Z-zoomer bros...how can we fuck over the generation below us like the boomers fucked us over?
Z-zoomer bros...how can we fuck over the generation below us like the boomers fucked us over?
how can we sabotage our own generation? i hate zoomers
They’ll fuck themselves over if they get raised on the internet
Cryptocurrency unironically is the ideal instrument for that purpose.
buy out all of the linkies and sell them to our kids for twice the price we bought them for.
this. you either get in crypto and hope it takes off so you can sell them your bags, or you better hope you are inheriting a house to rent out the way boomrs did to you. if not then you're going to have no power whatsoever kek
There isn't going to be a generation after you.
Why do you think we originally named you Gen Z?
>Z-zoomer bros...how can we fuck over the generation below us like the boomers fucked us over?
First by stating what exactly you want to do. So you as a zoomer want to fuck over millennials? Easy as hell. Just crash the market when they are about to retire. You will be in your late working years, so you can still recover from it.
Vote Republican so they can short every social program
we are going to fuck our own generation, the 99% of zoomers arent aware of crypto and hasnt enought money to buy it, when they grow up they are going to fall in love with it, sold them 10000x of what you buy and get rich ez pz get fucked idiot
>vote republican so they can short every social program.
nigga, every dollar spent going into debt will be payed for by your kids.
Boomer here. Ok I don’t get this one. Your generation doesn’t remember anything prior to 2005 when high speed internet was taking off. How can 99% of your peers not know about crypto? Are you all that obsessed with Fartnight or something?
we all "know about" crypto but most don't care, don't know how to get it, or what the purpose of fake internet coins is
>doesn't know how stimulus spending works
You ever hear "gotta spend money to make money"? It's not just a retarded cliche.
Well first you should educate yourself a little more Timothy. There are multiple generations inbetween the two you mentioned. Also tossing water bottles, fidget spinners and saying shit like "muh dude" isn't going to help.
Let's just balloon the deficit up to 100 trillion than at this point, we will make it all back right?
The percentage of GDP to debt is growing larger and larger, the idea that social security, Medicaid and unemployment benefits are increasing GDP more then they are increasing debt is stupid, i'm not saying we should get rid of everything that doesn't ultimately increase GDP more then debt, but the idea that we aren't fucking over our kids with this massive debt is ridiculous. Hell if you take something like Universal health care into account you could see a net decrease in GDP because of the fact that the government is now bidding on medicine as a unit meaning less is made by developing drugs meaning that there is no profit motive to create drugs leading to less development.
> Zoomer
> Millenial
> thinking a generation let alone multiple generations are between these
Look if you like austerity measures so much go see how effective they've been in europe.
The original post only says zoomers and boomers. Also I forgot to additionally suggest cutting off your pony tail faggot. ...you guys are fucking screwed. Honest advice: listen more talk less.
>European governments drive up unsustainable debt.
>Has to resort to Austerity measures to control the debt.
>Obviously the problem is that they didn't keep spending more.
That me trying to help you though. Like all you need to do I guess is keep being the fuck boys you are. I could not possibly imagine a more inferior example to be set by human beings than what you got going on right now. So just keep it up.
We need to dump our bags on them, especially the women
thats not what that means you fucking idiot
>started forming my first memories at 3 back in ‘99
>still considered a zoomer
Yeah honestly. Crypto is designed to transfer wealth from boomers to zoomers. That is the true crypto red pill. Satoshi was a genius and saw how blue pilled and gay boomers were and he wanted to give their money to zoomers-- the most socially conservative generation.
more government interference, more surveillance, less freedom and privacy
oh wait, that's exactly what's happening
We may end up literally selling our bags to our parents, I wouldn't feel that bad about that to be honest. Many of our parents have lead us to ruin because they didn't realize with patch 2.2.1 "Womens rights/birth control" was basically a nerf to getting a job and being a decent member of society. The meta is different and boomers didn't live in a changing world so they gave us instructions based on what worked in the 1960s.
What we really need to do is dab on them
Ironically social programs cause poverty.
No-one in europe is doing austerity, their gov spending just increases all the time.
"Generation now I know my ABC's"
You'll have to resort to cannibalism.
The boomers got that way because they were grew up in "the boom" it wont be seen again unless there is a world war.
>smart post
>response is "what?"
leftists are truly husks of humans
Lets take womens voting rights away. The greatest boom ever will come.
This literally solves all problems.
whats below zoomers?
This but unironically