Oh how nice of you that you care for financial well-being of poltards :)

Trumpkins can't see the irony here

Attached: kUzIiUQ.jpg (1242x1237, 178K)

4D chess multilayer irony support
We.Are.Back reddit

I'm a leftistfag of course I care about the financial stability of everyone

fucking mutts are disgusting

Yep. Working under minimum wage must be very hard.

Theres no obligation for him to actually follow through.

It shows how retarded Jow Forums actually is.
I might do a gofundme to collect funds for completing the investigation against hilary clinton. Im sure id get at least a couple of grand, pol fags are that dumb.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

we should structure taxes in a way that every individual that pays taxes chooses what their taxes go to.

Give them a list of 20 things.. tell them they have to pick 8

That will be true democracy

Spotted the triggered poorfag

Attached: images (1).jpg (223x226, 5K)

He has millions
[spoiler]In debt[/spoiler]

Mods, do your fucking job.

1% not 10% you absolute tard

>Shit at math
>The absolute state of Jow Forums - Business and Finance

But what about Mexico paying for it? Lmao. You MAGA retards are literally the dumbest people on earth.

>the i'm 17 and say various words on the internet to feel edgy post