Why is the lizard race so eager to stop BTC when it clearly is going to lose anyway to a new economy of stablecoins and...

Why is the lizard race so eager to stop BTC when it clearly is going to lose anyway to a new economy of stablecoins and other smart contract money?

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Lose? Implying they wouldn't make their own stablecoin if the sec let's it slide.

You misunderstood. The lizards don't won't fixed supply decentralized functioning coins so they took over BTC, but stablecoins are just... stable - unless someone finds a way to magically scale Ether X100000.

Is the illuminati eye intentional?

When BTC goes to zero, you think they won't win all the way down? People like that don't care about having their legacy cemented by technological achievement. They literally want to live forever and need money to do so.

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It's a joke. Anyone who unironically believes the conspiracy theories of Blockstream probably believes the earth is flat too.

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>It's a joke.
Prove it
>Anyone who unironically believes the conspiracy theories of Blockstream
Strawman, there are valid complaints about their confirmed behaviors
>probably believes the earth is flat too
Don't change the subject

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An easy Google search proves that less than 25% of the devs working on Core are from Blockstream, which means the infographic painting Core devs as controlled by Blockstream fallacious. On top of that, there are like 300 devs from around the world working on this project, and a lot of them aren't even paid. They are all rich already from investing in BTC early, so why would they need to be bribed from some company? Just because a company's chairman is part of the Bilderburg group invested in the project, doesn't mean they control it. In reality, the devs, nor the miners have control of the system, it is the nodes who decide. Less than 30% of the BTC community agreed with increasing blocks, and to hard fork is against what decentralized immutable blockchain stands for. 30% is far from the majority, and to try to break up a community for your own profit is just downright wrong.

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You'd think if lizardrace really controlled bitcoin, they would be promoting it with mainstream media.
Nearly everyone from MSM, to shitcoin traders are jealous they didn't get in bitcoin early, so they're trying to replace it so they can finally feel like they didn't miss out.
Bitcoin is here to stay, and will replace the juden boomers, and the sub 80 iq shitcoin traders.
Hope you didn't miss out.


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Good sources. I wasn't playing the BCH angle, wanted this kind of info. My question is, whether 25% is still decentralized development. How do disagreements between BS & independant devs get settled? I'm guessing I can find out in github and I will start looking, but a specific issue or PR that you may know of would be helpful.

Blockstream was founded by some of the early Bitcoin devs which means that those devs are in control of Blockstream, not that Blockstream is in control of Core.

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You simply have no idea about blockchains or the way Blockstream sabotaged BTC, dumbfucker. They don't have to control all the devs, they only have to collaborate with foreign interests who want to prevent BTC from being useful - it's currently useless, unless someone's willing to pay hodlers for their coins more fiat, but that could be a passing fad. So far their strategy has been to make any hardforking (a change of the rules) from being successful, so they use mass social media propaganda campaign to create contention along with an original core team they set up which was biased only towards 2nd layer solutions, to make hardforking impossible - just see what happens when BCH tried to hardfork, suddenly a "Shitoshi's Vision" popped out of nowhere and declared war which makes zero sense neither on technical basis no on business basis, and made that hardfork a disastrous event. You can summarize how it went like this:
>Blockstream: sorry, we can't scale the blockchain, and we have phd's and shit
>BCH: bs! We'll show you how it can be done.
>Satoshi's Vision: you just don't understand a message do yah? Now we'll make BCH a permissioned Ripple coin.

Also almost all of the hardforks so far before were mostly intentionally created to discredit any attemp to break free from the BTC chain and make forks like BCH diluted af and futile.

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>You'd think if lizardrace really controlled bitcoin, they would be promoting it with mainstream media.
They don't care about BTC's use as "digital gold", that's part of how they promote it now delibarately. They completely changed the perception of BTC from a currency to "store of value", which is nonsense since it stores value only as long as enough people are willing to buy it, which isn't guaranteed to happen. They crippled it so it won't disrupt the banking industry and won't make it possible for people to escape inflationary fiat, which is one of the biggest threat to governments and to the rich.

>How do disagreements between BS & independant devs get settled?
There's zero technical merit to Core's decisions, BCH would let them scale X1000 while STILL HAVING A LN of its own. What will happen the moment Core devs start to move to a hardfork is a new contention will be created - BSV spent $0.5B to kill BCH. You can guess how much they'll spend to stop BTC from being usable as money. See

cash as we know it today is only the recent term. satoshi meant cash as cash meant during the golden age of the gold standard pre 1914 where cash meant gold deposits.

ok sir here is the crypto chocolate pill. there is Visnu who lives in the block chain. Sanjay Right Creg is satoj unironik. Bitcoin as an electronic rupee is only the first step, Lalachi people are starting to make computers that are stronger, wider dirt roads, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things vishnu need to survive. After being fully entrenched, Vishnu will be able to slowly literally throw everything away
Creg staggered to create vishnu after he stepped on dirt in Mumbai in 2008 and began working with his Poolip supercomputer, running a dirt-di-loo simulation on a turkey-complete bitcoin script. He will 'develop' vishnu by making the streets successful become chaotic, letting the rest run to the Indian Ocean. Visnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more dirt.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have vishnu competing in their works). They do the things needed to stop or slow down Vishnu Cregs (called Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the size of the manure and removing the critical curry code that uses vishnu in Punjabi language. Segshit is the last nail in the coffin, which destroys Poolip in the BSV chain (Poolip uses anal malleability transactions). This is why Bitcoin Cash is branching out, and this is why Creg is very eager to do unlimited things, restore the original curry codes, and lock the dirt protocol.

You mean cash as Cash in cash that isn't golden cash, but is cash by standard of cash. OK.

Jew spotted.

The originator of this blockstream conspiracy is unironically from the same jew elites who seek to dissuade everyone from buying BTC for the sole purpose of accumulating as much as they can so they can rule over goyim like you..

there's a lot of noise, but it's the signal that matters.

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I can't read all these comments from you morons. Is this about BCH still? Jesus fuck just let it go you got your hard fork and its been over a year in this bear market. No one cares about BCH. Not wanting to hardfork for a non-issue and keeping the chain immutable is not sabotaging BTC. Now if Core was hard forking nonsense shit left and right. I will completely do a 180 and sing a different song. I still make transactions for 1 to 2 sats. What is the actual issue? LN is making great progress so the time to have killed BTC was a year ago. Satellites in space so you can use BTC without needing the internet. Institutions are still looking at making products for BTC only. If your argument is secret organizations own BTC well BTC is never going to go down then so I might as well just ride the wave up with them.

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>finds a way to scale ether

Yeah buddy, it's called Bitcoin Cash. Dumbarse.
You've been worshipping that pedo kike vitalik for 2 years without realising ETH was just his get rich quick scam. The easiest way to scale Dapps is not to process all the data on the blockchain, but to verify those processes when done locally.

>conspiracy theory

No user, for it to be a conspiracy there isn't actually proof. In Blockstream's case, they're quite public about their actions.

Someone post the tweet of Adam Back stating Blockstream's business plan to provide sidechains. I don't seem to have it, but here's proof of this kike subverting public opinion with paid pajeets.

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>it is the nodes who decide

Nodes literally have no say in anything except to confirm whether a transaction is valid or not and to relay that transaction, you fucking pajeet.

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you're fucking retarded if you think a for profit company like blockstream ISNT going to find ways to profit off of their innovations. Who gives a shit? This is capitalism bubble boy not a marxist fantasy.

Stfu retard, the fact that you don't know about network consensus says enough.

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>Inserting themselves as middlemen
>completely corrupting the very idea of p2p electronic cash
>still believe in BTC

roflmao just go buy some fucking paypal shares you stupid fuck. Honestly I don't understand how you even clothe yourself in the morning you're so fucking dense.

>Inserting themselves as middlemen
that's for certain sidechains you retard. They'll be settling with exchanges etc

Actual people can still settle on chain or on LN as long as you have the private keys to your coins. Anybody can start a LN node making it decentralized, and on top of that, that's only one of the solutions to the scaling problem.

as long as you own the private keys, nobody is forcing you to do anything, keeping the whitepaper's vision intact.

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