Angel Versetti threatens to sue Jow Forums anons

>mfw Angel admits to being on vietnamese basket weaving forum.
> mfw Angel threatens to sue people asking about bundle data
> mfw he uses lawyers to combat criticism
> God damn that man is pathetic

"I hope that all the nonsensical claims remain confined to the anonymity of Jow Forums, because I dare any of those lowlives on Jow Forums to make any of their claims in public, revealing their identity.

Guess what? They won't, because they know my lawyers will be after them with defamation lawsuit."

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What an absolute faggot

Y'know.. when someone spreads lies or rumours about me or my business I do
Not defend myself.
When someone actually has credible information regarding mistake etc. That's when I get defensive.


Someone tell Craig, can we get a shitcoin / shitcoin throw down?

>we are reaching incompetence and failure levels never before known to man

Yeah but where are the lies in this case? In the context of the comment he refers to people feeling uneasy about the fact "The team" keeps pushing the update and not revealing any numbers and putting out fake partnership announcements. In this case its not defensive, its evasive banning people for asking questions and being skeptical about the project and its doings.

>some fucking cringe shitcoin nobody cares about
imagine actually giving your money away to buy this



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kek, I fucking love the cryptosphere

Hm. My bags get heavier by the day, but I told myself not to sell any until March 2020

Fatsetti is mad because he can't put the ho-ho's down

Be careful what you write he might get mad track your ip down and try to sue you.

Remember this post whenever you see some retard endlessly defending AMB or shilling it on here.

It could be the man himself and probably is.

Here’s your cryptosphere.

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Good luck faggot I'm behind 1000 Vpns

Isnt the whole point of a blockchain based startup transparency? With bundles being a key part of Ambrosus network shouldn't they want to have them released so they cant be altered by centralized part.
> This dude just keep shitting the bed again and again

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lol so much obsession over AMB and their CEO who was deported from England and Saudi Arabia.

I dare you to make this claim in public, revealing your identity.

i bet angel fucks kids

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It‘s beautiful

angel versetti was the same retard, that was fudding modum through his official account

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What the fuck is he supposed to do? Its not defamatory to critique a company, yet again he is bluffing behind more bullshit hoping no one will challenge him just like with the partnerships.

Also just noticed user: "Hrklt" that seems to be working for Ambrosus has his entire profile filled with comments linking to porn videos

The only thing I loathe more than questions or eye contact, is being threatened.

>Guess what? They won't, because they know my lawyers will be after them with defamation lawsuit
How the fuck should anyone know this? It's hardly "common knowledge", even on reddit.

lowlives lol

>a ponzi coin CEO obsesses over what autists post on a cartoon discussion page rather than working

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> I got nothing to hide
Gets upset when people try to find out what he is hiding

Point at the shitcoin and laugh

lol its christmas maybe he is taking his time off

>>some fucking cringe shitcoin nobody cares about
>>imagine actually giving your money away to buy this

imagine actually giving your *time* away to fud this

I imagine those fags are reading this thread because shilling on Jow Forums is literally their marketing strategy

I suspect AMB is a front for human trafficking

Buying 100k

>Angel Versetti
literally who?

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The guy has been on Wall Street Journal and Forbes. Recently spoke at the EU Parliament and United Nations. So he is a literal who only if you live in Shitting street in Punjab.

scamsetti is a faggot and his project will NEVER be adopted






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Lol this fud campaign is beginning to show its true potential. Annoy the community and team so much that they get mad and then use that as more fud, not a bad strategy. I'll give you guys that, still retarded shit compared to BearWolf.

>Source: google "Angel Versetti SSS

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It's the EXACT SAME TEAM too
>Source: Stefan Meyer PhD is part of failed startup "SSS" and exit scam
Remember when AMBlets kept arguing
>Vlad Trifa and Stefan Meyer would NEVER take part in a useless, scammy project
>encryption and transmission of data via ULTRASOUND

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Do not dox pajeet.

Honestly the best part about this fud is that it doesn't even get its own info right, both projects are blockchain related you literal brainlet, did you find that one image and look no further? Probably as much research as you've done on AMB itself.

Btw any anons that don't know whatsup with Ambrosus make sure to DYOR. And by that I don't mean ask someone in telegram or redditor or here for a summary, there is too much. Check out their medium and read their blog posts and make your own decisions.

lol you dumbass the company is operational. check your sources.

Operational because scamsetii said so? If he says jump do you ask how high?

No you can check Swiss business registries bucko I'm sure you don't even know what that is you little retard lol

No you dumb nigger, you can check the commercial register to verify the good standing of companies. That's how you can check that a business is legit in civilized countries.

no one cares about 4-5 employees.

> Small crypto projects decides to shill their token on Jow Forums biz.
> Some "investors" buy into the supply chain meme.
> Shittoken obivously crashes >95%.
> 4channers lose their money, are angry now
> They constantly open fud threads to relief their anger, shittalking the small project they put their money in.

Pretty much this?

Nope more like
>lots of scams and ICOs exit scamming in crypto
>Ambrosus plays the “legit game” by being an anti-hype company
>Doesn’t show bundle numbers after main-net is live for months now

“Investors” just want to know the most basic information to make an informed decision to buy or not.

Revealing bundles do not violate SEC/EU/Swiss rules of tokens being a security because bundle numbers change on a daily basis. But it does give a rough estimate of the health of the company

based and underrated

AbstractTornado is a paid REQ shill as well, I bet he's hired by Ambrosus as well

Hired by Ambrosus to spam the fuck out of Jow Forums with constant pajeet retard fud? Lol you are definitely right though AMB is such a scam, it's so obvious by the well researched fud in this thread that they do that and that they are paying them to make these absolute shit tier annoying threads. Look at this genius for instance now this is a smart man, you should 100% listen to him.

Fuck all of you so pathetically trying to fud this project, at this point I'm pretty positive you are bagholders too but I really fucking hope not I don't want you to profit off this at all just to scream in the wind like a bunch of fucking autists while you lose all your money. Fucking faggots.

Lol if they said any number of bundles you guys would just use it as fud, it doesn't even matter at this point. Now you just want them to release so you can validate yourself by getting under your skin. I hope you keep this up, it will make your fruitless efforts and time wasting much funnier when nothing comes of it lol most pathetic fud on Jow Forums by far

Fruitless you say? Angel is starting to crack under pressure. His house of cards is about to collapse

Ambrosus is the theranos of crypto

lmao I just read that deleted thread you are probably that Phrun retard and you got told the fuck off and called out immediately lol everyone knows what you are up to you little pea brain it's very annoying but just keep going I like knowing you are such a loveless loser that you have been spamming this shit all day on fucking Christmas Eve for NOTHING how much more pathetic can you get? No real life family? Do you hide yourself in your room screaming at strangers while the rest of your family has fun? No friends or anything? Lol nice knowing that this shit, which you pour so much time into will amount to nothing and you will be fucked like a retard. This isn't a guarantee btw, please ignore it and keep this shit up. But no more responses from me, back to hanging out with people that love me while I hold my comfy AMB bags lol kill yourself loser

whales are accumulating amb

Wow, this guy is making vet look like a powerhouse

ETH is touring complete. Building a supply chain tracking infrastructure on top of it is easier than starting a whole new blockchain.
You wouldn't raise $30 million however.

lmao threatening to sue for slander or defamation is peak pseud behavior

Why did you delete you rant lol???

seems like Angel has a very small penis
and it may be infected with herpes

Wtf abstract tornado isn’t that the shitbag from req?

Exactly. Everything that guy touches turns to shit and yet he is still eagerly defending it. Hahahahaha

>random internet guy directly affects the price and success of crypto startups
you are the most retarded person on Jow Forums lol you have no idea how an actual business works

sir Chadsetti, can you flashcrash amb-btc orderbook on binance to 170 sats to get my orders filled plz
I know that you are reading this thread
many thanks and bobs to you

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