It's over bois

This is how (((they))) kill bitcoin. There will be no global adoption of our coins because normies will never care about decentralisation

Attached: 43525262.jpg (300x300, 21K)

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Nobody uses faceberg anymore. This is their desperate attempt at staing relevant.

kek this.

no one care pajeet fuck off you and your shitty jew facebook

doesn't really matter if faceberg dies they will just buy the next upcoming thing just like they did with instagram

>creating a coin to scam pajeets
is zuck now /ourguy/?

Fuck off Fuckerberg. It's over.

>normies will never care about decentralisation
Is a contradiction to
>This is how (((they))) kill bitcoin
But yeah nice logic antisemite lol.

Normies will not care because it's too complicated.

This is what desperation of the big players looks like, they will all fomo in
actually almost everyone uses facebook

Attached: 1545176317869.png (600x535, 32K)

that just means everyone gets tracked by facebook due to embedded share buttons

All these "backed by US dollar" stablecoins. They're getting desperate, and neither real life normies nor Jow Forums brainlets understand the implications. Bitcoin is not related to this. MakerDAO/Dai is. If a truly decentralized stablecoin can maintain a dollar peg through non-dollar collateral, the fiat ponzi cannot force people into saving rates below inflation anymore. ETH crashed 95% and it still couldn't budge the Dai peg, and more collaterals are coming. This is their only play: they submerge the market with dollar-backed stablecoins from companies with clout to muddy the waters. You can't outlaw it and you can't even kill the people involved because the idea is out there, so it's going to happen no matter what. It's a fight for public perception.

you just agreed that everyone is using it after claiming nobody uses it... anyway is right, they can just buy off the next platform like instagram or whatsapp
I use facebook because I often have to as it's so ingrained into social culture these days; I hate it
>my grad school class uses private group to communicate so I'm forced to use it
>help out at my brother's local business that uses FB to make announcements/customer interaction; have to use it
>events on fb only place to find certain things going on around the city
>niche hobbyist groups I follow are more active on FB priv group than any subreddit or other forum
>people send msgs to my facebook as if it were my de facto email so if I don't check it I'm missing comms
>my band uses soundcloud/bandcamp/ig but still need a facebook to be tagged in event posts and certain outlets won't contact me anywhere else
so many more random times I'm basically forced to using facebook still

Fuck off, cunted bitch-nigger.

Preach it!

Attached: images (3).jpg (470x313, 16K)

lmao who cares about this shit
>hurr it's stable, minus the inflation, pay up goy

Yep I was looking for a thread on this. Stable coins are the ones that are unironically going to survive all of this, even though we hate it because we can’t make gains.

The #1 complaint about why people don’t actually spend crypto is because it’s too volatile. Well, imagine if USDC or FB Coin was accepted places. People would be more likely to buy and use it. And it’s still a crypto to normies because it’s a “coin”. Sure it’s not a true decentralized one, but nobody really cares except elitists.

Anyways, platform coins like ETH, EOS, etc aren’t even used for the dApps. Nobody cares about a gambling dApp or some shitty game. It’s fucking over. BTC will survive. ETH will too because of its name. XRP also will. Maybe a few others like XLM or something, but the stable coins will reign supreme. Then it’s just a matter of which one has more pull and can get more normies to use it. For now it could be facebook, but since Facebook may jump on the bandwagon, then so may other companies. Imagine Google has one. Then it’s really over.

Why doesn't he just use USDT, USDC or any other taiwanese scam like those?

what happens when the USD itself is unstable though. people won't want the paper nor the digital

>not just using a public coin with public consensus
Getting real tired of this stable coin meme. I blame the r*ddit cucks who loathe volatility and want "stability and regulation".

what here me out on this.... what about if we make a stable coin backed by BTC instead of USD?!?

they should just make a stable coin that is literally 1 sat. Exchanges can even mine it or something.

They are just late to payment processing and just shill buzzwords to catch up.
Apple pay and Google pay are way ahead.
I can buy groceries and clothes with them already.

>I use Facebook because I often have to.
You actually believe you have to use Facebook? I wish honestly that I could smash your stupid waste of a brain into mush.

F ace
B ook
I nternational

How deluded should someone be to believe this...

Its a joke - literally. Facebook Stablecoin would be nothing else than apple pay and google pay. what happens in the backend and if its not decentralized doesnt interest them. The shiny UX UI will be just 1 button to send. doesnt matter if its marketed as a stable coin or another one of the endless payment processors that literally dont differ at all

it wont matter, its a stablecoin. sure people might use it like venmo but they will still want to buy shitcoins to gamble and try to make more stablecoin or whatever

>Implying normies decide what becomes used or not
pic very related

Attached: henry-ford-if-i-asked-what-they-wanted-horses.jpg (500x293, 41K)

That was PRECISELY Blockstream's and Satoshi's Vision goal, to stall adoption until the big boys who are state friendly step up and catch up.
This is the biggest risk for permissionless decentralized money, they'll make it the most convenient, affordable, and tax cheap to use by lobbying with the government in exchange for designing it to be state-friendly Ripple-like and that will let them overtake the market and prevent coins which don't work with the government from gaining popularity.

Attached: 1_kp1ugKjgAXfx3K363TZTHg.png (723x953, 416K)

if a coin pegged to the USD remains stable, it loses value
easy to forget