I don't understand why only high iq autists understand chainlink. Only us will have the autism to dig through all the breadcrumbs sure and work out all the technological details but at the end of the day it's very easy to get why oracles are the next big thing.
Even a low iq normie should have a light bulb go off in his head. It's about connecting the blockchain world to the real world and the internet. It's the difference between computers before and after internet. Everybody can understand this and should be excited for this.
Are we just too early? It's been one year already. I just don't understand. Where are the normies?
What makes you think I'm gonna buy bitcoin at these fucking prices? Thanks, but I'll wait for Bitcoin to hit $1000 again before investing a single penny in it. I have only just learned about Bitcoin last week, but there's no way I'll pay for something I can't even touch. I only want a Bitcoin because the individual who told me about Bitcoin mentioned there are only 21ml, I like that. Plus I have to build up my limit on Coinbase, which takes time. I'm buying Litecoin to gain limit increase because Litecoin is fairly priced right now. Bitcoin is unfairly priced.
Carter Flores
jeez idk maybe ur not part of them?
William Stewart
normies don't come here
Joshua Allen
Let the normies hold xrp and fomo in way too late lmao
Gabriel Torres
Chainlink is alright I guess but you aren’t a genius if you hold it sorry.
Grayson Howard
Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear I thought that you'd want what I want Sorry, my dear! But where are the normies? Send in the normies
>t. never read the whitepaper, never tried the testnet
If you actually did these things you wouldn’t invest in Chainlink
Ayden Adams
Hey Brian, have you heard about the new decentralized oracle network that's set to revolutionize and monetize the API market by allowing smart contracts to communicate with information external from a blockchain?
No Bill, I have just a few questions for you:
What's decentralized mean? What's an oracle? What's an API? What's a smart contract? What's a blockchain? How is this any of this even useful?
Sorry Brian, no spoon feeding. Go spend a few hundred hours on Jow Forums lurking.
Easton Bell
fully automated cat piss sandwich dispenser, 5.
Angel Jenkins
>few hundred You're not going to make it, user
Luis Martinez
hits too close too home, many of us are lucky that we have an echo chamber constantly feeding us info. Others are not stupid they're just not exposed to these ideas yet and are busy with life
Link in itself isnt that hard to understand don't be deluded
Evan Baker
We're very fortunate, I agree.
Joshua Johnson
I work in IT been a web developper and mobile dev for 9 years....It took me 1 read through the white paper to just sell all my other shitcoins and all in into link.
But I understand how much efforts normies need to make to understand what it does. for me as a dev, I deal with decentralization, Apis etc. So its very easy to understand. But for non techies its really hard. But you guys need to trust us when we tell you that technically the chainl8nk team is ACTUALLY building a masterpiece, their code is highly modular, audited, test covered. They are truly building something even big companies cant do. The quality of this project is just amazing. AND YES! Chainlink IS literally the internet of blockchains. It lets blockchains communicate together through smart contracts, its fucking amazing.
Charles Jackson
Checked. So much link content on biz is just retarded fudders regurgitating stupid bullshit, it's nice to see sincere enthusiasm for a change.
Caleb White
Oh fuck.
I need to buy more link now.
Thomas Jenkins
some user made this like a few days ago, I think it can help brainlets understand
kys 'secret club' idiots. It's still a russian erc (5 clicks to make) give the creator 30% of the supply shitcoin with no actual product and a team that can't spell.
chain link is a marketing spam scam.. they've spammed biz with posts 24/7 for a whole year.. they reply to their own posts with vpn,s.. dirty russian scum.. furthermore no one gives a fuck about oracles.. there is no need for a token.. vitalik said it was overvalued at 32million
Colton Collins
>technically the chainl8nk team is ACTUALLY building a masterpiece Hit me with some of that technical shit senpai
Jayden Scott
6/10 FUD lol. I've been holding since last year. And even I thought about that one fot a sec. The VPNs lmao. Like fight club with brad pit. Maybe it was just all in my head all along. Maybe chainlink just manipulated us by self posting hundreds of threads
you can go check their code climate here: codeclimate.com/github/smartcontractkit/chainlink - 85% code coverage - just 66 code smells (they can fix them on time) - about 90 duplications the team keeps their code clean, the code is indeed well tested they have a technical debt of 1 month, which is good, they need to fix those small issues to have it all perfect. for example, I worked on a high end project in a big insurance company handling contracts and we had like 100k code smells with a technical debt of a year, a code coverage of only 60% and a fuckload of duplications in the 9k+
that's why its better to keep the team as small as possible, remember Price law, the square root of the number of people in a team do 50% or more of the work.
so if you actually know what you are doing, a team of 4 devs is as efficient if not better than a team of 16 devs.
also you have a better contorlk of the code with a smaller team of elites rather than a fuckload of pajeets who copy past code, and write it like shit because you yelled at them.
Aiden Ramirez
it's not that I don't think it's viable/useful technology, it's more that I think Sergey is incompetent and so is the entire staff over there and they will never finish this project
the idea itself is useful but Chainlink as a company will never finish the project
James Ward
>I'm not Jewish >rubs hands together in confusion
Noah Miller
Normies are still stuck in the payments bubble. They think the be all and end all of crypto is paying for stuff, they don’t understand that the true promise of bitcoin was the God protocol. It’s as simple as that. They will figure it out after the media starts reporting on the adoption of smart contracts.
its basically the technical debt. basically the system considers fixing those issues (code smells + other issues) would take 1 month, but it's just a value that just gives you an idea of your debt. in reality you could fix those in less time