Does Mr Trump have the balls to end the Fed? And what would actually happen if he announced such intentions?

Does Mr Trump have the balls to end the Fed? And what would actually happen if he announced such intentions?

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He'd promptly get JFK'd

That's was the last time someone stood up to the Fed.

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You gotta step into the mind of a braindead NPC to understand.
If Trump ended the FED, 99% of people would think he was doing the stupidest thing to ever be done by a president, they would revolt and call for his head
and even if the didnt, the media would spin that story.

Our truest battle isn't against the FED, its against the living DED.

If he actually announced it then people would lose their minds
they would chimp out
society would go into turmoil.

The madlad did it

(((they))) can't JFK him, he is too famous. (((They))) are panicking right meow.

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i aint clicking that fucking link that was obviously typed by hand
>with ubi
fuck off
ubi can fuck off.

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Sorry, but JFK was way more beloved than Trump can ever hope to be.

And that didn't stop them.

I wonder who could be behind this p...

*gets assassinated*

He doesn't need to end it outright, and he knows this. All he needs to do is enact legislation that will increase transparency of the Fed's actions. It's similar to the way he broadcasted his recent meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, which highlighted the fact that neither of them actually want to reach a compromise with the president. "Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants;" Schedule FULL audits on a regular basis. This way you are proposing a solution that is indisputably part of everyone's best interest. If transparency is enacted and the Fed survives, we are better off. If it fails, THEN he has just cause to step in and nationalize or otherwise deconstruct the entity.

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Yeah something like that is probably the best course of action short term.
In the end, the people need to wake the fuck up.
But until then, that measure seems reasonable.

Trump is way more loved.

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Only on Jow Forums, maybe.

Jews are going to try to kill him now for even talking about the Fed

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Have you ever been to a Trump rally? JFK didn't have rallies like that.

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Checked and agreed. The purpose of this measure is to find a chink in their armor and exploit it. Arguing for the privacy of an institution that sits at the heart of our financial system is an indefensible position. If an increase in transparency results in exposing bad behavior by the Fed, then it is justified in the eyes of the people. The more the media and establishment politicians lash out at the president, the more normies will wake up to what is going on. The more normies wake up, the more support the president will have from the people of this country.

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It's a game and we have to play it smartly.

He's fucking insane. The fed is supposed to be independent, he's stressing everyone the fuck out. He isn't going to get re elected.

who is the semen demon ?

I'm 50 years old and I'll tell you its insurmountable. People love their enslavement, and the people at the top will create wars that kill millions of innocent people to maintain it.

>JFK was way more beloved than Trump can ever hope to be.
Not true. I remember him as popular but not fill a stadium popular

Independent? You have the entire world yelling at them that interest rates are rising too fast and you want them to be independent?

(((You're))) exposed.

All trump has to do, is start supporting crypto’s over long term commitments. Eg, change The taxes of cryptos and make it companies can purchase goods with it. FED the true communists ! Of the capital world #

Miriam lemay

look at these deluded trumplets. Trying to compare an incredibly charismatic and popular politician (doing politics in the 60's) to contemporary politics and trumps freak show WWE style rallies.

is this a real tweet?

The conspiracy movement has gotten way bigger since those days. The people wouldn't stand a Trump assassination.

>The people wouldn't stand a Trump assassination.

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They were pretty happy to allow the govt to get away with the false flag that was 9/11.

Hey fucktard they wouldn’t have to do this if Trump wasn’t busy instituting retarded tax bills costing us billions and trillions and inflating the economy. It’s reactionary to the retardation which is out of their control, they’re just trying to mitigate the inevitable damage which if you haven’t noticed isn’t going to save us but at least it’ll be better than it would have. This board is filled with children with zero understanding of basic economics who are probably too young to vote but have retarded parents who preach MAGA to them. Fucking pathetic.

Intestinal fortitude aside, does the president have the authority to do away with the federal reserve? Even if he does, would an executive order suffice, or would congress have to approve?

I doubt seriously the percentage that would disapprove is 99%. There are way more than 1% who think the Fed is the root of all evil, right up there with the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Trilateral Commission, the Masons, the Learned Elders of Zion, etc.

sounds like youre still butthurt over 2016 elections. LOL

Trips and double dubs checked.

JFK didn't need rallies like that. Despite being Catholic, he was popular enough to defeat the sitting vice president in 1960.

of course.

FED is the US grip on the both domestic and homegrown goys.
Accumulating assets and commodities for toilet paper money.
Trump's isolationism is aiming at deconstruction of the US hegemony.
Ironically it may become less attractive to browns then.

times were very fucking different 17 years ago

make America Golden Age Again

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>And what would actually happen if he announced such intentions?
Mass panic on Wall Street.

I doubt you were even alive then. I was.
Media wasn't like it is today.
We had the news for about a half hour a day and no internet. POTUS wasn't a big part of our lives. Jackie Gleason was bigger

>The conspiracy movement has gotten way bigger since those days. The people wouldn't stand a Trump assassination.

the main problem for them is that the civil war in the government is pretty hot and you have a lot of the military on trumps side. if the deep state killed him youd start hearing stories on the news... "oh no, it looks like hillary clinton fell down some stairs and hit her head. shes dead now. oh wow dick cheneys heart finally gave out. ahh crap it looks like soros's helicopter went down this morning, his son was on board too golly." the people they'd use to carry out operations like assassinating a president are also being watched by people like themselves. its mutually assured destruction. the patriotic arm of the military has a list and theyre checking it twice. thats why they want to use the media to rile up some crazy lone wolf to kill the president instead of doing it JFK style.

>retarded tax bills costing us billions and trillions and inflating the economy.

Could a kind user breakdown this commie doublespeak for me?

he’s too incompetent to do anything like that

>He isn't going to get re elected.
Increasingly nervous.jpg

Nobody takes conspiracy tards seriously. Unless the assassin was a full blown paid killer with links directly to the reptilian elite and proof that it was an ordered killing nobody would give two fucks. Not enough to make anything actually happen anyway.

>kick out anybody that isn’t cheering

those things are just a bubble

Could He get get a constitutional amendment passed to run additional terms? Shouldn't He do what is necessary?

Based Legit Boomer. Has life gotten more complicated? I hear people saying that all the time, but is there truth to it?

if he did it tomorrow 50% would support it, 50% would hate it. We’re split down the middle at this point.

assuming this isn’t a larp, how common were conspiracy theories about jfk at the time?


If he ended the fed he would have nobody left to blame when the population realize this bubble has popped and we are in a recession. Even though the federal reserve is to blame, the world isn't fair and the president will always take the hit for the banking elite

Sounds like the end of the Roman Republic to me champ.

>stand up to the Fed
You mean curb massive inflation, which is what the Fed is actively doing?

The fed is necessary because deficit spending must be paid for somehow. Inflation tax is the way.
Before the fed can be ended we must end deficit spending.
We have deficit spending because the voters demand free shit. Honestly financially irresponsible people should not have the ability to vote.

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>We have deficit spending because the voters demand free shit
>voters demanded 10 trillions for Iraq war

they really wanted that 2 trillion that just went missing as well

Cryptocurrency is the only way out. Gold can't be used as a medium of exchange for large transactions because it's too heavy and governments can't be trusted to control their deficit (they have no incentive to, obviously).

Bitcoin is the answer

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>implying he's got the balls
Lmao he couldn't even deliver >muh wall

wtf is this pointless shit. just put bitcoin in it so it gets 2.5k views instead of 250?

Not defending Iraq war, but welfare programs cost MUCH more than defense and war. Ideally avoid both welfare and war.

Crypto wont work because it is not truly anonymous. It is practically impossible to avoid taxation. Death and taxes.

>It's practically impossible to avoid taxation
There are blockchains that are anonymous. But ring signatures and zk-snarks aside, you aren't supposed to avoid taxation. Even in a 'utopian' crypto-anarchist society you still have to pay for what you use (i.e. roads, healthcare, schooling, etc). Unfortunately there is simply no better trustless alternative at this point.

The problem with taxes is that I pay for things I don't use. Taxes are theft.

true, but crypto is still the best option at this point

If Trump were assassinated, the entire west coast would celebrate.

I agree, but that's a public policy issue, unrelated to currency

gold used to be vaulted. you would get these claim certificates that the bearer could redeem at the vaulting facility; THE BANK. title would transfer and physical gold needn't be moved. that's how we transitioned slowly to a paper fiat system.

it's fucking hysterical how many crypto lovers don't understand this basic part of history. even funnier is when you think that gold isn't fungible enough in the digital world.

the best part is you can have a gold backed crypto. but you guys literally cannot conceive of why a cryptographically enforced public ledger would be ideal for gold backing.

I can appreciate the fact that everyone can create their own form of cryptocurrency they think is good and over time the best ones win. Free market competition. Maybe there is hope for crypto. I have been too pessimistic.


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Why would there be no tax? Wouldn't there still be taxes for government services?

crypto can only ever operate as a shadow system because it isn't legal tender status. the state has a monopoly on force. and with that force they will decide what is or isn't legal tender.

and whatever crypto is legalized will be an invention of the state. nothing will change. deficits will increase. except now, the government can enforce negative interest rates because physical cash would be extinct.

the best physical asset that hold value anonymously is gold. 25 lbs of gold is $500 000 USD currently. you can hide that shit any where. and if you buy the right type of gold, there is no taxable event on its sale. there are many tax loopholes related to gold. i cbf to go through them all.

gold jewelry isn't for flamboyance. most countries have laws saying you don't need to declare your jewelry to the airport. if you can wear it, you can bring all over the world.

gold is the world money that the ruling elite brainwashed people to disdain. pic related. if gold is so useless why is it listed as the FIRST ASSET on the balance sheet of the ECB and FED? when the world gets tired of the US inflating to infinity, gold will again be recognized as the premier collateral. it may never circulate as currency ever again, but nations will settle their books on the basis of gold reserves.

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Pilled red is this one.

balanced budget should have been in the constitution to begin with desu

Sadly there are ways to break/change and circumvent the constitution. Freedom does not last if people do not defend it.

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LBJ physically threatened William McChesney Martin over interest rates. The independence of the Fed is kabuki theater.

Can someone explain to a brainlet what exactly abolishing the Fed would do?






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>muh gold
Alright boomer explain this; how are you going to check whether or not the bank has your 10 quadrillion kg of gold or whether they are reserve banking your ass again and thereby once again inflating the shit out of it?
You will have to trust them, or someone to verify this and be non-corruptible. And as we all know, people that are truly, 100% non-corruptible do not exist. Either money, violence, drugs or a combination of these 3 are enough to corrupt any person.

What you want/need is called zk starks. Zk snarks without the trusted setup. Unfortunately the technology isnt here yet. Expected to come out of development in 2020/2021 or something. (Zec is garbage, need to implement ^in monero and there you ll have your currency of the future. Anonymous, untrackable, immutable wealth). A global emp would fuck everyones shit up tho'(massive solar flare would do it).

the infograph is stupid. but there would be only tariffs and states would be the ones who tax and build things.

i just told you cryptohumpers that a crypto backed by gold would solve trust issues. but you're just too fucking dumb.

here's a crazy history fact for you: even during the gold standard era, bank runs still happened. no shit. because you need fractional reserve banking to allow for an increased money supply to fund new loans for capital investment. bad loans can be made under fiat or under gold.

go ahead a think about how a 100 percent guaranteed deflationary currency can will work with loans. btc would rise to an infinity valuation because absolutely no one would ever agree to any contract to loan their btc if they KNEW for certain that it would increase in purchasing power just by holding. a complete fixed currency supply would grind all credit creation to a halt. it's good fucking think gold supply only increases at a very low 2% percent per year.

you literally just said that an EMP would fuck shit up. then why hold a digital value token at all. you literally just made the case for a physical off grid asset; GOLD.

>a crypto backed by gold would solve trust issues
Genuine lol.
"It's backed by gold, it's completely trustless!"
"Who holds the gold?"
"This guy I trust"

just go into this guy's twitter and tell me he isn't Lucifer
his kind needs to be put to death already

you get 3 audit firms to independently verify all holdings. the world runs on trust you stupid fuck. you trust that the guy making your burger won't spit in it.

go ahead and refute the problems for credit creation with a deflationary currency. not cryptohumper has ever been able to give me a satisfactory answer.

remember who owns the most guns. the state. and if they say your lines of code are useless, you better damn well pay them in what they want.

>the world runs on trust you stupid fuck

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to expand on this, how does the current banking system work lol????

lemme write you this piece of paper. it says i'm good for xxxxx amount. if you go to this institution they can verify this is true. then they will send you the xxxxx amount to your institution of choice. actually, you can go to your institution and they will verify with my institution. so you don't even have to go to my institution physically.

your reply: lmao no. gib me line of code. i only trust da codo.

holy shit what an amazing process. you send your collateral to a trusted third party for holding. and you are able to transact. it's like magic or some shit.

go ahead and refute the problems for credit creation with a deflationary currency. no cryptohumper has ever been able to give me a satisfactory answer.

>crypto is deflationary

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lot of people hated JFK, and cheered when he was shot.

Assassination. Trump is in dangerous waters taking on the Fed, but if he wins and they don't just put in a another shill to reverse destroying the Fed: Legendary.

Trump doesnt even want to destroy the fed, he wants more fed and lower interest rates and more money printing.

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so you're telling me a fixed supply of btc isn't deflationary. because we all know that btc is the future. cryptohumpers just reply with meme images and with nothing of substantive refute. ti's typical. make my day. reply with a green text and image.

what's that? crypto isn't just btc? you mean you can just create more lines of code for more cryptos? so in fact there's no limit at all? so the only value is in a cryptographically verified distributed database? that's still quite useful. but it's not a currency.

go ahead post another brainlet meme. you're too dumb to make any cogent refute.

The Fed would literally end Trump before he could do it ala Kennedy. Also, he can't even do it without congress passing a law to do it.

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I refuted your point with a brainlet eating shit