Capitalism is flawed it needs heavy regulation and enables negative emotions such as envy and greed...

>Capitalism is flawed it needs heavy regulation and enables negative emotions such as envy and greed. >Capitalism is the jewish trick that can leave an entire nation deprived in a matter of decades.
Prove me wrong

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capitalism works best without regulation. Read a book some time nigger

>>capitalism works best without regulation. Read a book some time nigger
>it's open season goys!

>capitalism works best without regulation
Yeah, so does ponzi schemes, fucking brainlet. You're what's wrong with this country.
>read a book some time nigger
What book?

some regulation is needed to help prevent monopolies and prevent things that are side effects like environmental harm, but to say its flawed is a strawman since every economic system is flawed in someway or another

Capitalism needs only minor regulation to function. High regulation leads to crony capitalism where big companies regulate new competitors out of the market by forcing them to jump through hoops to start their businesses which they themselves never had to deal with. Regulations are needed however to prevent things like parents selling their children to companies as part time slaves.

when claiming one element of a group is flawed, when actually all elements of that group all are flawed "in someway or another" doesn't make my argument a strawman.

Greed is a constant in human interactions, it's not something you can control or regulate

With capitalism interactions are voluntarily, meaning that greed is often irrelevant due to the need to appeal to a consumer; greed is a largely irrelevant factor if businesses still need to win you over for your money.

When you take people's property and income by force, you facilitate and reward an evil elite by supplying them with wealth and power they didn't earn.

> any system in place will be manipulated by envy and greed
> capitalism is just the tool being presently used by a class of social apex predators who will always be there to prey on the stupid, the weak, and blind idealists, in order to consolidate power and hoard material wealth
> changing the system will result in a lot of death for no real escape from this fact, just the murder of millions of poor and middle class people
You're a useful idiot OP - nothing you have to say is unique or profound and the only benefit to switching to something else means it would probably result in your death along the way as one of the poor or middle class persons as described above.

capitalism is the best method we have for fairly pricing millions of goods on the market. the only aspect that is fundamentally flawed in capitalism is the stock market. everything else can be fixed with regulations in the right places

Your argument is a strawman because you don't supply any arguments, just insults

switching to something else is your probable death along the way*

so essentially you're saying if the set of rules to a capitalist market was to never change, and if those rules were to only include restriction of immoral dogma, it would make capitalism a sound economic system?
That sounds like an array of problems could unfold, considering if you take into the fact that society constantly advances every fucking day.

>Greed is a constant
>it's not something you can control
What is a DIET, faggot.
>When you take people's property and income by force, you facilitate and reward an evil elite by supplying them with wealth and power they didn't earn
I'm pretty sure the "evil elite" can access unearned wealth and power by force in any economic system.
Weak argument

I never said anything about switching systems, you reaching brainlet. KYS

When and to whom did I insult in my initial claim? Are you schiz?

You can't eliminate greed though, it's always something that exists. A socialist country still has greed, even if it revolves around hoarding limited supplies and resources you have because your economy is poor (Venezuela).

Capitalism has a "diet", because a greedy business does not survive if they have no ability to provide quality services and products; a business does not exist long term on "junk food", e.g. scamming customers.

Making allegations that capitalism is a "jewish trick" that "deprives nations" is not an argument. Equally, I can make the exact same argument about Jewish Communists.

Correct about Capitalism.

However, I know casual anti-semitism is par for the course on this site but I just want to state for clarity: anyone who really believes that the world is controlled by a single secret cabal (of any kind) is *never* going to make it. The problem isn't that it's "mean" or "hateful" but more that it's a way for small-minded, fearful people to believe that there's actually order and purpose to what happens to them rather than it just being a feature of total chaos, unpredictable group behavior, or--- even worse--- their own or their leaders' fault. Honestly it has little difference from religion--- a bluepilled way people attribute unjust chaos to omniscient, omnipotent forces.

Nature and society is mostly unjust and meaningless but people want to believe there is a group of people to blame. This is a fact that has been well-leveraged against the dumb hordes. Smart tyrants blame invisible forces to consolidate power in plain sight. Not just with Jews, but with many groups. It's also interesting to me how often on this board the Jews are variably blamed both for Capitalism and Marxism--- or pretty much for anything that some user wants to paint as a conspiracy so when their sad life is out of control they can act like they have the answer.

Capitalism is collectively caused by capitalists, i.e. people who systematically seek profit by extracting surplus value from their human laborers. Collectively, it creates a culture that organizes life, meaning, and cognition itself that allows us to imagine no other way. You will never be able to end it if you can't properly diagnose its causes and manifestations.

Its a sounder economic system than whatever you are pitching.

? wait, how old are you to invest on ponzies?

i mean, if they are sub 80iq it should be LEGAL to steall from them, its nature and evolution.

Capitalism -aside from the extent to which it actually exists within certain sectors of the black market- is just a meme.



Prove me wrong.

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The government is a bigger ponzi scheme than any scam a free market could create.

>create a ponzi scheme to protect you from a ponzi scheme

Imagine how much wealth has been lost over the past hundred years because of our governments

capitalism and communism are both sides of the same coin. No system is perfect

What about the PPT?

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