Why are we here Jow Forums? just to suffer?

why are we here Jow Forums? just to suffer?

Attached: wojak_in_bed.jpg (1200x1366, 136K)

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To defeat Jewry.

we built our own prison

We are already dead. We just don't know it.
Just market sold my 32k link and went on an online shopping spree. Can't take it any longer I need some fun I've been hodling for over a year.

life is suffering fren. happiness is a fleeting state. the twinkle of a star in the vast emptiness of space. your life is nothing but a patch of dark sky punctuated by a few blinking points.

You beautiful son of a bitch
What are we supposed to do?

Attached: gdxze8g1pmm11.png (650x773, 47K)

pretty much, as apart of the infinite you came to know yourself wthin limitations because the infinite uses limitations to experience well, limitations! infact your struggles define you, they are a good thing user in the most roundabout way be thankful for your suffering because without it you wouldn't exist

I highly doubt Link will ever become what it advertises itself as. Unless you believe all of crypto is dead, then you sold at the worst time. If Link is going to take off, 2019, 2020 are going to be the year we see it in the $1-$2+ range.

Because death might be worse


Maybe it's only speculation that brings the price up in the next few years, but if it actually has the advertised use case then it will unironically be the new eth

enjoy the ride fren. don't take life so seriously. ultimately none of it matters. you're only here for a handful of spins around the sun. do what you can to make things better for yourself and your loved ones. that's the best anyone can do.


here you go frend
have a read through.
its some very, very interesting stuff I assure you.

what'd you buy?

That just doesn't resonate with me. I have the potential to be alone for the rest of my life if I chose. I could also have a family and all that stuff.
By your moral compass, it would be more ethical for me NOT to bring a life into this topsy turvy oblivion of existense.
On the other hand, if I'm alone I have more potential to be of benefit to my species and to the world.

interpret what I said however you like fren. your ethics are your own. your loved ones are who you deem.

you sound like you should read what I posted that's an interesting mind trip fren


i'm here to laugh at bagholders

>laugh at bagholdres
>jews laugh at you for millennia
what did he mean by this lads

meh, i make more than the average jew

>make more than the average jew
>get shot from a paki/somali brought into the country by some other jew

The hate to kikes drove me here.
Now I want to be one of them.

I'll have a look

to beat the jew one must become the jew

Simple because we all want an easy way out.My desire is simple, I am not in it for lambos or expensive luxuries, I am on it because I can no longer do a full time job.We have seen coins going to the moon and may be if we are lucky can see that happen again.

I fuck your mommy pajeet

make others richer

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I keep dwelling on this thread: for some reason. I can't imagine being that young, and yet understand something like the aspects of Calculus. I'm barely even able to bring myself to focus and learn mathematics now. It's a mixture of frustration and sadness of wasting my life away. And yet, people like this get it somehow handed to them.

I don't want to be "here" just to go through some motions, then it's over. And yet, I'm never able to bring myself to follow through with anything.

And I fucked your mother along with your sisters boi

Your suffering is allowing your boss and shareholders to live a life of happiness and pleasure.

Keep working hard user

Attached: tmyk.png (277x182, 87K)

all around me are familiar faces

warn out places

warn out faces

getting early for their daily races

going nowhere

going nowhere

suffering is the sole origin of consciousness.

In other words you crypto fags are gambling.

normies dont use and will never use bitcoin as an actual payment method. The only real use shitcoins have is deep/dark web markets. None of which are going to implement the newest meme coin

thank you for this link

Blackpill: the bigger your ego, the more you suffer.

You don’t have to be grandiose to have a big ego. Feeling sorrow for yourself and saying “I am worthless” is just as egotistical as saying “I am amazing!” This is because you are self identifying with your ego, which is completely formed from external factors, and has nothing to do with your true self, which is pure awareness, or joy.

this is interesting

I've noticed I'm unhappy when I compare myself to some perfect ideal thinking I should be that and am embarrassed to be in a lower position.

The paradox is that you need that to some degree in order to progress. So maybe the ego just needs to be calibrated to move forward just enough but not overshoot

It's the opposite. Not having an ego is the same as drawing an identity from something that isn't sourced from yourself. Most often social constructs you want to abide by.

By gaining your own identity you actually gain ego and self-agency. Sick of the shaming/moralizing language of self-help. The point of this is to separate yourself fro external expectations, which is an antisocial act. You should be ok with it, as a monk is when he abandons society that nurtured him, making him a drain to it.

>Warn out