They Want Me to Sell, Jow Forums

Pic related.

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Based kikes


i think we're gonna see a christmas miracle lads

short squeeze the non-whites

You'd better do it. The media only wants what's best for you. Look at how tolerant they were including that black hand too!

I just saw a similar article saying almost the same thing. I think that we might be bull guys

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Haha, how naive. As if I've ever paid any taxes on my crypto gains despite cashing out hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years.

Fuck you Uncle Sam

Based and checked. Tax cucks are pathetic.

Wtf I love media now.

>darkskinned hand

I think they're just telling readers to skip paying tax on crypto this year and rebut on Jan 1.
It's actually based af


inb4 violent moon on new years eve

But this resets your cost basis and you may end up much more fucked paying the short term rate on a larger gain when the golden bull run peaks in 2019.

The Jews want a cheap buy-in before the orchestrated, fabled golden bull run (FGBR) commences.

Why use a brown hand if most crypto holders are racist?

(((Inclusivity))) you have maybe 6 black people total in crypto not including those two black twins I see spammed here daily.

Also biz, don’t do this genuinely. You will have an offset of taxes but that will NOT outweigh the 35% capital gains tax when we sell at 100K in a few months. If you’ve held for a year, it’s only 10%. They are banking on tards doing this in hopes of huge tax bills and late penalties.

racist towards you cracka

this seems logical
not selling for tax losses thanks anons

not darkskinned, sir