Well biz?

well biz?

this is literally free money

Attached: bizness.png (1138x755, 546K)

Other urls found in this thread:


enjoy your 50 bucks a month for 40 hours per week work

@Konpaku Youmu

Aaanon, i-i, I just started osrs again. Wanna help a bizbro out ?

What game is this and how do I make bots for it?

Played the market, made much more then you ever will killing dks. I quit once my crypto stacks took off. Thanks to RuneScape I've paid off college and covered my rental for 4 years. Still money left in the bank.

RS can take you places releasing you from neetdom thanks to crypto bulls, believe me.

post name, will get back to you after christmas dinner with the senpai

learned about bitcoin back in 2011 on DI-rs boards lol never bought into it. such a fucking regret.

Most gold sellers preferred Bitcoin over PayPal even early on, glad I went with the group think and kept 10% of gains. Round 3 coming up tho. Maybe I'll be made made.

>playing legitly
I paid for college by goldfarming
I was also partly paid in Bitcoin, which I multiplied through shitcoins then sold at ~13.5k

Attached: Overlay_Canvas_2015-11-06_21-26-32.png (1038x737, 573K)


Been playing for a week, I'll even let you shill me bags.

Same, people were buying party hats with it, I ended up selling my party hat for some other stupid kids game items though. What could have been

i too had bots running lol. early on had 10 nature rune bots running making some decent coin a day.
added you, when i see u on ill msg u


top kek are u even making minimum wage?

He's getting more than 1m/h there's better methods to grind that pull 20m/h like Revs or merchanting.

>he doesn't play ultimate ironman
kys normalfag

Attached: brapppp.png (1144x754, 681K)

>unironically playing ez ironman
for what purpose?

it's not passive unless you're botting

>he doesn't pk with Jaja in rag and stake/sell his pk loots

Attached: iwanna.png (811x530, 158K)

not everyone here is a pajeet

you don't have fremmy elite, that could be an extra 12k/kill. You could be up 100m if you had it based on your kc

>Only killing Rex
Never going to make it, noob ass

>Acting as if 70mil is anything in OSRS
user I....

Because dags are low level content that make no money.
Real smarties grind araxxor or vindicta.

revs is not 20m/hr

Reminder that Dragon Hunter Crossbows were unironically a better investment than every cryptocurrency in the last 12 months.



It is on 4 1750 total rev pures at once.

look at the date and at particular UI elements

>day job
>passive income

Attached: brainlet381.jpg (1462x2046, 121K)