What am I doing wrong in my pitch? I just need $5,000 more to bring my product to market

What am I doing wrong in my pitch? I just need $5,000 more to bring my product to market.

Pitch: trello.com/b/HYgB1Z7i/company-briefing

Happy holidays everyone!

Attached: Infographic-The-Formula-Startups-Use-to-Make-Billions.jpg (1280x1038, 265K)

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I would invest but I'm poor OP :(

Bump for OP.


Not enough mention of your kneepad work as collateral. EZ

Pic of competitor.

Attached: 11_3.jpg (1001x1001, 162K)

I've raised $40,000 so far and have a working prototype. Please only constructive criticism and not trolling..

Bump for OP. You'll get the money bro.

Bump for OP. I like your idea.

get off your damn phone, OP
You're not fooling anyone

Why is it so hard to get advice from rich people? You would think they would be willing to help after everything they went through to get to the top.


Just desperately trying to get some damn feedback...

glove with LEDs bro is back again?

How new are you?

The fuk is that supposed to mean you little bitch? What are you doing with your life other than shitposting all day? Where's your biz? I have $40k in my shit. What do you have?

Yeah... Surprised you remember me.

Pretty new.. I guess that's obvious. I'm just trying to learn but nobody seems to give a shit. I'm able to get a lot of rich people on Instagram to hear me out though.

that one give me the impression it might be you Did you had your threads in regular for some times in 2016 or early 2017?
Can't really remember.

How can it be that nothing really happens since then?
And how didn't you raise 5k in 1-2 years by yourself?

I don't think it was that long ago. I kinda stopped raising funds and was focusing on my prototype. I was slacking.

I would post rarely about my company.

>investing in anyone who browses Jow Forums

LED glove user is back

I'm more looking for feedback.

Yes, yes, hail LED glove bro user, now give me some damn feedback on my pitch.


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Yeah I spotted that in the investment plan too.
Anyways mate, if you want to make it with these glow glove things you should reconsider a different light layout rather then doing what a competitor did and "enhancing" it.

If you realllllly want to make some serious bank, make it so when you move your hands in certain ways, the gloves can read that and initiate another program.
Then sell to airports for traffic controllers. Instead of holding their little light sticks it's their hands that light up. Cranes often need someone on the ground to see what's happening with the load. Why not have that guy wear a pair of your gloves and as he does hand signals the colours change making it easier for the operators to see what's happening or where to go.
Heavy machinery often uses spotters and if these guys had lit gloves they could signal operators different commands.
You could sell to road workers/flagging companies and when they need traffic to stop their gloves turn red. Traffic to move the gloves go green.
Think about safety options this could add in many industries rather then a bunch of Gogo dancers on a stage dancing for minimum wage whacked out of their minds on mdma.

Your too narrow minded.
You basically took someone else's idea and "improved" it.
Why not steal someone's idea and make it so regulators REQUIRE the use of these gloves.
That's why you can't get people to invest, you just sugarcoated someone else's idea.

yeah just memeing

overall it looks pretty good
you're making something a lot more convenient that what's already available
prices are 3x higher than most on the market but by the looks of what you are offering in a single product seems worth it if you're going to be doing a lot with them
the app looks well designed and easy to use

you've clearly put in a lot of effort into this and have done well

The proper term in english when referring to someone who's gender is unspecified is "he". Anyone saying "her" is intentionally violating the rules of english to make a point.

What is this >her thing your talking about? Also our gloves can already do everything your talking about. Thanks for your input.

Thank you! I really have. There the perfect loving product.

Where did I say her in my pitch?

Did you even fucking read the picture you posted

Briefly, I just quickly picked one..

Also there price is about average of the current premium glovesets on the market.

Saging a garbage thread.

Well based on what I read on that link you posted your gloves certainly cannot do that. All you have are lights on the fingers. You need fully lit hands you fucking ignorant piece of shit.
Jesus fuck now it's blatantly obvious why nobody wants to invest in your literally stolen idea that already has patents that you couldn't even afford to file for.
Don't bother attempting kickstarter as I'll be writing them a very well worded letter why to not allow your garbage on their site.

I'll also be forwarding your "prototype" link to your competitor and they'll surely patent what you have described in that horrendous media package.

Wipe the link if you like i already have your garbage saved and will send that along to your "competitors"

Glad you just wasted years of your life on this only for it to be used by someone else that actually already produces gloves.

I read your package and very well cause it looks like a 10 year old put it together.
When your company is worth "40k cause I invested that much" has competition that already does millions in sales that dosent make you competitive.
Ignorant fucktard enjoy wasting time.

It's not on there but it can do what your saying, relax. Stolen idea? You ever heard of innovating an existing market?

Also everything is already patented. Your a pretty pathetic person to get this mad. Seriously who would do what your saying, are you 5?

I'm not even the owner of this company either.

Seriously? What's wrong with you? I've never seen someone get this butthurt.

Bro, I'm a smart man cause I like to think I am :)
I've blacklisted and had many people fired for even smaller shit. It's all about respect and you start fluffing your mouth off "durrr I can already do it" then you reply saying you need to make modifications for that to be done.

Your literally just doing what someone else has done.
You know what nobody else has done with these gloves? made them useful in ANOTHER industry.

Better get to work then beg for money cause your windows are closing fast.

Lol well amigo you should start looking for a job cause your a shit salesman and whoever owns "your" company is going to give you the boot

Well if your a smart help me!! Is my pitch really that bad?!! Does it seriously look like a 10 year old put it together? Wtf.. Do I need infographs explaining everything?

Your idea is interesting and noted but do you really think I can make a lot of money doing what your saying? If you do I will try it. I'm just looking for feedback, your kind of hostile but hell at least your giving me feedback and I do appreciate it.

Help me out bro, please. I apologize if I offended you. Your kind of a dick but most smart business people are so please offer me advice on my pitch if your as smart as you say you are. Btw what do you do?

It's Christmas throw me a bone smart business man. Don't try to ruin everything I have going. Where both /b/ros here.

Sending you a message now, OP

Sending you an email OP, calm down.

Thank you

Make a sto,ie. tokenized shares. It's 100% legal as long as you sell to accredited investors, no bureaucracy needed at all.
How to verify the status? Require a signed message from an eth and/or btc address that's worth at least $1M. Obviously any assets worth $1M are fine, but others require paperwork.
You only have to lock the tokens for 6 months after the sale (ie. investors can't move them). Afterwards, what they do with them is their business.

Have you sent it yet?

Are you the guy that chewed me out above? I'm not too familiar with what you're talking about but thank you. I will save your post and look into everything your saying.

no one cares about your boring project lol

back to the office wagecuck

No I'm not.
It's best to use a crypto friendly state like Delaware

Where did you go? Never got an email?

All the money is in safety bullshit.
Create a concept for these gloves along with a vest that lights up and coordinates with the gloves.
Approach your city and offer them your product for literally cost so they can try it out for a year or so.
Eventually city makes it standard that your product is used for anything that involves them.

Loads of exposure, contractors are required to purchase your equipment if they want to operate in your county.

As you get results and feedback you make your product increasingly better allowing you to enter other areas of the market.
Keep working at it and eventually it's regulated that people must purchase your product if they want to keep their long term business running. If your passionate about it the sky is your limit.

Look, if I wanted to create my own line of gloves like this I could easily reach out to the biggest company and pay them to do me a run of the gloves with my catchy brand name on it and make my own app.

You haven't described anything in that media package that your competitors couldn't achieve with slight modifications to an already on the shelf product.

I didn't offer to email you.
Are you colour blind? look at the post and there's a coloured id. Along with numbers to show if it's the same user.

Look dude, I'm not going to hold your hand but what I've said should be enough for you to start considering other directions.
Sure your product is better then the competitor, but that's in your eyes.
You need a different share of the market.
Why not create straps that can go on your shoes to add to the effect.


the email was from me, and I have sent it.

Check it again.

Sorry, thought you changed ids. Your ideas are great thank you so much!! You have been very helpful and I never would have thought of what you have mentioned. Send me your email so I can give you a 5% cut if I ever get rich off your idea.

Bro, jesus christ. It's great that you're trying i guess but god damn that site is bad. And your projections wtf

This guy gets it

Fuck no bro i don't want any part of this.

I do hope it works out for you.

It's called a media package you pleb.

>implying any investor will invest at all with someone with no entrepreneurial experience, let alone for 10% of a non-existent company

women don't invest silly

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I wonder how investors make sure that they don't give money for nothing in return.

Lol, alright. Thanks for your help though. I like brutal criticism. I'm inexperienced but I'm building a team of the best around me and I'm learning fast. I have a top-notch product design team, they can build just about anything, my designer is building up a million worth of on one of his latest products he created, he's pretty well off and probably has $20k in work or cash into this, he's very smart and I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't had made millions off of his products, he's always traveling around the world and he said he has a lot of houses all around the world, I would imagine he's doing pretty well if he owns houses in different countries he's only visiting for a week or two a year. Hopefully, he's right about our gloves. Where I'm lacking is advertising and marketing. I'm so clueless here.

You seem pretty smart and your idea was pretty well articulated for just being off the top of your head. Can you join my team as an advisor and help me create a pitch to get the funds I need to finish these damn gloves? I know you think it's not the best idea and I get it our competitor can just release a new light and beat us but there's a reason that won't happen, he won't beat us in this area ever. If we can stay on top we can be making $30 million a year like he is, people will buy the best product, people a spend on average like 8 hours researching and shopping for one single product they're going to buy, maybe I haven't explained it very well but I promise we are 20x better than anything out there. We can take his crown. If we have the best products it will work.


Also, I have an LED mask I'm creating, I forgot to mention I'm also the creator of LED masks, this trend is now a multi-million dollar a year industry countless companies have sprung from my idea. My masks are even controllable using your gloves, you can program each of the 42 LEDs individually to do whatever you want and create sequences, you can even copy and past parts of the sequences like segments of code on the app, you can also share these sequences or segments with friends. We also have our LED rings and sticks that are individually programmable and controllable from your gloves. I'm innovating and shaking this industry up.

Here is a video of my light show mask that sparked the LED mask industry probably worth over $10,000,000 a year, and they have been featured in many movies like The Purge and music videos by famous artists like Eminem.

Link: youtu.be/kRUHLabE1zw

hes a sadist

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First of all, don't come to Jow Forums for advice because everyone here is a retard LARPing that they make more than minimum wage.
That being said, I really don't like your idea.
The thing is selling for like $150 right?
I get that it's got a lot of features, but it seems like such a silly niche market and I feel a "glover" would be the type of person that just gets whatever is cheapest. And if it ever blows up like fidget spinners, you're likely to get undercut by cheap chinese knockoffs at 1/10th of the price.
You're asking for investors to take a huge risk on a market they don't understand when you haven't even sold a single one of these things.
You should really look into something like GoFundMe or hustling/getting "influencers" to shill small alpha batches and prove you can move this, BEFORE you start asking for investors money.

She got the money from divorce raping her husband.

I've been noticing this lately. Online articles and other shit referring to unspecified doctors and professors as "her"