Attached: cache.jpg (2592x1936, 663K)

For that money you spent you could have invested in POS coins and set up 100 different nodes across differing networks.

Enjoy the electricity bill thwarting any minuscule gains you make on Bitcoin OP, you absolute faggot.

>falling for the gpu mining meme
>literally a chinese kid with a few ASICs can mine more

No because you'll never recover your initial investment

2011 pic

Interested. Quick rundown on your operation?

b-but i get free electricity (my parents pay for it) and my rigs double as heaters in the winter

fuuuuck delete this i'm so fucking jealous right now omg im boiling


Based. Individuals trying to compete with mining farms (that are 1000 times bigger than what OP is setting up) are literally wasting their money. Proof of Stake is much better in this regard. Masternodes require collateral, meaning if somebody wants to buy up all the coins and set up nodes, the price shoots up and they could potentially get dumped on.

PoS > PoW

So how do you go about monetising a node?

>monetising a node

What are you talking about? Have you ever set up a masternode? You buy X amount (always make sure you can afford enough coins for a node before buying), you transfer it to your wallet then you set the node up on your VPS. After everything is up and running, you’ll start getting payments directly to your wallet. Literally a passive income. Like being a landlord but not having to deal with shitty tenants.

>Like being a landlord getting paid with rapidly depreciating venezuelan bolivares

fix'd it for you

>b-but i get free electricity (my parents pay for it)
holy fucking shit

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (250x214, 12K)

>too autistic to understand sarcasm

you want a tip??

get a bunch of low power raspberry pi's and create a Beowulf cluster

I bought ASIC.
The Chinese fucking destroyed all their miners at $3k.
Price reversal. Chinks can't back into mining. Mining pool is shrinking difficulty is dropping.

And you bought scrap GPUs

No. You now have thousands of dollars of sunk cost which will take >1 year to recoup unless you happen to get lucky and mine or reinvest in a coin that grows exponentially. Factor in the time it takes to setup, optimize, and maintain your rigs, plus time to research new shit to mine and to market your bags... and you're in the hole bigtime. You also have to consider the opportunity cost of not just buying thousands of dollars of coins that are probably going to go up anyway and also the opportunity cost of not dedicating your time to developing a skill that makes more money to add to your stack. You would make more money working at macdonalds and dumping your paycheck into a select few coins than you will mining. Not to mention your competition, but I think you get the point. Good luck to you OP but you've likely triple fucked yourself.

Yeah if this was you, you could easily be retired by now.

and he posted a brainlet picture too, how sad

>Like being a landlord getting paid with rapidly depreciating venezuelan bolivares

My shit has only gone up in price because I didn't buy into worthless projects with unsustainably high ROI. You carry on with your ignorance and poverty, though.

Thought they were boxes of ammo at first. In which case I would have been jealous

Not him. Which PoS coin do you rec?

>a Beowulf cluster
NEM recommends using raspberry pi's to run nodes

Those GFX are older than BTC. Guess i'd be jealous if somebody had mined since 2009.


>two generation old GPUs

Pick one

I never ever name my holdings. I can tell you that the projects I'm invested in are all on

Do your own research, clown.

Pls explain to us how your mining costs will become a floor to the btc mkt price

What does btc have to hit for you to an hero

Not really.

Attached: Underground-ammo-courtesy-guns.com_.jpg (700x446, 101K)

there are zero MN coins that arent shit, Dash is shit, the are all dumpster juice, shut your stupid mouth

i mine for $0.04 kwh in the Caribbean JEALOUS

hang that drywall faggot


Might as well heat your house with dollar bills.

Im fucking angry right now jesus fucking christ

yeah 2011 or so, this guys probably a fucking billionaire now

this. Fucking retards this is an old as fuck pic.

mine ETH and then stake it when they become pos

You are retarded

That is hilarious if you setup mining in 2018

i could have bought 10x what op has at ath.. fml