
Attached: Screenshot_20181224-141457_Twitter.jpg (1440x1632, 622K)

heh not scary at all

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Peter's Chart...

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>Market sell-off=Depression

Fucking retarded logic
The Dow plunged 22% in one day in 1987 and a mild recession followed three years later

>Peter the deleter
Haha. What a fuckboy.

Smells like boomer cope... Merry Xmas bois... Call me when the bear run is over.

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that's nothing. try 95% down from initial. thanks REQ

Nah I don't care about any of that. Peter just regularly puts out multiple tweets to determine multiple possible directions of a single stock or market and once one direction was hit he deletes the other tweets to make his paid group look like it'd be worth entering because he's always right.


also- i am so hard

die boomers die

Stock boomers here were very mean to me when I showed the similarities a few weeks ago! Ha! Cucks!

Jews cant crash the economy quick enough now that trump is going for israel, KEK

How fucked is trump if the market drop 80%
Will americans drag him out into the streets

All you had to do is listen!

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his supporters will scream "4d chess" while starving like homeless dogs

Civil war.

you'll be starving too libcuck and that's worth it in the end

Why would you be scared? Go balls in when it crashes and be fucking rich when it recovers. This is a good thing and an exciting time why are fags tripn?

I hope it does drop 80%, time to buy the dip.

>recession hits
>discount prices on property and used vehicles
>even bigger discounts on guns as people liquidate their collections to pay bills
can't wait. used vehicle prices have been pretty retarded lately.

WTF boomerbros you told me bitcoin is a scam and stocks are safe!!!

Oh shit. Please let this happen

>implying it will ever recover

I dont know if you noticed, but the moral decay, lowering IQ's and, nihlistic, hedonistic culture of ours will prevent growth from ever returning at the levels seen in the 20th century. We are witnessing the collapse of civilization.

>we are witnessing the collapse of civilization.
Then there's really no reason not to go all in.

It always crashes and it always recovers. This is your guaranteed chance to be rich if you have the funds available to you to buy in.

Kek your statement about to current civilization is right, but your economic outcome is wrong.

We are already hyper consumers but it will get a lot worst due better marketing based on AI.

This is good for investors