Giving away free flower cards to shills

Reply with your ETH address & I'll send you a free card from our genesis flower pack

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Other urls found in this thread:

fk you nerds


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Please >_


grow them flowers..

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Sent :D
You already have two lol
One sec :D

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Just sent you one of my favorite commons, tis the season

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Its a scam you fucks. Go ahead and watch your eth go bye bye


Hook me up with a rare please senpai

You're welcome, merry xmas man

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A classic strain here my guy

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>Hook me up with a rare please senpai

We'll be doing rare giveaways in our discord this week, come by. Enjoy this Maui Wowie for now, one of my favorite strains irl

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i want more plants

yo senpai!

>i want more plants
Lol join our discord if you haven't yet

If you're worried about them stealing your funds, you could just make a new eth account with nothing in it, right?

>Missed ya, thanks for reminding, enjoy this Sour D

I'm sending people cards and fronting the gas fee for it, how is that a scam? lol if anything I'm losing money on this

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link it then


Cheers buddy

Thanks OP

Take it easy man :D

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Free shieeetttt. Gibs Gibs Gibs.
Better be a ultra rare legendary christmas extreme edition.
If you send something nice i'll send a "special" token back

btw. kek

jesus.... im higher than i thougt.

Thanks OP


Can’t wait for this game going to get so high and play all the time


>Free shieeetttt. Gibs Gibs Gibs.
>Better be a ultra rare legendary christmas extreme edition.
>If you send something nice i'll send a "special" token back

We'll be doing a rare christmas giveaway in the discord this week. Happy holidays!

Enjoy the shrub hehe

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Thx bro. Had a terrible evening. So could use a little luck :D

Well now you can get high off your own supply! The idea is that you can plant these cards in our MMORPG world and harvest them for real cannabis in the form of NUG token.

Also, merry christmas, I fucked up and accidentally sent you an unusual card

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Fuck yeah!

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I’ll gladly take a Genesis ;)
Thx Alot for doing this.
Merry Christmas

Awe, thank you man! Eth addy?


Hook it up OP
Merry xmas!

I don’t understand what’s happening here can someone spoon feed me?

Also what do I get for trips? :)


Eth is good for flower packs and virtual cats. Its over. Eth holders will never ever make it.

I don’t get it what are flowerpacks

Dubs should count for something as is Christmas. KEK


Hook me up with a rare for the holidays!! 0x7aAa1C7d5465e6eb3d1fe3712E5B92728595f14A



Whatever it is it would be appreciated lol Merry Christmas OP

> Dollar is good for magic cards and beanie babies. USD holders will never ever make it.

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>dubs should count for something as well
Sorry man, only taking trips haha, but join our discord if you want in our rare xmas giveaway

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Basically it’s kind of like shares but you get paid in weed

Checked and what does double trips get a guy?

Sounds a lil sketchy lol

Make it rain praise the lord!


Santa would be proud

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Holy fuck, double trips... That merits a rare – just sent it through.

>I don’t understand what’s happening here can someone spoon feed me?

Also, to answer your question, once we release the Alpha version of Flowerpatch, you will be able to plant & breed these Flower cards in our MMORPG world, and eventually harvest them for real cannabis with the help of a token we made called NUG. If you have more questions, feel free to join our discord :D

Have a lucky Christmas & take it easy man

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thanks dad

Damn, thats a clean double trips – enjoy this xmas pineapple xpress ;)

>Basically it’s kind of like shares but you get paid in weed
Not quite, we sell flower cards in our store, you plant & breed them in our game, and eventually harvest them for in-game items and a token called NUG which you can accumulate over time and cash out for real weed at partner dispensaries. Let me know if that makes sense

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Damn I was two off of trips

ty angel

Merry Christmas, this shits gonna be dope pun intended

Holy crap OP actually delivered. May your flowers be bountiful!

>thanks dad
Anything for you, son

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Whoops, I'm pretty stoned so I sent it to instead

Guess you both get one

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>ty angel
hmmmmm ;)

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i live in western slope CO, know of any dispensing places thatll take this

jk lol

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oh noes, not satan.. but a legendary bro?

You really should consider lowering your prices. I mean I guess if some ETH bagholder from early 2017 suddenly comes out of a coma they could shell out that kinda cash...but its $60k. For that price they could hire a team of devs in india to make a knockoff of your game and still have enough left for $50k of cocaine.

i love me sum blueberry, ty sweetie

Only 1 in existence, first card ever released from our genesis pack, and there are like 30 cheaper options, ranging all the way down to 0.009eth


I sent u a common, was just teasing, most likely won't give away anything better than an epic card. There are too few legendaries to give out, and they're very expensive

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>Only 1 in existence
Then make more than one

not doing red, blue, green? u messed up bra

Well anyways, good luck on your game and thanks for the freebie

Sent :)

you seem to have good ideas, join our discord

rgb for life

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may I get a Christmas present too, OP?

Thanks OP


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cheers man!

Merry christmas – hollup I'm loading up on more gas money

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Thank you :)

May I get something spicy?

>may I get a Christmas present too, OP?
Yes you may!

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>Thanks OP
You're welcome!

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Hmmm, how about a good ol' Maui Wowie?

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Just remembered
Link to first thread if anyone wants to see it



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looks promising, what can i do to receive a rare?

Ayye have an Agent Orange

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>Link to first thread if anyone wants to see it
Thanks for linking!

>looks promising, what can i do to receive a rare?
Thanks! Either get double trips or shill (have 10 people join our discord)

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What about getting 420?

Ohhhhhhh 1 off


thanks user this is cool

green crack would be dope u have it and its common

Merry Christmas

Thx fampai

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Merry Christmas flower user :)

>green crack would be dope u have it and its common
It's uncommon but green crack is one of my favorites so here u go

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