Is Apple actually failing?

Is Apple actually failing?

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why are there no laws against this???

Yes, because they started going along with the (((forced diversity))) thing

they have 250 billion in reserve cash

Why does it matter? Why is this a surprise or news? What’s up comes down. Wait for it to bottom out or what you think is the bottom and buy in big. They’ll be back on top again and you’ll have doubled your investment.

No. I'm buying plenty of Apple stock during this dip.

Also if this shit manages to slip below 100 somehow it’s very possible you may triple your money.

>Why are there no laws to protect people with billions of dollars, who have limitless resources to protect themselves?

what shitcoin is this?

it's just damn expensive. It was at 100 usd just lately. Some may remember my advice to short nvidia just lately.

Apple priced themselves out of the market this go around. They wanted to see how hard they could push China with their prices, and the Chinks finally told them to fuck off. Expect price drops or some serious changes the next gen of iDevices.

That’s an interesting thought. They may have fully expected this or at least knew it was a possibility but chose to see just how much people are willing to pay for one year

I think the latest stock Android is literally beating ios in terms of features now, all else equal. The seemless (((cloud))) storage, VR, and AI isn't something ios is keeping up with

it's a shit company that hires idiots, so why wouldn't it?

I think even th diehard Applefags have realised pathetic incremental updates with Tim Cook saying it's the "greatest iPhone EVER" is tiresome

Social darwinism

It's Donald

Die apple DIE

im waiting for 110 to buy in apple services are where the money coming from, fuck the phones.

check brk.b too good long term hold.

You like Marx thick beard against your anus don't you sissy?

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literally all of FAANG provides nothing of worth. at best they are luxury services/products, and at worst they are just ad companies that sell private data. they all fell hard for the SJW meme and started hiring retards because of the color of their skin. you can only make something so top heavy before it topples, and they all deserve to fall.

this, its just glorified ad revenue

Thanks Trump